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Hwang Hyunjin smirked as he swaggered through the front door, surveying the filled living room. First week of high school and the parties have already begun. As the smell of alcohol, sweat, and bodies filled his senses, his red eyes fell on two young, human boys in the midst of partying.

One was talking to a boy who the black-haired vaguely recognized as the host of the party. The freckled boy laughed slightly at the other's joke, holding a red cup filled to the brim with the spiked punch that Hyunjin himself was slowly sipping from, given to him by a passing drunk chick who wanted his number. He gave her a fake number, of course, he didn't care much for girls. And not like the alcohol affected him, anyway. 

Back to the boy, he was the same age, same grade as Hyunjin, though a few months younger. The said boy's light magenta hair had the slightest hint of periwinkle that complimented his fair skin well. 

Hyunjin stared only for a moment longer before turning his head to the couch, where the other boy sat.

This boy wasn't dancing nor talking. Heck, it looked like he didn't want to be here at all. The brown-haired stared into space as kids and couples galore passed him, dancing, drinking, or making out. He was holding a red cup of his own. However, it didn't seem he was drinking it at all. It seemed as if the boy was forced here and lost his friends in the crowd. He was also in Hyunjin's grade, and also a few months younger than himself. 

The boy felt eyes on him, beginning to whip his head around for the source of the feeling. Hyunjin quickly looked away before the boy noticed him.

Hyunjin had had eyes on those two boys ever since he entered his new high school, JYP High. His parents had told him that he needed "experience" in a normal school, and that he needed a mate soon. So when school started, Hyunjin started looking around for an ideal person for him. Someone he would like. He wasn't gonna be cruel and just mate with a random guy against their will. No, he wanted someone good for him. And he was lucky, because in the first few days, his heart drew him to two people.


In case you can't tell, Hyunjin isn't human, but something else entirely. He's a divine, more specifically a demon.

Divines have been on the Earth much, much longer than humans. The serene angels, the mysterious demons, and the unique hybrids live among humans in secret, blending in with the crowd. They don't have wings, halos, tails, horns, or any flashy powers (though they have more strength along with invulnerability), but the only difference between the divine and the human is the eyes and the teeth. 

When not glamoured away into human colors, angels have irises of the purest gold, while demons have irises redder than blood, and hybrids have one gold, one red eye. Glamouring takes very little energy. However, bodily factors, such as sickness, being high or drunk, or emotional factors, can affect a divine's ability to glamour.

As for the teeth, all three divines have fangs, similar to vampires. When they find themselves the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend, or in divine terminology, a "mate", they "turn" the individual into a divine, thus bonding, taking a little bit of their blood and injected the divine's power into their veins. It doesn't matter the gender, the race, the sexuality, or anything in between. Once turned, the individual is now forever tied to the one who turned them, mates until death do them part. A divine can bond up to 2 individuals, and only pure divines (with absolutely no human blood) have fangs to be able to truly instate a mate bond.

If the individual is a human, they simply become the same divine as the one they're mated with, their human blood instilled with divinity. If it's a divine of the opposite kind, the divine becomes a hybrid, a blend of both sides. If it's a divine of the same kind, they simply just bond, and nothing changes. If it's a rare human-hybrid or human-angel or human-demon, where the individual if part human-part divine, their human side is washed away, either making the individual a hybrid or the same being as whoever they're mated with depending if it's half angel, demon, or hybrid. Here's a chart:

demon x demon = demon
demon x angel = hybrid
demon x hybrid = demon
demon x human = demon
demon x human-angel = demon
demon x human-demon = demon
demon x human-hybrid = demon

angel x angel = angel
angel x hybrid = angel
angel x human = angel
angel x human-angel = angel
angel x human-demon = hybrid
angel x human-hybrid = angel

hybrid x hybrid = hybrid
hybrid x human = hybrid
hybrid x human-angel = angel
hybrid x human-demon = demon
hybrid x human-hybrid = hybrid

Keep in mind that divine blood always overpowers human blood, hence why human-divines can't be made through mating. Also, if two divines mate each other, they both have to "turn" the other for the bond to instate.

The two groups have a slight grudge against each other, which goes very far back to ancient times. Up to now, it's no longer complete and utter hatred, but they're just uncomfortable with the other side, tending to stay with their own kind and not meddle with the other. Even that now is changing. The funny thing is that humans suspect their existence, yet it was still nothing but a myth to them in the clouds and beneath the ground. Some believe they exist, others don't, some despise them, while others would give up everything just to meet one.


Hyunjin himself knew that if a divine didn't have a mate by 18, aka the end of high school, their divine power would slowly fade away, turning themselves completely human by the time they're 21. Yes, they could be turned back, but it's considered shameful to allow your divinity to fade. He himself was a sophomore, so he had time, but he wanted to do this early, and age 15-18 is the best time to mate (and certain people were being annoying about it, but we don't talk about that). 

Hyunjin made his final decision, taking steps towards the couch. And besides, today is a new moon, where angels are at their weakest. 

But demons are at their most powerful.

And new moons mark the nights of sinners.

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