Waning Gibbous

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"What section is this?" Seungmin murmured, looking up at the sign, " 'Unclassified Genres'? What's that supposed to mean?" Curious, Seungmin opened to the first page, which was the author's note.

Hello, reader, and welcome to my humble writing. As a human-angel, a blend of human and angel, I have seen both the human side and the divine side of this world. This book's purpose is to educate you about the eternal world that is hidden in your plain sight. You may be laughing, saying "Angels aren't real!", or utterly confused, or you may even know exactly what I am talking about. Either way, this book, whether you think it is nonfiction or not, shall be an enlightening guide to the secrets of the world you never knew. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. Who knows, one of your closest friends may be a divine or a half-divine, and you would never know...

Cheers to what is hopefully an informative read~

Choi Youngjae, the author

Divines? The legends of long-living beings? Seungmin shook his head in disbelief. Why wasn't this book in the fiction section?

Wait, it's unclassified. Why?

Seungmin turned to the first chapter.

Chapter 1: Types of Divines

There are three different types of divines: angels, demons, and hybrids. All three have an expanded lifespan much longer than humans, as well as specially-colored eyes that will be described later in the chapter. All three have the ability to glamour the colors to hide them from humans, however, factors such as sickness, being high or drunk, or emotions can affect a divine's ability to glamour. Divines also have fang-like canines for mating (see chapter 4). Divines do not have wings, halos, tails, horns, or any abilities flashy powers like humans describe in their myths, but they do have more strength, along with invulnerability and heightened senses. They also heal faster than humans. Rare human-divine crossbreeds also exist, though those can only be made through birthing, not mating (see chapter 4).

Divines are very connected to the moon phases. Each are most powerful and confident at their own moon phase, and weakest at others. By powerful, divines have more stamina and their few abilities are at their highest strength. Some divines do have special abilities, but that is very rare (see chapter 7).

Angels are known for their pure gold eyes and are the light of the divines. Contrary to many stories, though, not all angels are kind and sweet, just as not all demons are cruel and dark. Just like humans, every divine is different. Prideful and proud, angels are actually the divines that are the most secretive. Secret-keeping is a big part of their ancient nature. However, they are also more sympathetic than their others, and are known to be good with getting along people. They also have the ability to detect other divines, though they cannot differentiate between the types. They have very low alcohol and drug tolerance. They are most powerful at the full moon.

Why does this sound...familiar. Seungmin was very deep in thought, feeling like he has seen these signs before, from someone close to him...

Suddenly, it clicked.

Han Jisung.

Could he be?

No wait, that's too far-fetched.


Jisung is quite a secret-keeper. Even though they're best friends, Seungmin finds that Jisung doesn't like to open about his life. Now that he thinks about it, Seungmin actually doesn't know as much about Jisung as the other does with him. Like his home life. All the boy has revealed is that his parents work a lot. They almost never go over to his house, rather opting to stay at Seungmin's. And the eyes. Seungmin has seen Jisung with gold eyes several times. Every time he questions about it, Jisung laughs awkwardly and says they're colored contacts, yet Seungmin has never come upon a single case in the boy's backpack, or the few times he has seen his room. Jisung is very sympathetic, and always knows what to say to make one feel better. And even the stargazing, even though it was very obvious that he and Felix had "something," he refused to admit it.

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