Waning Crescent

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Seungmin was pacing the room while Hyunjin was on the couch, fiddling with his hoodie and his fingers. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Seungmin ran to the door, his eyes widening as he saw Jisung carrying the other injured boy.

"Holy shit," Hyunjin muttered as he saw Felix's state.

"It's not as bad as it looks," Felix said to their shocked faces, "Ji already bandaged up the open wounds." Seungmin's heart melted slightly as Felix cradled into Jisung's neck. Cute.

But that's beside the point right now.

"Put him on the couch," Seungmin directed. Hyunjin stood up immediately, helping Jisung to settle the injured boy down

"I got an ice pack," Hyunjin said, picking up the cold object from the coffee table. Felix took it gratefully, immediately putting it on his forehead.

Several minutes passed in silence, no one wanting to speak, the only sound being Felix moving the ice pack to different bruises on his body. Seungmin was glaring daggers at Jisung, for some reason, and Jisung was getting uncomfortable.

"Um...Seungmin, why are you glaring? Are you mad about me barging in?" Jisung finally asked. Hyunjin braced himself, knowing that he can't stop the incoming storm.

Seungmin scoffed, which is unlike him, "Oh, I have a lot to say, Han Jisung. Tell me, why didn't you say that you were different? Something not human?"

"SEUNGMIN! This is not the time," Hyunjin whisper-yelled as Jisung's eyes widened in shock. He glanced at Hyunjin. Did he tell? As if he was reading his mind, Hyunjin shook his head, glancing down at a book on the table. 'It wasn't me,' he mouthed.

"Yeah, I know. I read it." Seungmin held up his book, Jisung read the title, shocked, "I've been your friend for years, yet I never knew. So what are we? Did you not trust me enough to tell? I thought we were friends, Jisung, and friends don't keep secrets like that."

Jisung couldn't say anything.

"Don't get mad, Seungmin," Felix said. All heads turned to him.

"Wait, you knew?!?!" Seungmin yelled.

Felix nodded, which only enraged Seungmin more.

"So all my friends have been lying to me?! Wow," Seungmin yelled. "I'm done, don't talk to me." He tried to leave, but Hyunjin grabbed his arm.

"Seungmin, don't get mad, just let them talk," Hyunjin said. 

Seungmin huffed, "Let go, Hyunjin."

"Minnie, please," Jisung said, his voice quivering, not wanting his worst fear to come true.

"Seungmin, let us explain," Felix said.

"I said let go, Hyunjin!"

"Seungmin, please let them share their story. You already heard mine, and why it took me so long to tell you. Give them a chance."

Seungmin looked at everyone's desperate faces. He slacked, turning around, crossing his arms. "Fine, you have 30 seconds, talk."

"I guess I should start first," Jisung said, tears in his eyes, "In elementary, I used to have a lot of friends. I was very social. But one day in 2nd grade, I slipped that I was an angel. We were young, so at first, everyone seemed accepting, but then, gradually, one by one, as we grew up, they left. Kids started bullying me. Called me a freak. A weirdo. Basically every single person in the freaking school hated me. It got so bad that I almost got expelled for throwing a chair at them. My parents decided to change schools in my 5th grade to give me a fresh start. I met you, and you were so kind that I wanted to befriend you. But that looming fear still stayed. So I hid myself away, and decided to befriend you with a masking persona." Jisung gulped in air. He had said that in one breath. "I'm sorry, Seungmin, you don't know how many times I wanted to tell, but I thought you would hate me. And it seems like you do, so I'll leave if you want me to-"

Before he could continue, Seungmin pulled his friend into a huge hug. "Please don't. I'm sorry for yelling. I just thought that you didn't think we were actually friends."

"We are, Seungmin, of course we are," Jisung laughed tearily. Both friends broke down in each other's arms, "And you actually helped me come out of my shell. I became less hidden as I spent time more with you."

"I guess I should come clean, too," Hyunjin said, "This isn't exactly the most important, but I think I should say it anyway. My neighbors are divines, and their kids keep bragging about how they already had their mates at 14, and how people were really stupid to wait so long, and my parents felt pressured, so they dumped it onto me. I felt pressured, so I forced myself to get a crush this year. At first, it wasn't all true, but I started feeling fluttery the more I spent time with you. After the day at the arcade, I truly fell for you, and I'm head over heels for you, Seungmin. I was actually thinking of approaching Felix instead of you at the party, but I'm glad I chose you."

Suddenly, Felix spoke up "I mean, I wouldn't have minded have a demon sugar daddy, but now I have an angel sugar daddy, so..."

Seungmin face-palmed himself, laughing.

"Bruh," Hyunjin said, "I'm not even that rich, what you going on about?"

"The fuck was that?!" Jisung asked, pulling away from Seungmin to look at Felix."

Felix laughed. "I mean, we are dating...right?"

"Yes, I wasn't lying to Eric when I said that you're my boyfriend. So, Lee Felix, be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, of course."

"Wait, ERIC did this??!" Hyunjin and Seungmin yelled.

"I thought he lived in Australia!" Seungmin added.

"Well...where do I start?" Felix began to tell everyone the full story that he told Jisung when they went stargazing.

"Well, can I punch him?" Hyunjin asked angrily, riled up.

"Me too?" Seungmin said.

"I already did. Several times," Jisung said.

"Jisung saved my ass," Felix said.

"So he's how you knew about the divine world?" Seungmin asked. Felix nodded.

"Well, everyone knows now, Ji, so..." Together, Hyunjin and Jisung unglamoured their eyes, showing off their colorful irises. Now seeing them without thinking they're contacts, Seungmin found their natural eye colors beautiful.

Felix looked between both of them, "Your eyes are darker than I thought," he said to Hyunjin.

"You've never seen demon eyes?"

"Eric never showed me."

"Hyunjin, did you know Donghyuck from the cafe? He's a demon," Seungmin brought up randomly.


"They all either know of divines or are divines or human-divines, just saying."

"That's...unexpected," Hyunjin said with a laugh, "Are you telling me that Jae-"

"Jaemin's human."


"How about we all go there tomorrow!" Jisung suggested.

"Sure, I've never been," Felix said. Jisung agreed. And now their friend group is not only healed, but better than ever.

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