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The date was amazing, so much so that Seungmin forgot all about what he had just read. Seungmin remembered how flushed Hyunjin got when he had asked to try his donut and milkshake, and how funny Hyunjin's stories were about his life before public school. Afterward, the boys went to look at some cute puppies at the animal shelter.

"Awwww, it looks like Kkami!" Hyunjin cooed, googling at the puppies.

Seungmin smiled fondly, looking at the adorable little animals. He loved dogs.

"But the only puppy I need is the one right here," Hyunjin said, turning to Seungmin. The said boy gave the boy a quizzical look until the taller petted his head.

"Huh...OH!" When Seungmin realized what the other was trying to say, he slapped his shoulder several times, in time with his words, "You. Are. SO CRINGEY!"

"Ow! Why?!?!" Hyunjin cried dramatically. They earned strange looks from the employees.

The two grabbed lunch at a random gimbap place, then explored various shops and stores along the streets. They didn't buy anything, though. Hyunjin dropped Seungmin off at around 4pm.

"Did you enjoy today?" Hyunjin asked.

Seungmin nodded.

"I guess...no, nevermind," Hyunjin said.

"Hm? What is it?"

"I just...alright, fuck it. Kim Seungmin, you are beautiful, amazing, and I want to stay by your side until fate does us part. Will you be my boyfriend?"

Seungmin eyes widened at Hyunjin's fluid, poetic words. Him? His boyfriend?

"Hwang Hyunjin," Seungmin started, "You are an amazing person. Charming, kind, and just as amazing. And I really do want to be your boyfriend, but..." Hyunjin's face fell, "I kinda feel like we're taking it a bit too fast. Don't get me wrong, I do want to be your boyfriend someday, but...I don't want to barrel headfirst into a labeled relationship just yet."

Hyunjin smiled in understanding, "Oh hell, I just got so nervous, geez I thought you would reject me," the boy slowly walked forwards and gave Seungmin a giant hug, "It's OK if you want to take this slowly. I will always match up to your pace if it means that I'll be with you."

Seungmin laughed, hugging the other back, "Just so you know, this is in no way a rejection. Why would I reject you?"

Hyunjin said nothing, pulling Seungmin in slowly. Seungmin allowed his eyes to flutter closed as Hyunjin's warm lips met his. The kiss was slow and sweet, tender and beautiful.

After pulling apart a minute later, Hyunjin pecked the boy's lips again, "I like you. A lot. You're amazing. I'll call you mine someday."

Seungmin smiled from ear to ear, pulling the other back into another sweet kiss.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" The two pulled apart abruptly as Seungmin's mom opened the front door and walked in on their kiss.

"MOM!" Seungmin yelled, scrambling away from Hyunjin quickly.

"Sorry, sorry," she said, running inside and closing the door.

"Way to ruin the moment," Hyunjin muttered, staring at Seungmin. Seungmin was very flush. Hyunjin gave the boy a quick peck before saying, "See you tomorrow, maybe?"

"Sure," Seungmin said. Both were smiling like dorks, "See you."

Seungmin sighed contently.

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