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"Where do you think Seungmin and Hyunjin went off to?" Felix asked Jisung, as they were now alone (well, the Australian's mom was there, but she was far away enough to where she couldn't hear their conversation)

"Hyunjin's probably gonna ask Seungmin out," Jisung said with a shrug, "Hyunjin's literally head over heels for the boy."

"I figured," Felix said with a light chuckle.


"I have...a question," Felix said quietly. 

Jisung looked to his side to face the freckled boy, "What is it?"

"I'm gonna sound crazy, but...

Are you


an angel?"

Jisung froze, eyes wide, "The heck?" Jisung said, sitting up, "I'm...human." That was a lie, and Felix knew.

"Jisung," Felix said seriously, "You hate new moon nights because they make you feel weak, love full ones, and your eyes flickered gold at your party when we had that drinking contest. And you never say hell." Felix chuckled when he realized how stupid he sounded. "I can tell that you're not a normal human like me."

Jisung said nothing.

"Ji, please. Yes or no?"


"I know you think I'll backstab you, but I won't, trust me. You know how I am. I'm basically silent, anyway, how could I give away a secret?" Felix chuckled at his own joke.

Jisung sighed, defeated. "Alright, you've caught me. I'm a divine, an angel..."

Tense silence.

"Can I...see?" Felix asked, "Your eyes."

Jisung looked Felix in the eye as he unglamoured his irises. The shining golden hue almost made Felix gasp, but instead, the boy smiled, "Wow, they're really pretty."

Jisung gave the freckled boy a weak smile, "Thanks, I guess."

Then he said, "But...how? 

How do you know the signs?"

Felix gave the angel a sad look.

"Because my ex-boyfriend was a demon."

Now this was interesting. Jisung sat up, curious, "He was?"

"Yeah." Slowly, Felix sat up, "And he's also the reason I moved away to Korea." Jisung's eyes widened.

"His name was Eric Sohn," Felix began, "We met in 4th grade. He befriended me, and we were best friends, literally stuck together like glue. We started dating when we were freshmen. Well, more like he convinced me, but that's beside the point. At first, he was such a good boyfriend. A bit of a guilt-tripper, but at the time, I didn't notice. We loved each other so much...I loved him so much...but then..."

Felix paused and took a deep breath, "Then...oh God, where do I start? So, summer break started, and he told me to come to the diner where he worked. He took me outside to the back, and asked 'Can you keep a secret?' I said yes, and then...he told me. He told me he was a demon, and told me all about divines. He even showed me his eyes. Of course, I was accepting. I even told him it was super cool. But I think I regret that now."

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