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Seungmin turned around, surprised, and was met with a pair of...brown eyes?

"Oh, Hyunjin!" Seungmin said, recognizing the face, "Jisung, this is Hwang Hyunjin, the guy I was talking about. Hyunjin, this is my best friend, Han Jisung."

"Nice to meet you!" Hyunjin said with a smile, holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Hyunjin." The boys shook hands. For a second, Jisung seemed bewildered, for some reason, but Seungmin shook it off.

"So...you're the guy Seungmin hit it off with." Jisung looked at Hyunjin with apprehension, "You're a sophomore?"

"Yeah, though this is my first time in a public school," Hyunjin said, scratching his neck as Jisung's analytic eyes bore into his own. Why was he slightly nervous talking to him?

"Oh, OK." Jisung looked over at Seungmin, "So you two met at my party?"

"Yep. He's a bit of an annoying flirt, but he's chill."

"Hey!" Hyunjin gasped, clutching his heart, "I am, offended."

Jisung let out a quiet laugh, though it seemed slightly forced, "Can me and Hyunjin...talk for a moment, Minnie?"

Seungmin looked at the pair strangely for a moment, then shrugged, "Sure, I'll just go to class. Don't beat each other up. See y'all." And with that, Seungmin left for Creative Writing.

The minute the boy left, Jisung said, "You're a divine, aren't you." It wasn't a question.

Hyunjin's eyes widened, but he wasn't that surprised as he remembered what he saw last night. Angels may be super lightweights when it comes to drinking, but they have the ability to detect divines, though they can't differentiate between the kinds. Demons may be immune to alcohol and drugs, but sadly, they can't detect divines unless they're told.

Of course, he could've imagined it, and this guy just had a hunch.

Hyunjin quirked an eyebrow, feigning ignorance.

Jisung unglamoured his eyes, "Trust me, I'm one of you."

At the sight of the golden hue, Hyunjin sighed. "...Yes, yes I am," he said.

Jisung didn't seem that surprised. "I don't remember much, but I do remember feeling a divine near my best friend," Jisung said coolly, defensive friend mode on, "Angel or demon?"

Hyunjin sighed, then unglamoured his eyes. Jisung's eyes narrowed when he saw Hyunjin's bloodred irises.

Jisung looked at Hyunjin with a rather cold expression, "What do you want with Min? I swear to God if you touch him-"

"Woah, woah, buddy," Hyunjin exclaimed, "No way in hell am I gonna hurt Seungmin! I'm not cruel!"

"Then why are you so interested in befriending him?"

Um...well," Hyunjin scratched his neck again, "I think he's cute..."

"And you need a mate, don't you?"

Hyunjin nodded timidly.

"Look," Jisung said, "I'm not trying to be mean or make you fade or anything, I'm just...protective over my friend. Don't you dare turn him without consent or hurt him in any way, or I won't hesitate to beat your ass back to he- the dark pit in which you came from."

"I promise," Hyunjin said, "Look, I may be an offspring from hell, but I'm most definitely not...Satan." Hyunjin laughed at his own joke, and Jisung's lips curled up just a little. "I'm sorry if that's what you thought when you first met me. I'm not going to harm Seungmin, OK?"

Jisung sighed, "I still don't exactly trust you, but fine. I'll try to be nice, for Seungmin."

"Thank you," Hyunjin said gratefully. 

"Question, though," Hyunjin asked, "Does Seungmin...know?"

"No," Jisung said, "I just...never got the chance to. I don't think it's too important. Why do you wanna know, anyway?"

Hyunjin looked at the boy thoughtfully, "Him not knowing could be...dangerous. What if someone finds out and tells him?"

Jisung shrugged, "Well, no one besides my family know, and I guess you know now, too. Many divines here are closeted, so I actually haven't talked to one of my own in a while. Or at least, someone I knew was a divine. And you better not tell a single soul, Hwang, got it?"

"Yep, lips are sealed. " Hyunjin made a zipping motion on his mouth. "Well, see you around, squirrel boy." Hyunjin turned around to get to Math.

"Why does everyone think I'm a squirrel..."

The bell rang as Seungmin left his Writing class, walking to his History class on the other end of the school. Seungmin detests History with a passion, so he decided not to take the AP option and just take normal. Nothing interesting really happened in Writing, beside a new junior named Lee Minho coming in, and his seat partner Chan suddenly panicking when he saw the dude.

"Oh God and hell I'm dead," Chan muttered at Seungmin's right, wiping his face with his hands in frustration as the boy finished his introduction.

"Why?" Seungmin asked.

"Well, we met at Han Jisung's party, you know Jisung, right?" Seungmin nodded. "Well, long story short, I'm kinda made enemies out of the guy. Why he suddenly transferred, I don't know, but I think it's because of me..."

"Ouch, tough luck buddy," Seungmin said, giving the senior a sympathetic pat on the back.

"Shit," the faux-blonde muttered as the new student took the seat on his right. Indeed, Seungmin saw the scathing glare the boy gave Chan. This was gonna be an interesting semester.

Since they had a 10-minute break, Seungmin stopped by a vending machine, treating himself to a Gatorade. As Seungmin walked into the History classroom, he was about to sit down when the boy who sat behind him turned around from talking to his friend. He's not usually here until the 3-minute bell rings, so Seungmin never noticed who it was.

He was very surprised to see a certain black-haired boy make eye contact with him.

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