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It's Thursday, and Seungmin happily leaves his final class, finally escaping Mr. Qian's droning voice. Sighing with relief, he walked over to Jisung's last class, Intermediate Art, like usual. As he waited outside the door, though, he briefly saw Hyunjin walk past him, seemingly looking for something. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Seungmin found it a bit sexier than it should have been.

"He should be here, right?" Seungmin heard the boy mutter.

Seungmin then watched as the boy turned around and noticed him. "Hey, pretty boy! Have you been standing there the whole time?"

Seungmin rolled his eyes, "What is with you and the nicknames? No, I just got here. Why are you even here, anyway?"

Hyunjin just smiled brightly, "I've been bothering Jisung for the last few days to find you, since I never see you after lunch, and he said you usually wait for him to get out of class, so voila, here I am!" Hyunjin did exaggerated jazz hands. Seungmin laughed. "Anyways, I'd like to ask for your number."

"Direct much?" Seungmin asked sarcastically. When Hyunjin just stared at him, he said, "No, we barely know each other."

"Aw come on! Pleeeease! We talk so much at lunch, it's like...ugh nevermind, but please?" Hyunjin gave the boy puppy eyes, and Seungmin's heart melted, but he knew he had to keep at least a bit of his pride.

"And why do you want my number?"

"Because I wanna be friends!" Hyunjin said, "And you're cute, so a plus for me," he added as an afterthought.

Seungmin rolled his eyes for what seemed like the umpteenth time today, but something in him made him unable to refuse, "Fine. Give me your phone."

Hyunjin giggled, which made Seungmin's heart do a thing it's never done before, "Thank you!"

Seungmin sighed as he inputted his number into Hyunjin's contacts. He handed the phone back to Hyunjin who said, "Text you later!" And with that, Hyunjin was off.

"Hey Min," Jisung said, walking out of his class, "Finally, class is over! At least it's almost FriYAY. Get it?" He looked at Seungmin's expression. "What, the joke's that bad? Why are you..."

"I can't believe I just did that," Seungmin said.

"Did what?"

"I just gave Hwang Hyunjin my FUCKING NUMBER!" Seungmin yelled, "What the HELL was I thinking?!"

"Geez, for the love of God, calm down," Jisung said, patting his back, "Finally, took long enough," he added quietly, hoping the other didn't hear. Sadly, though, he did, giving his best friend a hand slice on the neck.

"Ow! I mean, this is...a good thing! Didn't you say you wanted to be friends?"

Seungmin was suddenly flustered. "I mean, maybe, kinda, but..."

"See, why are you getting worked up?" Jisung started walking towards the exit to the parking lot, Seungmin following next to him, "Do you, maybe, perhaps, like him? Is that why you're nervous?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Jisung, stop we just freaking met," Seungmin said, rubbing his temples to hide a slight blush creeping onto his face, "And I thought you hated his guts."

"I mean, I still do, but I guess...he's OK."

"And speaking of crushes," Seungmin pushed open the exit door, "Who's that kid who makes your face go all red at lunch nowadays? The one who hit my head with the milk carton on Monday?"

Jisung's face heated up, "Um...no one?"

"C'mon dude, it was obviously someone."

"Well...I'm not telling you!" The boy crossed his arms and started to walk faster, but Seungmin grabbed him from behind.

"Han Peter Jisung," Seungmin said sternly like a mother interrogating their child, "Who was that?"

Jisung huffed.


The boy turned around. "Alright, fine! His name's Felix. He just transferred here, and we met at my party. We talked, then we had a competition to see who could chug a cup of punch the fastest! I won, but then I was drunk as heck."

"So that's why," Seungmin muttered with a laugh.

"So he called me over to apologize," Jisung continued, "And now we have each other's numbers and we chat. Happy?"

"Very," Seungmin said.

"He's coming over to mine for help with his Math homework, actually," Jisung said, smiling to himself, "I quote 'Since you're in PreAP, you can help me, since I'm in normal and I suck.' It's algebra."

 "Algebra sucks, but I'm good at it, at least." Seungmin noticed Jisung's secret smile, "Well, do you perhaps like this Felix boy?"

"Um..." Jisung blushed a bit, "...No. No! Like you and Hyunjin, we just met."

"Ok then..." But Seungmin knew his friend, and the boy seemed to have himself a crush.

Seungmin sighed with frustration when he realized just how much homework he had. He had 4 textbook pages for math, had to finish up a 2000 word story for Writing (which he was only 1/3 of the way done with), practice his song for Choir, AND, on top of that, he was stressing because he still hadn't received a text from Hyunjin. Maybe this was all some trick? A prank? And why was he worrying about something as stupid as a text, anyway? Seungmin huffed, deciding to do the fun stuff first. He opened his laptop and began typing.

He had typed only one sentence when his phone beeped.

Unknown (xxx-xxx-xxxx):
hey pretty boy

It's Hyunjin!

STOP calling me pretty boy istg Hwang

Change "Unknown (xxx-xxx-xxxx)" to "Hyunjin 😠"?

Hyunjin 😠:
But it suits you

Doesn't make it any less annoying 🙄

Hyunjin 😠:
Why u bullying me?

because it's fun

Hyunjin 😠:
you're mean 😤

lol we've been knew

Hyunjin 😠:

Seungmin chuckled as he went back to his homework.

Pretty Min🌼:
lol we've been knew

read at 5:00pm

wait, don't leave me on read


read at 5:01pm

meanie 😠
read at 5:01pm

Pretty Min🌼:
shush and let me do homework, bitch


bye then!
read at 5:02pm

Hyunjin sighed as he put his phone away. This boy was cute and had a great personality and was totally his type, but also lowkey got on his nerves sometimes. Hyunjin took his textbook out of his bag and laid on his bed. Might as well do homework.

"Thanks for helping me with my Math homework," Felix said with a light smile.

"No prob!" Jisung said, smiling widely, which made Felix smile wider. Jisung sighed. Felix's freckles were so beautiful...

Wait, what?

"Bye," Felix said with a wave as he got into his mom's van.

Jisung closed the door, internally screaming. Why did he just think that Felix's freckles were so beautiful?

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