Full Moon

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Seungmin and Hyunjin walked into the forest in silence. Hyunjin didn't know what to say, while Seungmin didn't want to make this any more awkward by speaking. The duo walked until they found a small clearing. Hyunjin led Seungmin to a dead log lying on its side, and together they sat down.

At first, the boys didn't say anything, the tension beginning to become suffocating. Seungmin pointedly looked anywhere but Hyunjin's face, embarrassed. Meanwhile, Hyunjin couldn't look away from the boy beside him, staring at his darting eyes.

"So...why did you bring me here?" Seungmin asked quietly, rubbing his neck.

"Um," Hyunjin started, wondering where to begin. Then, he was struck with a plan, "What do you think of me?"

Seungmin was taken aback, "Well, you're dramatic. Exaggerated and loud. But you're also kind, comforting, empathetic, hot..." he whispered the last part, but Hyunjin heard.

"You think I'm hot?"

"I mean, anyone with eyes would see that."

Hyunjin laughed. "Do you remember when we first met?"

"Yep," Seungmin said, "Jisung's party, on the couch. We talked about school, you kept flirting with me, offered to take me home, yeah. At first, I thought it was kinda suspicious, but not anymore. But...why?"

Hyunjin just smiled. "Remember the first group weekend? At the arcade?"

"Yeah, you bought me the expandable ball. Thanks for that, by the way. Even though it, uh, kinda broke since it's cheap, it's the thought that counts." Seungmin laughed. Hyunjin felt a slight blush creep to his neck, but ignored it. 

"How about the second one?"

"Oh yeah, laser tag. You beat my ass. But yet you still bought the ice cream for me even though I was supposed to pay. And you also somehow knew my favorite flavor."

"I notice things. Third time?"

Seungmin was getting more and more confused, but went along. "Roller skating, where you and Jisung kept falling on your butts and I had to hold you up the entire time, and Felix held onto Ji? Yeah, that was memorable." Where was Hyunjin getting at with this?

"And last weekend?"

"Pizza! Yeah! When we all almost threw up, well, Felix actually did, but anyway, we did random shit in the park on your skateboard. I almost fell, but you caught me in a millisecond. Jisung surprisingly did well, and Felix, too. That was really...different, but fun."

Hyunjin smiled again, and was surprised when Seungmin smiled back. Both boys felt their hearts leap at the sight.

"Well, we've been on so many friend dates, that I was wondering..." Hyunjin took a deep breath, "If you...wanna...go on an actual date?"

"A date?" Seungmin asked, "Like, a couple?"

"Um...yeah." Seungmin's entire face heated up, while Hyunjin also blushed furiously, rubbing his neck.

"The thing is, I really, really like you, Seungmin, ever since I laid my eyes on you at school. Your wittiness, your sass, your laugh, your smile, your touch, your intelligence...everything about you makes me fall deeper and deeper every day." Seungmin listened intently, the corners of his lips beginning to tug up as he listened to Hyunjin ramble, "All I'm saying is, I like you, and I want to get to know you better as maybe, just maybe, a couple."

"Do...D-do you like me, too?" Hyunjin stuttered.

Seungmin didn't know what to say. "Um- Uh...maybe, yeah, I think I do," Seungmin murmured, barely audible. Hyunjin was taken aback. He had expected a "let me think about it," or some sort of rejection in a kind manner. Heck, he even anticipated a flat-out "no" from the sassy boy, but he hadn't expected this.

"So...will you get coffee with me sometime?" Hyunjin asked again.

Seungmin smiled, his cheeks red, "Yes, yes I will."

Hyunjin smiled wide, then stuttered, "Can I...can I...um..."

Seungmin smirked before they both began to lean closer, and closer, until they closed the gap between them. The kiss wasn't longer nor heated, but innocent and sweet, and fluttering Hyunjin wanted more, but Seungmin pulled away.

"Um- wha-whu-," Hyunjin sputtered, dazed. Seungmin shut him up by pecking him again. Hyunjin pouted when he pulled back.

"And I thought you were supposed to be the confident on-" Seungmin was cut off by a rough kiss from Hyunjin. 

They decided to just stay like this for a little while.

"Let's go back now," Hyunjin whispered after a few minutes of talking (and kissing. A lot.).

The two boys pulled away and intertwined their hands as they walked back to their spot on the hill, taking their time as they couldn't stop staring at each other. Even though there were so many stars above them, all they needed to admire were the stars in each other's eyes.

They stepped out of the trees and into the clearing, expecting to see Jisung and Felix still staring at the sky, maybe sleeping, maybe just chatting.

What they didn't expect was Jisung and Felix holding hands, faces flush, giggling at each other's words. They even witnessed them give each other a few pecks on the lips. It was as if they were the only two beings in the world.

The minute Jisung and Felix saw Hyunjin and Seungmin, they immediately pulled apart, their faces red as tomatoes as they looked around awkwardly and anywhere but the two who just walked in on them. It got awkward real quick.

"Um...hi?" Jisung finally said awkwardly.

At first Hyunjin and Seungmin said nothing. Then suddenly, Seungmin yelled, "FINALLY! PAY UP PRICK!" He thrust his hand in Hyunjin's direction.

Hyunjin laughed as Jisung and Felix grew even redder. Hyunjin dug into his pocket and handed Seungmin $10 as he said, "Last weekend, Seungmin and I made a bet on how long it'll take for you guys to kiss. I said a month, he said a week so he gets the money."

Felix rolled his eyes, but then noticed the duo's hands.

"So...wanna talk about why you two are holding hands?" Felix asked. Immediately, Seungmin and Hyunjin blushed.


"We like each other!" Hyunjin cut in, "I mean, we're not official yet, but soon." Hyunjin gave Seungmin a wink, causing the boy to roll his eyes, even though his face became redder. "What about you two?"

"Oh- um- nothing! Nothing is happening, ha ha..." Jisung lied with a forced chuckle. Hyunjin knew he was hiding something, and neither of the boys missed Felix's hurt, betrayed face, either.

"Well...ok then," Seungmin said, deciding not to press further.

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