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"Heeeeey Minnie!" the figure slurred with a giggle. Seungmin said nothing, however, his eyes widened. The figure giggled again, then gave the boy a pout, "C'mon, loosen up, let's dance!" The boy stumbled forward in an attempt to take Seungmin's hand, but almost fell on his face in the process.

"Sung, you're drunk, like really drunk, how much did you have?!" Seungmin said, getting up and attempting to lay his friend on the couch.

"Just a cup or two or five or ten" the boy rambled happily, eyes glazed over.

"Just chill."

"This is your friend?" Hyunjin whispered. Seungmin nodded.

"C'mon Min, lighten up!" Jisung giggled, "And who's this hot fellow right here? Your boyfriend?"

"We just met."

"Yay! Minnie finally has a boyfriend!" Jisung cheered drunkenly, clearly deaf to what Seungmin had just said. 

"I'm not his boyfriend," Hyunjin said with a laugh at this boy's tipsy state, "Just...an acquaintance. Like he said, we just met. But maybe soon..." 

Jisung giggled again, attempting to give Hyunjin something that seemed suspiciously like a hug. Hyunjin quickly caught the tipsy boy before he fell. Together, Hyunjin and Seungmin carefully laid Jisung onto the couch.

Suddenly, Jisung's expression went from a drunk, happy daze to a more sober, solemn expression.

"Seungmin, be careful," Jisung said suddenly, "You barely know this boy. He feels...different. And I don't know if it's in a good way or not."

Hyunjin looked at the boy, wondering what he meant and where this serious demeanor came from. He very surprised when, just for a moment, the boy's eyes flickered gold.

An angel. 

His drunkenness was most likely affecting his ability to glamour, especially since it's a new moon. Luckily, it seemed like Seungmin didn't notice.

"I know, I barely know him, but I'm pretty sure he's not bad," Seungmin said, "he's pretty chill."

"Thanks," Hyunjin said.

"Just...don't fall...too easily..." Jisung mumbled, the drowsiness of the alcohol taking over him as he fell asleep.

"Is he always like this when he's drunk?" Hyunjin asked.

"Um...I hate to call him out like this, but yeah. He's, like, super lightweight and clingy. You don't wanna know how many times I've had to call my mom to drive him home after a party whilst he's strangling me like a koala." Seungmin sighed, "I mean, I don't want to leave him here, but it's better than him stumbling around. At least it's his house and I don't have to call mom." 

"Should I get him water or something?" Hyunjin asked, looking down at the boy.

"Not for him, he's out like a light," Seungmin said, poking his friend's cheeks several times. After the boy's only response was a light snore, Seungmin sighed, giving up, "But, if you don't mind, could you get me a bottle?"

"Sure," Hyunjin said with a smile, leaving.

Hyunjin came back quickly, holding two unopened bottles of water.

Seungmin took the bottle with a thanks. He inspected it carefully, checking to make sure it hadn't been tampered with, before cracking it open.

"What are you doing? I didn't drug it or anything," Hyunjin said.

"Just being safe," Seungmin said, taking a big sip.

As he closed the bottle, Seungmin asked, "What was that about we're not boyfriends, but 'maybe soon.' " Seungmin made air quotes at those words.

"I mean, you're pretty, quiet, witty, and the kind of guy I like," Hyunjin said, "Maybe I could, you know, take you on a date sometime." He turned towards the other, wiggling his eyebrows. Seungmin groaned, gently pushing his face away.

"You're despicable," Seungmin grumbled.

"And you're my type," Hyunjin said, earning himself another slap.

Seungmin took out his phone, checking the time, "Welp, it's midnight, I better get going."

"I guess I'll just stay," Hyunjin said, "Unless you want someone to come with you? It's dangerous at night."

"I've walked home alone before on nights later than this, I think I'll be fine."

Hyunjin sighed, "OK then, babe." They barely knew each other, anyway, why was he getting worked up?

"Babe? Really?"

Hyunjin just laughed.

"I...guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Seungmin said, since Jisung decided that a Sunday party was the perfect day.

"Yeah, see you then, pretty boy." With a wave and yet another eye-roll, Seungmin walked out the door.

Hyunjin stayed at the party for another hour, drinking and dancing with random guys and girls alike, but not letting them cling onto him for too long. Not letting them get too attached. With a sigh, Hyunjin left the house, calling his friend Jaemin to pick him up.

"Wait, I forgot to ask for his number." The boy slapped himself in the face for his stupidity as he laid back in Jaemin's car.

"What?" Jaemin asked from the wheel.

"Nothing, just a boy..."

Seungmin collapsed onto his bed, back to the mattress and eyes staring at his ceiling. The boy sighed, replaying the night's events in his head, and how Hwang Hyunjin, a beautiful stranger, had just swept into his life.

Seungmin is an average kid, not a party-goer but also not a downer, and definitely the last person to fall for a guy without reason. And yet, Hyunjin wouldn't leave his head at the moment.

Seungmin changed into PJs and snuggled into his covers, lost in thought. Maybe this is only a one-time thing, and he'll never see Hyunjin again. Not like he actually cared, but...

Seungmin turned over, and soon enough, his thoughts carried him away to dreamland.

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