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Felix froze, not wanting to acknowledge the new presence.

"Have fun, but be careful, OK?" That's what his mom had said before driving off.


"C'mon, baby, turn around. Don't you miss me?" the boy said. Felix could hear the smirk in his voice.

Felix's voice shook as he said, "What do you want, Eric?"

The said boy laughed, "I think you know. I want you."

"Why don't you run back to your girlfriend instead?" Felix seethed.

"Oh, Rose? I dumped her after she betrayed me." Felix rolled his eyes at the word. "But it's fine, all I need is a mate, anyway." And before Felix could react, Eric lunged.

Felix's arm stung where Eric grabbed him, however, before Eric could land a punch, Felix had already swung his fists. Disoriented, Eric stumbled to the ground, not expecting Felix to be so strong now.

"Yeah, I've been practicing," Felix said. He ran before Eric could stand up again.

"Oi Felix~ Come here~ Don't play hide and seek, where are you~?" Eric sang. Felix was hiding behind a dumpster.

Then it was silent. Is it safe?

Felix carefully looked around the corner.

"Found you." Eric grabbed Felix's shirt collar and threw him to the floor.

The boy pinned him to the ground, punching the Australian across the face with force. Felix felt bruises as Eric kicked his side.

"Now, let's get this over with," Eric sighed, holding down Felix's neck, but not choking him, "Stay still."

Struggling would just restrict his windpipe even more, so Felix had no choice but to stay still. Eric's lips crashed onto his. Felix didn't give him the pleasure of kissing him back. Eric huffed, "Fine, be that way." The demon's lips trailed down to his neck, sucking the skin harshly. Felix's insides squirmed, feeling violated. His mind screamed him to get off, but of course, no one could hear. He felt a sharp pain. Shit. Eric was about to bond him. Without consent.

"You're mine now," he whispered cockily. Felix shuddered, defeated.

Suddenly a familiar voice broke through the air.

"What the fuck is going on here?!"


"W-what do you mean?" Hyunjin asked, feigning surprise, but the stutter gave it away.

Seungmin held up the book he had seen. "Are you a divine?"

"I'm- well...um," Hyunjin stuttered. Welp, the initial plan failed, "Alright, I guess I can't hide anymore. Yes, I am a divine, under the category of demons."

So his hunch was right.

Hyunjin gave Seungmin a fond smile, "You're really smart, Seungmin. One of the things I admire about you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Seungmin asked, betrayed, standing up. Hyunjin hated seeing the boy with so much distrust in his eyes, "Do you actually love me, or am I just a boy you need to mate?"

"If you've read the book...you probably know," Hyunjin said, scratching his neck, "Not everyone believes we exist. Not everyone likes us. Divine-phobia is really common, and our whole community are scared, you know? I've even seen the most accepting people immediately backstab a divine the minute they told them. I was scared you wouldn't accept me."

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