Half Moon

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It's the next day, and Seungmin just wanted to sleep. Math and Writing homework had kept him up for the last 4 days, only giving him about 5 hours of sleep a night, and for a growing sophomore, that most definitely not enough, and by today, the tiredness was getting to him.

"Hey pretty bo- oh. Are you...OK, Seungmin?" Hyunjin asked as Seungmin basically fell into his desk. No nicknames, just concern.

"I'm fine," Seungmin grumbled, voice muffled in his arms as his head was down on the desk.

"I was about to leave to get some coffee from the vending machine. I mean, its decaf, but the sugar may wake you up. Do you want me to get you one?"

Seungmin didn't respond. A few pokes and Hyunjin realized that the boy was completely asleep, a light snore emitting from the younger's pouted lips.

"I'll just get you some, anyway," Hyunjin said softly with a smile, getting up.

The 3-minute warning bell rang, and Seungmin jolted up.

"Ugh, I need sleep," Seungmin mumbled, rubbing his eyes. At that moment, he noticed, the bottle of decaf coffee on his desk, along with a sticky note.

A little pick me up for you, pretty boy ;)

Seungmin turned around, but Hyunjin was occupied in a conversation with his friend, Jongho, sitting a few desks behind.

Seungmin blushed when he realized that Hwang Hyunjin, who he is definitely, totally not starting to get attached to, just bought him a sugary drink to make sure he didn't fall asleep in class. Why did he have to be caring on top of being charming and hot?!?

With a mischievous smirk, Seungmin turned the sticky note over and left a new message on Hyunjin's desk.

Thanks, but stop with the nickname or maybe I'll give you one that's 10 times more annoying.

The bell rang, and Mr. Xu walked in. Hyunjin turned around and saw the note.

"You know I'm not gonna stop saying the truth, pretty boy," Hyunjin whispered to Seungmin, who blushed.

"Stop, Mr. Xu's teaching."

Of course, Seungmin fell asleep again, this time during lunch, so Hyunjin, Jisung, and Jisung's new friend, Felix, let him sleep, moving to another table to not bother him.

The angel had gradually warmed up to the demon. Though it was only a little bit, the pair were mildly acquainted now, mainly because Hyunjin hung out at their table and with them 24/7. Seungmin didn't mind, and now, Jisung didn't as much either. Jisung was surprised at how well he was getting along with Hyunjin, even though just 4 days ago he was plotting the demon's death. Sure, he had his doubts, and they bickered quite a bit, but at least the glaring had toned down.

At first, Lee Felix was very quiet, not joining in on their conversations nor engaging in any of their antics. He still is, but now he answers any questions they asked, and sometimes laughs whenever someone (mainly Jisung) says something funny.

Today, Felix was absentmindedly looking around the lunchroom. At one point, he thought he saw a familiar head of hair in the crowd. He quickly looked around in fear, but the person was gone.

"What's wrong Felix?" Hyunjin asked.

"Oh, uh, nothing, just thought I saw...someone," the boy said quietly.

"Felix, are you getting bullied?" Jisung asked, " 'Cause if you are, just tell me what they look like and I'll beat them up for you."

"Count me in," Hyunjin said.

"No, you're not welcome."

"Come on, any friend of yours is a friend of mine, and if he's getting bullied, imma slap some bitches." He cracked his knuckles for emphasis.

"Guys, it's fine, I'm not getting bullied," Felix said, letting out a breathy giggle that Jisung found adorable, "It's just...someone I used to know."

"Well if they're giving you a hard time, just call me and I'll help to take care of it," Jisung said, wrapping his arm around the freckled boy. Felix laughed before gently shrugging Jisung's hand off, getting up to throw away his trash. Jisung pouted.

"That's cute," Hyunjin said, "You two are cute."

"Don't you ever call me cute, Hwang."

"C'mon, it was!"

"Shut up!"

And when Felix came back, he was met with a faceful of bickering from the dysfunctional duo.

"So, today's Friday," Hyunjin said to Jisung as the pair were walking out to the bus (Seungmin takes the car, and he sometimes takes Jisung with him, but not today), "And I wanna take Seungmin somewhere today."

"Well, I don't know. Seungmin's been tired this entire week, so he's probably gonna crash in his bed first thing he gets home."

"I gave him some of the vending machine coffee in History."

"Well isn't that sweet," Jisung said exaggeratedly, "Date already you two."

"Working on it," Hyunjin laughed.

"Wait!" Hyunjin suddenly exclaimed, "I have an idea! How about we all go to the arcade and get to know each other better! You, me, Min, and that human guy, Felix. You know, the guy you've been hanging out with?"

"I mean, maybe," Jisung said as the duo entered the bus, his hazel-brown eyes lost in thought, "But you know that just because I'm being nice to you doesn't mean I exactly trust you still..."

"Hey! I thought we were friends! I am betrayed, Han Jisung," Hyunjin exclaimed.

Jisung sighed at the demon's antics, "Fine, I'll ask Felix if he wants to go, and you can ask your 'pretty boy.' When?"

"How about Sunday?"

Jisung shrugged. "Sure. What's with the flirty nickname, anyway? I'm pretty sure he's just annoyed by it."

Hyunjin shrugged, "It's just the truth."

Jisung sighed, "Whatever floats your boat."

The bus departed, and the boys sat in comfortable silence.

"By the way," Hyunjin said, "You and Felix look good together. Ask him out sometime."

"Hyunjin what the fuck!?"

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