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The next 3 weeks were awkward. 

Seungmin and Hyunjin are doing just fine, don't worry. They decided not to hide their relationship, openly holding hands and making each other blush in public. They are thriving.

However, they noticed that Felix was avoiding Jisung, and vice versa. Meanwhile, Jisung was being bitchier than usual because of it, especially when the new not-official couple were being a bit lovey-dovey.

"Oh my God, can you guys STOP eye-fucking each other!?" Jisung snapped angrily at lunch on a Wednesday of the second week as Seungmin and Hyunjin stared at each other lovingly.

"Sorry Sung," Seungmin said, looking away from Hyunjin with a flushed face. Jisung scoffed before looking down at his food, downcast.

"Jisung, why don't you just go talk to Felix and ask why he's avoiding you?" Hyunjin said, gesturing at the freckled boy who was, just like his first day, sitting alone at a table away from them.

Jisung rolled his eyes, "If he wants to talk, he'll come over himself and stop being a coward."

"Jisung, what if he thinks you're avoiding him?" Hyunjin suggested. Jisung said nothing. "Just talk to him for hell's sake!" Silence.

"Jisung..." Seungmin started, "Are you...scared to talk to him?"

"Of course not!" Jisung yelled suddenly, "If he doesn't have guts, then so be it!"

"Then how about you grow a freaking pair and talk to him!" Hyunjin yelled back, his eyes beginning to turn red as he got pent up.

"Absolutely not!" People were starting to look at them now, including Felix.

"Jisung stop being a pussy," Seungmin sighed, wondering why the heck they were still at this.

"Since when was I a pussy?! Felix is more of a pussy than me!"

"Jisung, just admit it, you are scared, and that's fine! We're not judging you or anything! Why are you yelling at us?!" Hyunjin yelled, frustrated at this point.

"Because the two of you keep asking me over and over again, and it's annoying!" Jisung's eyes were dangerous golden now.

"How about you two STOP BICKERING!" Seungmin yelled.

Both Hyunjin and Jisung stopped arguing, their eyes returning to normal colors. Seungmin almost never yells like that.

"This is the first days all over again," Seungmin muttered, rubbing his temples, memories of the two's bickering from their first days unwillingly coming up.

Seungmin took a deep breath, "Look, Ji, as your best friend, I really hate seeing you like this. You look like you haven't slept in days, you've barely touched any food or water, and you keep lashing out at everybody. I'm concerned about Felix, too, he looks just as bad, maybe even worse than you! So here's some advice, we're not going to force you to talk to him right now, but if you don't talk to him by next weekend, then we're gonna have to do something."

"Even if Seungmin and I have to force you two into a room, we'll do it if it will stop the two of you from beating yourselves up," Hyunjin added. Seungmin nodded in agreement, "So man up, Jisung, you can't avoid him forever."

The bell rang just as Hyunjin stopped talking. The three boys got up and started walking together, since their next classes were in the same place. They got a few weird looks, but they ignored it.

"Good luck Jisung," Hyunjin said, giving Jisung a pat on the back before leaving to the Auditorium backstage for Theatre.

"It's OK to be scared to confront Felix, but don't let the fear consume you. C'mon, be the brave Jisung I've known since 5th grade," Seungmin said with a smile. He hugged his friend before entering his Choir class.

Jisung sighed. Maybe he should man up a bit. But he was too scared for an actual face-to-face confrontation, so what the heck should he do? 

Suddenly, he was struck with an idea.

Lixie 😊:
Hey Lix, you don't have to respond to this, but if you want to, let's meet at the convenience store at 8:30 pm next Saturday. I want to talk to you about something.
read at 1:27pm




He was left on read!? 

To be honest, he expected this, but the fact that Felix usually always responds put Jisung off. Maybe the other didn't want to see him, or worse, hated him! Jisung put his phone away quickly before the message caused him to panic.

Suddenly he remembered Felix's story. About how his ex-divine boyfriend betrayed him.

What if...

Oh no.

So Jisung went into his next class in a panic.

Felix heard everything.

Hyunjin and Seungmin secretly caught up with Felix before the boy ran off to class.

"Yes, I hear him, I heard everything, in fact, he's loud," Felix said before either of them could speak, "and you guys weren't that far away, so..."

"Alright," the two said.

"Maybe you should go up to him yourself. I mean, no offense, but you're both kinda being chickens," Hyunjin said.

"I'm scared too, you know. I just...need some thinking time."

The other two nodded, sighing as they walking away, knowing that they couldn't do much.

Felix sighed. This was gonna be hard.

"So since Felix and Jisung most likely don't wanna hang out this weekend, do you want to get coffee this Saturday?" Hyunjin asked Seungmin on the third week as he walked with him afterschool to Seungmin's mom's car.

"...Sure," Seungmin said with a shrug. Then, he stopped, taking in the words, "Wait...you mean, like the date?"

"Yes, Minnie," Hyunjin said with a smile, "Would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday? It'll give Ji and Lix some space to maybe talk it out. Finally."

"...Yes, yes I would."

"Alright then, it's a date!" Hyunjin yelled victoriously, "There's this new cafe that my friend works at. It's like a library, but you're allowed to eat in it! And you can buy the books, too! You'll love it!"

In Seungmin's head, he knew that wherever he went, if it was with Hyunjin, he'd like it, so he agreed. "I think I will."

Seungmin and Jisung couldn't sleep for two very different reasons.

Seungmin wanted to jump over the moon and run around because of his excitement. The mere thought of going on a date with his freaking crush made him all giddy and flushed. He couldn't believe his luck. Seungmin screamed into his pillow for the umpteenth time, unable to calm down. When he was finally able to calm down, Seungmin slipped into a very light sleep, Hyunjin's smile weaving in and out of his dreams.

Jisung wanted to bury himself into a hole and never come out because of his shame. Either that, or change his name to Peter and run away to another country. The fact that Felix most likely did hate him, and had been betrayed by Jisung's careless words made him feel dread and nervousness. Jisung didn't fall asleep until the late hours of night, Felix's disappointed face weaving in and out of his nightmares.

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