New Moon

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Hyunjin smirked as he swaggered through the front door, surveying the decorated living room. White and black balloons, rainbow streamers, and a disco light. Not to mention Jisung's laptop, hooked up to a speaker to blare music in a few minutes.

"This is nostalgia," Seungmin laughed behind him, "We did a good job."

"I know, right?" The couple sighed as they slouched onto the couch.

"How much longer?" Seungmin asked.

"An hour."

"WHAT'S UP BITCHES!!!!" Jisung yelled as he entered 15 minutes later, bearing food. 

"I don't claim him," Felix said, holding more food. Seungmin and Hyunjin laughed.

"Wait, you were actually serious about ordering 100 chicken nuggets?!" Hyunjin asked in shock, realizing that the angel had McDonald's.


"I tried to stop him, but it didn't go well," Felix stated with a chuckle, "Anyways, I found Timtams."

"What are those?" Seungmin asked.

"Australian chocolate cookies, basically."

"Sounds yummy, can I have one?" Hyunjin reached for the bag, but Felix pulled it away.

"Mine." Seungmin laughed at Hyunjin's dejected face.

Minho and Chan came at some point (Seungmin had invited them). It was just those 6 for a while, playing Uno and screaming at each other.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Jisung opened the door.

"THE SQUAD IS HERE!" (Park) Jisung yelled as he, Chenle, Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, Donghyuck, and Mark entered.

"The Dreamies have arrived!" Hyunjin cheered. They quickly put away the cards.

"Prepare yourselves, people are coming," Jeno said.

"How many people did you invite?" Chan asked, exasperated as several unfamiliar people came in.

"Um...ask Jisung, he arranged this," Seungmin said, turning to the angel.


Seungmin sighed as he stood in the corner, bored. Why did he agree to come to this stupid party? Too loud, too many people, too much alcohol, and all and all too much of everything bad. He only got a cup of water because he was thirsty, and to fit in, but otherwise, he didn't want anything to do with this. Seungmin looked down to the floor, contemplating his life decisions.

Jisung and Felix were on the dance floor together, already drunk and dancing crazily. Hyunjin was with him a second ago, but left for more drinks.

"Well, hello there, you look a little lonely." Seungmin looked up as a random girl began to approach him. She had a shirt that was way too revealing, a skirt way too short, and way too much makeup for it to even help her look good. All and all, Seungmin was immediately uncomfortable.

"Um, hi?" Seungmin said.

The girl smiled coyly, leaning against the wall next to him. Very close to him.

"So, what's your name?" the girl asked, her arm brushing against his.

"Um, Seungmin."

The girl giggled, "That's a pretty name. I'm Naeun."

"Nice to meet you, then," Seungmin said kindly.

Awkward silence. The girl slowly curled her arms around his, leaning her head on his shoulder. Seungmin didn't want to be rude and shake her off, though.

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