New Moon

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Kim Seungmin sighed as he slouched back on the couch. Why did he agree to come to this stupid party? Too loud, too many people, too much alcohol, and all and all too much of everything bad. He only got a cup of punch to fit in with the crowd and not be bothered by others. Seungmin looked down to the floor, contemplating his life decisions.

The boy looked up as he distantly heard footsteps coming towards the couch.

Or more specifically, him.

"Hey pretty boy. Is anyone sitting here?" Seungmin looked up and met the eyes of a tall, and rather dashing black-haired high-schooler holding a crumpled red cup. He had a lacy black button-up with the first 2 buttons undone, along with black skinny jeans.

Seungmin gulped, realizing how good-looking the guy was, and since Seungmin's about as straight as a curly fry from Arby's, the boy couldn't help but stare just a bit.

Seungmin felt himself heat up just a bit. Not only has no one ever flirted with him so openly before, but the boy also didn't seem drunk, so that just made this even more humiliating. Sad but true.

"No, go ahead," Seungmin said, voice monotone, quickly scooting over. The boy gave him a dazzling smile before taking a seat next to him.

The first few minutes were silent, both boys absorbed in their thoughts, ignoring the blaring bass of a random song playing from the DJ. Then, Seungmin felt the boy turn to face him. "Are you drinking that?" the boy asked, gesturing to the full red cup Seungmin was holding, "I'll take it for you if you're not."

"Definitely not. It's spiked, anyways," Seungmin said, looking in the cup before handing it to the boy, who took a big sip from it. Seungmin made a weird face, saying, "I mean, it tastes good, but I don't wanna be drunk, so I'd rather not."

"Well you're a smart individual, pretty boy," the boy said with a light-hearted laugh. Seungmin couldn't help the slight blush that crept to his cheeks. Damn you, pretty stranger.

The said stranger held out his hand, "I'm Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin. Nice to meet you!"

"Kim Seungmin." The boys shook hands.

"Eh, I like pretty boy better."

Seungmin glared at him, "And you're annoying."

"That's just one of my charms, babe."

"What do you want, anyway?"

The boy quirked his eyebrow, "Is it a crime to want to talk to someone they find intriguing?"

"You find me intriguing?" Seungmin asked, confused.

"A little," Hyunjin said, shrugging, "I was wondering what a cute-looking boy like you was doing all alone and not joining the party."

Seungmin glared at Hyunjin again, who laughed, "You don't like what I said?"

"Your flirting is insufferable," Seungmin muttered.

Hyunjin huffed, seemingly offended. "Fine, I'll stop flirting. Let's just talk, if that's what you want."

"Thank you," Seungmin murmured.

"So, you seem lonely," Hyunjin said as he took a sip of his drink. He lied back, both arms spread out on the back of the couch. Seungmin gave him a look before taking his cup back and taking a very small sip, "Let me guess, peer pressure brought you here?"

"Yep." Seungmin sighed, putting his cup away, "My friend Jisung decided the first week of school, would be a perfect time to have a party," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Hyunjin laughed as Seungmin continued, "And he forced me to come. Honestly, most parties are shit."

"Aw, that's too bad. For me, most parties are the shit," Hyunjin said.

The brown-haired boy gave the black-haired a look. "What's the difference?"

"Saying a party is shit means it's bad, but saying they are the shit means they're good." Hyunjin tried not to laugh at Seungmin's look of confusion, "I think parties are fun, and I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance, so I don't usually get drunk. And it's nice to be rebellious, you know?"

"Well that's fun," Seungmin muttered.

"I guess you're a light weight, then, pretty boy?"

"I don't know, I've barely touched the stuff. And not like I'm gonna drink any time soon."

"Well, at least you more innocent than me. Sophomore?"

"Yep, I'm gonna guess you're a sophomore, too."

"Actually, no, I'm a freshman."


"Kidding, I'm a sophomore."

"It's my first time in public school, actually. I was homeschooled until now," Hyunjin said.

"I've been in the school system since kindergarten, so I've been here a while," Seungmin said, his back hitting the couch with a small thump, "What's homeschooling like?"

"Nothing much. It's just my mom teaching me what public schools teach, but my parents wanted me to experience a 'normal' school. Normal school definitely has more work, but at least I'm not lonely."

"I can't believe Mr. Qian already gave out math homework! It's the fucking first week!" Seungmin ranted. Hyunjin laughed. This is why he's taking normal math instead of Pre-AP, since he had heard those classes are quite a bit more rigorous, "Like, give the people a break, they just got back from summer!"

"I think we can all agree that Mr. Wen is the best drama teacher ever," Hyunjin said. 

Seungmin shrugged, "I wouldn't know, I didn't take drama, but I think I've seen him in the halls a few times..."

Seungmin found out that Hyunjin was a dance and drama kid, and a massive flirt, but also kind, while Hyunjin found out that Seungmin was more of a music and writing kid, and very sassy and witty. The two hit it off pretty well, and Seungmin was finding the conversation nice. He hadn't made a new friend in a while. His anti-socialness isn't affecting anything and this conversation is going well!

Meanwhile, Hyunjin was liking this boy more and more. He loved the sassy type. It would balance himself out well. And the boy isn't running away or backing out! Seems like they're gonna make good friends!

Hyunjin was just about to ask for the boy's number when a figure stumbled towards them.

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