Half Moon

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Seungmin was reading his new book. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 were boring and nothing but history, but Chapter 4's title for was...interesting.

Chapter 4: All About Mating

Seungmin sighed, looking at the clock. Time for school.

School was something that Felix really didn't want to go back to. But here he is, walking into Math.

"Hey Felix," Hyunjin said quietly, taking the boy's dead appearance, "Are you OK?"

"Hey," Felix said, "I'm not OK, but I'm getting through. It's fine."

Yes, Hyunjin and Felix share a Math class, and they sit close to each other. The teacher's strict though, so they can barely talk. However, today, there was a sub, so they conversed freely.

"Jisung blocked me," Felix said.

"I know, Jisung came to my house sobbing last night," Hyunjin said with a sigh, "He ranted out to me whilst we ate ice cream. He was really scared, you know? Confronting you? Why did you let him down?"

"I didn't want to, trust me," Felix said, his eyes both tearful and...fearful? "But...something came up, I couldn't go."

Hyunjin gave him a quizzical look, "Ok, but Jisung is like, basically depressed, you should at least tell him."

"That angel is gonna have to wait," Felix muttered, "Maybe later. I'm blocked, anyway."

"Well, that's- wait, angel?!" Hyunjin's eyes widened.

"Yeah, divines. I'm sure they're real," Felix said with a shrug, "Like how I'm pretty sure that you're a demon but I don't wanna be insensitive."

"Well, I am, but that's beside the point. How do you...know?"

"Well," Felix sighed, "Might as well tell you why I couldn't meet with Jisung. Long story short, ex-boyfriend was a demon, he was abusive and tried to mate me without consent, family moved to Korea to get away, but he somehow found me and now he's back."

"What's his name?"

"Eric. Eric Sohn."

"What does he look like?"

"Last time I saw him...brown hair, brown eyes, not super tall but has some height, about 5' 9"...yeah, but he'll probably look different."

"Ok, I'll keep an eye out. And-"

"Yes, of course, I'm not telling anyone anything."

Felix sat with the gang at lunch today, just not making eye contact with Jisung. Jisung stole glances, but when Felix didn't make any signs of looking at him, he just fell back into his cranky state.

At some point, Jisung left the table, unable to deal with the tension. When that happened, Hyunjin quietly told Seungmin what Felix had told him, minus the divine stuff.

"Oh, wow, ok then," Seungmin said. They talked about how bad the Eric guy was, plotted how to get Jisung to stop being a jerk, so on...

Lunch was about to end when Jisung came back over, "Hey Felix, let's talk. Now." He didn't raise his voice, yet his tone was cold.

Felix gulped and nodded, the two standing up.

"You know what this is about," Jisung said, "Why am I being avoided?"

"I don't want to sound blunt, but you know why."

Jisung sighed, "Yes, I do. I'm sorry, I just say things that I don't mean when I get nervous or surprised. Sorry for being bitchy, but why avoid me? This could've breezed over fast if you had the guts to start a talk."

"You should've had guts, too."

"I know, but you didn't even try. I tried a few times, and you just pretended I didn't exist."

"No, you did not! You're just being petty!"

"I am not petty!"

"Then stop yelling, please!"

"Sorry, I can't help it if I'm mad and hurt!"

"I'm hurt as well you know!" Felix yelled. A few kids looked their way, confused and lowkey judging them. Jisung stopped.

Felix sighed, "Look, I know that you're mad at me, but let me say something. I'm sorry that I had to duck out on you. I know why you wanted to meet up with me, and all I will say is that yes, I was hurt by what you said, but no, I don't hate you. Something...important came up."

Jisung scoffed, "What was so important, then? Go ahead, tell me."

"Eric's back." 

Jisung dropped his snarky attitude immediately, "What? You mean...no way. How did he find you?"

"I don't know, but he's back. Haven't seen him at this school, though, luckily."

"I hope not, just from the way you described that jerk was, well, I wanna punch him. Hard."

Felix smiled weakly, "Can we...go back to what we were? I mean, that's probably gonna be hard, but can we stop avoiding each other?"

Jisung gave Felix a sincere look, "We can try. I'm sorry for lashing out, it's just when I get sad, it turns into anger."

"It's fine, I understand. I probably would, too, in your situation." The two friends hugged each other tightly.

"Hey, let's hang at the convenience store this Saturday, just us," Jisung suggested.

Felix smiled, "Sure."

"They made up already?" Hyunjin whispered in awe. He and Seungmin were secretly watching them around the corner, "That was fast."

"Yep," Seungmin said, "That's what happens when they're the closest of friends."

Hyunjin smiled, "Like us?"

"We're more than friends, though," Seungmin said.

"A couple?"

"Not yet exactly."

"Then what are we?"

Seungmin was quiet, contemplating. "We're the gray area. I guess...friends with benefits?"

"That just sounds dirty," Hyunjin laughed.

"Then a friend couple?"

"...Fine. For now."

Seungmin laughed. Soon, hopeful, they can confidently call themselves a couple.

But while Hyunjin thinks Seungmin is just taking things slowly, Seungmin actually wants confirmation.

Confirmation about who he truly is...

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