Waxing Crescent

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Seungmin groaned as his alarm blared from his phone. He shrugged himself awake, blindly grabbing for his phone to shut up the noise. When his hands finally curled around the vibrating object, Seungmin sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he turned the alarm off. The first thing he noticed was several unread texts from Jisung. Seungmin opened his messaging app and read the first text, which was, not surprisingly, sent last night.

hey sungmin, wher r uy?

com party an stop beikng a downer!11
sent at 11:15pm

i feel sick

i ned to puek
sent at 1:45am

where the heavens am I?
sent at 4:46 am

hey, i'm gonna guess your at home?

god my head hurts

and why am i on the couch?

the heck hapened last night?

anyways, can you ask your mom to pick me up for school? there is no way in the heavens im taking the bus

wait it's 5am youre probably asleep
sent at 5:04 am

hey, are you up now?
sent at 5:58 am

Welp, now I am

you need me to pick you up?

C'mon, the bus isn't THAT bad.

yes it is. 

my head is blaring

you've had headaches before, you've been sick before, etc, and you've ridden the bus

idk what you want now bro

well let me phrase it better for you: my head hurts like fuck and i need a fucking ride so please, spare me a fucking migraine and pick me up

well you're pissed


Ok, ok sorry i was just joking

Alright, I'll ask my mom

and sir, that was a lot of f bombs

Thank yoooooooooou

And idc about my language. i'm 16 and can say whatever the heck i want

Seungmin chuckled as he put his phone away. Sighing, he slid out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom.

After changing out into a simple tee and denim shorts, he left his room and went to the kitchen. His mom was in her office, most likely typing away a last-minute email, while his dad was drinking a cup of coffee in one hand, and chewing on a slice of buttered toast in the other. Seungmin poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat at the counter.

"You sleep OK son?" his dad asked him.

"Yeah," Seungmin replied, eating a spoonful of his Cocoa Pebbles, "I slept OK. I mean, not the best ever, but I'll last. I think."

"How was that party?"

"Stereotypical. I did meet this new kid, though. His name's Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin."

"Hwang...I think I've heard the surname from somewhere, maybe someone at work...Anyways, what's he like?"

"Tall, black hair, red eyes, which is kinda weird but also cool, sophomore, likes partying, used to be homeschooled, and yeah, that's all he said."

"Ready to go, sweetie?" His mom popped out of her office.

"Yeah!" Seungmin responded, sliding down from the counter and putting his empty bowl into the sink, "Hey mom, we pick up Jisung as well. He said his head hurts too much to take the bus."

Seungmin's mom sighed, shaking her head, "High school parties. I'm surprised his parents are letting him do this."

"Honestly, me too, but his parents are on a business trip in Malaysia. And you know, we're young and wild and free."

"At least I know that you're too much of a pure bean to touch alcohol," his mom said with a laugh, patting her son's head as if he were a puppy.

"Moooom," Seungmin groaned, "You're messing up my hair."

Pulling up to Jisung's house, the first thing Seungmin said when Jisung entered the backseat was, "You look like a train wreck."

"And my house looks like one, too," Jisung mumbled, rubbing his eyes, "God, my head hurts so bad, and I puked at 1 am, and again about 10 minutes ago. I should've just decided to stay home..."

"Well too bad, you need an education."

The boy gave his friend a glare while Mrs. Kim chuckled at her son's wit. Seungmin just laughed. Jisung rolled his eyes before leaning his head onto the window, dozing off.

"Have a good day at school, kids!" Seungmin's mom said cheerfully as Seungmin slapped Jisung awake. The squirrel boy groaned as Seungmin dragged him up. The two boys got out of the car.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Kim, sorry for the trouble," Jisung said gratefully.

Seungmin's mom waved it off, "It's fine, Jisung. Just be careful and don't get caught sleeping in class."

"Yes, mom," Jisung said sarcastically. Seungmin's mom laughed, patting Jisung on the head. At this point, Jisung was like her second son.

"See ya mom!" Seungmin said.

The pair of friends walked into school. They had 10 minutes to spare before the first bell, so they hung around Seungmin's locker.

"If you're head hurts too much, go to the nurse and get some aspirin or something," Seungmin said.

"I think I will," Jisung said, rubbing his eyes, "What happened, anyway? Do you know?"

"Well, I was talking to a guy named Hyunjin. He's pretty chill, and we're in the same grade, so we talked, and your drunk ass decided to stumble in and ask me to dance. You also fell flat on your face, like, three times, so Hyunjin and I put you on the couch, and you fell asleep. That's basically it."

"OK then," Jisung said distantly, vague blurs of memory swirling around in his mind, "So who's this Hyunjin guy? Is he new? I've never heard his name before. Oh wait, he's the new kid who used to be homeschooled, right? Girls in the hall keep gossiping about how hot he is."


"Hey, pretty boy."

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