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Ji 😇:
Alright, I got snacks

seungmin's mom still had several cookies left, so imma bring those

btw, I'm chillin' at seungmin's, so we'll both be there

Those cookies are hella delicious


Ok, i got the blankets

not sure if we'll need them, tho ngl

it's 11:49 pm

i'll be there in 10

drama llama's in 15


Felix hopped into his mom's van, "Alright, let's go," the boy said in his mother tongue.

"Ok, then, just tell me the directions." With that, the van pulled out of the driveway.

"I'm surprised that you've made friends so fast," his mom said as they drove, "After everything, I thought you wouldn't talk to people anymore..."

"I mean, I tried," Felix said, "I vowed myself not to, but yet...here we are. I guess they broke my bubble. And anyway, being a recluse wouldn't be good for me."

"True," his mom said with a wise nod, "I'm glad you didn't let stuff get to you."

"...Me too."

On their way to the hill, Felix's mom stopped the van by a gas station to fill up the tank, since the place was an hour or so away.

"Does anyone want a slushie?" she asked the boys.

"Sure," everyone said.

"No thanks, mom," Felix said.

"C'mon dude, you're no fun, slushies are awesome!" Hyunjin said.

"Sorry, I just...don't like slushies." Felix's eyes were telling a different story, though.

30 minutes later, the sophomores arrived at the tree-covered hill at the edge of town. 

"Alright, let's go!" Felix's mom exclaimed, as it had originally been her idea to go with her son, and Felix asked if he could invite friends, "We'll have to hike a few minutes to get to the top, but it'll be worth it!"

"The best time to go stargazing is on or a few days after the new moon," Felix informed his friends, "That way, the moonlight won't get in the way of the stars' visibility. I used to stargaze all the time...back in...never mind. Anyways, here we are! Mom and I found this place last week. Dad was too busy to come, like always, but look around! Isn't it pretty?"

Everyone gaped in awe as the cosmos opened up to them. Countless stars gazed upon the group with their sparkling beauty, as far as their eyes could see. Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jisung had never seen anything like it.

"Wah..." Jisung breathed, "Maybe I should come out more often."

"Yeah..." Seungmin whispered, eyes fixed to the sky.

"Snacks!" Jisung yelled, tossing a bag onto the ground.

"Bruh, why! You're gonna crush the chips!" Felix scolded.

Seungmin laughed as Felix took the bag to check the chips' state. Meanwhile, Jisung tossed back some cookies, some soda (he didn't throw those, of course. He didn't want an explosion), and some candy. The boys chowed happily on their midnight snacks.

After eating, Hyunjin decided to lie down on the ground to get a better look at the twinkling lights above them. One by one, everyone else joined him. Seungmin lied on the taller's left, whereas Felix took his right. Jisung sat on the very right end, and together, the boys stared into the infinite abyss known as the midnight sky.

"Ji, why did you say that you didn't like the new moon?" Seungmin asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the tranquil atmosphere, "Also Hyunjin, you said you like new moon nights?"

Jisung and Hyunjin seemed taken aback, "Well," Jisung said, contemplating what to say, "I like full moons the best, when the moonlight illuminates the dark. I don't like the dark, and new moon nights just make the atmosphere...scary. I also feel a bit...disabled, since I can't see as well." Jisung seemed unsure of what words to use.

"As for me," Hyunjin said, "New moon nights make me feel...you could say...bolder. Braver. The new moon adds this mysterious element to the night. People can slip out into the dark limelight of the city without being noticed. Break the rules, do things they can't usually do when it's bright. Yeah, that's why. I think the dark adds a different kind of peace to a night. Well, that's a bit of an oxymoron, but you know what I mean."

Felix listened to the two boys intently, nodding as if he now knew something big. Seungmin, meanwhile, was left confused. He had expected some sort of joke answer, but the boys' answers were very serious. Why though? Why did they take the night so seriously?

After that, the boys once again fell into a comfortable silence.

Seungmin hadn't had many close friends besides Jisung in a while, since he finds socializing tiring, especially with the many toxic people in high school. Having this tight-knit group was something Seungmin knew he would cherish for a very long time.

Talking was something that Felix hadn't done a lot of since he left his hometown, since moving into a new country and not exactly wanting to get close to anyone for...reasons. He liked this: relaxing with new friends, chatting about random things, having fun, enjoying their youth.

Jisung isn't exactly a social butterfly, and though he has made several acquaintances, having a tight-knit friend group is something the angel hasn't had in a while. Even though he was closer to some than others, all of them were becoming something very special.

Though Hyunjin had become a rather popular student among the high school, Hyunjin hadn't made any super close friends until now. The demon thought that going to a new, public school would suck, but now he realized that maybe that wasn't the case.

These four boys had something special and unbreakable. All were glad that they had met each other.

"Hey Seungmin, can I talk to you for a second?" Hyunjin asked quietly so that only the boy would hear.

Seungmin nodded. The boys got up from their spots and walked off into the forest.

"Seungmin and I are gonna take a walk," Hyunjin said to the group.

"Ok, but don't go too far," Felix's mom said.

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