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"Alright, of course you can," Hyunjin's mom said nonchalantly, flipping through her book.

"Thanks mom, I'm gonna head over there soon, about an hour," Hyunjin said.

"Wait, where are you going?" his dad asked.

"Hanging at my boyf- friend's house," Hyunjin said.

"Seungmin's house?"

Hyunjin hesitated, then slowly nodded.

"Well, have fun then."

Seungmin was setting up the living room. He had water on the stove for ramen (stove not on yet, of course), several bags of chips, popcorn, and other various snacks and drinks.

"Alright Min, we'll be heading out," his dad said, "Have fun on your little date! Use protection!"


"Calm down, Min, he's just teasing," his mom said with a laugh, "Have fun, and don't mess up the house, OK?"

"Yes, mom, bye!" And with that, Seungmin was home alone with about an hour to spare. His stress levels began to rise as he was left with nothing to entertain him but his own thoughts. He played with the blue strings of his white hoodie in impatience.

"Aish, I need to calm down," Seungmin mumbled, pulling out his book.

Chapter 4: Mating

Divines have fangs, similar to vampires, which are used for the mating process. When a divine finds a perfect partner, or in divine terminology, a "mate", they "turn" the individual into a divine, thus bonding, taking a little bit of their blood and injected the divine's power into their veins. The gender, the race, the sexuality, or anything of that sense does not matter. Once turned, the individual is now forever tied to the one who turned them, mates until death do them part. A divine can bond up to two individuals, and only pure divines (with absolutely no human blood) have fangs to be able to truly instate a mate bond.

Human-divine hybrids can only be made through birth, in which a divine female is impregnated by a male human, or vice versa. Hence why this is rare, as divines usually do not impregnate their mate/become pregnant with their mate until they are turned.

It is hard to describe the turning of divines, so here is a simple chart:

demon x demon = demon
demon x angel = hybrid
demon x hybrid = demon
demon x human = demon
demon x human-angel = hybrid
demon x human-demon = demon
demon x human-hybrid = demon

angel x angel = angel
angel x hybrid = angel
angel x human = angel
angel x human-angel = angel
angel x human-demon = hybrid
angel x human-hybrid = angel

hybrid x hybrid = hybrid
hybrid x human = hybrid
hybrid x human-angel = angel
hybrid x human-demon = demon
hybrid x human-hybrid = hybrid

Keep in mind that divine blood always overpowers human blood, hence why human-divines cannot be made through mating. Also, if two divines mate each other, they both have to "turn" the other for the bond to instate.

Engrained into divine culture is this rule: Do not turn until given consent. This rule is still followed by almost all divines today. However, there is the very small fraction of the divine population that disregards this rule, so one must still be cautious with a divine.

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