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"You're in my class?!" Seungmin asked, surprised.

"Yep," Hyunjin said with a laugh, "Never noticed, pretty boy?"

"Nope," Seungmin said, plopping down into his desk, "I really don't have a need to look behind me. And," Seungmin looked at Hyunjin's face, "You're not usually early."

"Now you have a reason to look back, pretty boy. And I'm early because I wanted to see you," Hyunjin said with a wink.

Seungmin sighed, smacking Hyunjin's shoulder, making the said boy yelp in surprise.

As Seungmin took a closer look at Hyunjin, he realized that his eyes were now brown, unlike the red at Jisung's party.

"Hey, why are your eyes brown now? Weren't they red at the party?" Seungmin asked.

Hyunjin shrugged, but his eyes showed surprise, for some reason. "Oh, colored contacts. Yeah, I wore colored contacts to Jisung's party."

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin suspiciously for a second, then shrugged it off.

The 3-minute warning bell rang, and students who were lagging around in the halls began to pour in.

"So what classes do you have? Any afterschool things?" Hyunjin asked.

"Creative Writing, History, Choir, and Pre-AP Math. I'm in Writing Club, but that's it. You?"

"Math, History, Theatre, and English 2. I also take dance lessons."

"Why English?"

"So that I can communicate with people around the world. It'll probably help a lot later in life."

"That's nice."

"Alright class!" Mr. Xu said, "Let's start! Today..."

Seungmin groaned quietly, taking out his binder. Hyunjin laughed, and Seungmin himself let out a small chuckle.

At lunch, Seungmin sat at the usual table with Jisung. As he bit into his sandwich, Jisung came up to the table, lunch tray in hand. As the boy sat down, he asked, "So this Hyunjin dude, do you...you know...like him or anything?"

Seungmin almost choked, "W-what?! No way, he's just a friend! No, not even friend yet, an acquaintance! Why the hell did you think that!?" His face flushed.

"Nothing, nothing, ok then," Jisung said with a small laugh at his friend's flustered state, going back to his school food of chicken tenders and mashed potatoes, "I don't like the boy."


"Just...I don't. The vibes I get from him are...off, in a way, and I don't like it. Be careful."

Seungmin rolled his eyes playfully, "Such an overprotective friend."

Jisung said nothing.

"Oh, I just found out that Hyunjin sits behind me in History," Seungmin said nonchalantly.

Now it was Jisung turn to choke, "What?! How did you not notice?!"

"Don't know, I just don't look behind me," Seungmin said with a shrug, "And he's always there last minute, so..."

Jisung was about to respond when out of the blue, Seungmin was hit in the forehead with an empty milk carton.

"HEY!" Seungmin yelled, taking the carton and throwing it back, but behind him. He heard a faint "Ow!" resonate behind him. Turning around, Seungmin flushed when he realized he had hit Hyunjin, who was sitting a table behind him. Hyunjin's eyes flashed in anger for a second, then softened when he realized who it was.

"Sorry!" Seungmin said. He watched as Hyunjin sighed, picked up his tray and walked over to him. Jisung glared at the demon, but said nothing.

"Hey there, babe," Hyunjin said, putting his tray down (Jisung choked for a second time at the nickname), "Now why was I hit in the head with a milk carton?"

"Because I was aiming for whoever the hell threw it at me," Seungmin grumbled, rubbing his forehead.

"Was that you?" Jisung interrogated.

Hyunjin shook his head, "No, that was that guy over there." Hyunjin pointed at a boy with magenta hair who had been sitting at the table next to Seungmin and Jisung.

"Oh shit...um...sorry!" the boy said, shyly yet audibly, "I was aiming at Jisung!"

Jisung was noticeably surprised as the freckled boy said that. Mumbling an apology for the boy, Jisung carefully picked up his tray and changed tables.

"Who is that?" Seungmin asked.

"Lee Yongbok Felix. Australian transfer student. Transferred last Thursday. He's a sophomore in my Math class. Super quiet and reclusive, but cool." Hyunjin said as he sat down, looking at the other table with amusement, "Also, I saw those two talking to each other at the party, so they're probably friends now. I'm surprised that he's actually talking to someone."

"How is it that you know literally everybody?" Seungmin mumbled. Luckily, Hyunjin didn't hear. Hyunjin had indeed become a very popular student.

"Anyways," Hyunjin said, "Looks like we also share a lunch period. How fun!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes, "Thanks for ruining the peace."

Hyunjin just gaped at him, offended, while Seungmin laughed at his expression. "Sorry Hyunjin, but your reaction...that was funny."

Hyunjin huffed, "Fine, I'll just leave, then. Looks like you don't want me here."

"W-wait! Don't go! C'mon I was just joking," Seungmin laughed, not wanting the taller to leave for reasons unknown, "Sorry if I came off cold, In case you can't tell, I'm-"

"The sarcastic type," Hyunjin said with a playful glare, "and mean!"

"I guess that sums up what Ji usually says," Seungmin sighed with another laughed. Hyunjin felt his heart flip at the sound. "How about we just...talk a bit?" 

Hyunjin couldn't help but chuckle. The taller boy sat down next to the boy, stirring around the gravy in his potatoes before eating a spoonful, chatting lightly with his new friend.

Felix said nothing as Jisung took a seat next to him. The awkwardness was suffocating, so much so that Jisung just stared at his tray without eating anything, while Felix just stared into space.

"Um...so Felix, why did you call me over?" Jisung finally asked.

"Oh, um..." Felix mumbled, snapped out of thought, "I just...wanted to apologize for making you drunk last night. Maybe a punch-drinking contest wasn't one of my brightest ideas. Anyways, sorry."

"Oh, it's fine," Jisung laughed, patting Felix on the shoulder. Felix noticeably stiffened, "Oh, sorry, was that too much?"

"A little, but...it's OK, I guess," he said, surprising both Jisung and himself. Felix doesn't usually like people touching him, especially after the incident.

"Ok, then. I guess we're friends?"

Felix hesitated, not wanting to get attached to anyone. But as he took in the boy's cute little pout and glistening eyes, he couldn't help but say, "I guess we are, then."

The two exchanged numbers, and as the bell rang and the two parted way, Felix's mind was in a muddle. He had vowed not to get close to anyone anymore, but look at him now...

I mean, hopeful it won't be as bad as the last betrayers in his life.

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