Waxing Gibbous

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Seungmin sighed as he, once again, was daydreaming in Math class.

It's an average Wednesday, and it's been a bit more than a month since he and the other 3 sophomores went to the arcade. Since then, the boys basically hung out every weekend, doing some of the most random things. For instance, last Saturday, the boys went to this new pizza joint that night, and had loads of fun and ate until they burst. The Saturday before, they went roller skating (and amusingly watching Jisung and Hyunjin fall on their butts several times).

Seungmin had been daydreaming about those moments. He hadn't hung out like this or had this many friends in a while. Having a friend group was...nice. Refreshing to hang out with more than just one or two people.

He especially thought about a certain tall black-haired boy whenever he recollected those weekends. 

Lately, Hwang Hyunjin's face has been floating around Seungmin's mind, never leaving. Seungmin doesn't know why, exactly, but at the same time...does he really want to? Sure, he was slightly...strange in a way Seungmin wasn't exactly sure of yet, but the boy just had something that made Seungmin think about him all the time.

The boy was charming, though annoying, and had a kind heart. His looks were to die for, and the boy persistently did things to Seungmin, specifically, that made him feel things. His smile could light up a room, every time their hands touched it's as if sparks flew everywhere, his laugh made Seungmin's stomach flutter, and just hearing his voice made his heart leap. He was unique, a little aloof, flirty, and the kind of someone that would capture you with their charms, and those charms have ensnared Seungmin in its grasp and refused to let go.

Now that he thought about it, though, Hyunjin's strangeness was a bit similar to Jisung's...

Seungmin sighed again, earning a few weird looks from the kids around him. This boy was gonna be the death of him.

Class ended, and, per usual, Seungmin walked to Jisung's last class to wait for him, since Seungmin's mom would be driving them home. The boy wasn't surprised to also see Felix, who nowadays also waited for Jisung. But what really surprised the boy was the fact the Hyunjin was also waiting.

And smiling straight at him. 

Seungmin looked his eyes away quickly, but couldn't hide his reddening face.

After regaining composure, Seungmin smiled back, fighting off the fluttering feeling in his body and walking over. "Hey, Hyunjin."

"Hey, pretty boy," Hyunjin said with a wink, which only reheated Seungmin's face.

"W-what are you doing here?" Seungmin internally slapped himself for stuttering."

"Just waiting for my friends."

"Is anyone doing anything this Saturday?" Felix asked, "I was thinking of going to see the stars on the hill, since it's a new moon and the sky will be clear."

"I'm free," Seungmin said.

"I am, too. Honestly, I love new moons," Hyunjin said, gazing off into space.

"Well I don't," Jisung said, walking out of his class, "Nope. Definitely not my favorite nights."

Jisung and Hyunjin shared a knowing look. Felix didn't seem fazed, but Seungmin eyed the pair strangely.

Felix shrugged, "But the question is, are you free? I want to take you guys somewhere cool."

"Um...Yeah!" Jisung said enthusiastically at Felix's statement, "I guess...let's do it."

Seungmin felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and smiled as he got a text from his mom, saying that she was here, along with...

"Hey guys, my mom said she's baking cookies right now," Seungmin said, "She asked if y'all wanna come over and try them. Her cookies are the bomb."

"Yes!" Jisung exclaimed, "Are they chocolate chip?"

When Seungmin nodded, Jisung did a little happy dance, "Let's geddit! Sugaaaar!"

"I mean, sure, I'm down for free food," Felix said.

"I'll come, too," Hyunjin said, "I haven't had a warm cookie in a while..."

His family was a good family, don't get it wrong, but to be honest, Hyunjin's family doesn't do many special things. They don't have movie nights, or go out to eat often, go to fairs or city events, or do things together.

"Then onwards, my friends, let's get the delicate baked goods known as chocolate cookies!" Jisung sang, dashing to the exit.

"That boy loves my mom's baking," Seungmin laughed, shaking his head with a sigh as he followed. I mean, he wants some cookies, too.

Seungmin's car pulled up in the driveway.

"Alright kids, the cookies should be done by now!" Seungmin's mom said happily, "And I made a lot!"

The sophomores cheered as they filed inside.

"Nice house, Seungmin," Felix said with a smile. He was the only one who hadn't been here before. Jisung, of course, had been over countless times, and Hyunjin's been over once for a History project.

"Thank you so much for inviting us, Mrs. Kim," Hyunjin said politely.

"Oh, it's nothing. Seungmin talks about you all the time," Seungmin's mom said, "All three of you, in fact, though you more than the others." (Seungmin glared at his mom to stop, but the woman didn't notice) "It's nice that Seungmin's making new friends and not just lagging around Jisung all the time."

"Mooooom," Seungmin groaned. His mom laughed, patting her son on the back.

"I smell chocolate!" Jisung yelled, dashing to the kitchen.

"That boy really loves my cookies," Seungmin's mom laughed, "Well, let's not wait anymore. I asked Dad to take them out when they were done...voila!"

With a flourish of the hand, Felix and Hyunjin felt their mouths salivating as they saw three large trays full of chocolate chip cookies. Seungmin's dad stood at the oven, oven mitts adorning his hands.

"Alright, where's my tip?" the man asked his wife jokingly.

"Um...I'll give you 5 cents." The boys laughed at Seungmin's mom's antics.

Seungmin's mom left for a moment to check some emails, and Felix and Hyunjin sat down, each holding a plate with 2 cookies and a glass of milk. Jisung and Seungmin were already eating ravenously.

"So what's in these?" Hyunjin asked.

"Shut up! Eat!" Jisung said, earning a laugh from everybody.

Hyunjin took a small bite, and the chocolatey goodness immediately melted in his mouth as he chewed. The cookie was sweet, but not too much, and it was crunchy on the edges yet soft and chewy inside. The blend of milk and dark chocolate made his tastebuds sing in pleasure. The baked good made him feel warm and fuzzy inside as he realized how long it's been since he'd had something like this.

"Holy shit..." Hyunjin muttered, taking another huge bite, "This is amazing!"

"Yep," Felix said with a full mouth, already done with his first cookie and about to bite his second.

"You guys are free to take some home," Seungmin's mom yelled from her office.

"Yes please!" Jisung, Felix, and Hyunjin said immediately.

Seungmin's dad laughed as he got out some small bags, "You boys and your sugar."

"Hey Felix, you have a..." Jisung pointed at the right corner of his mouth where Felix had some chocolate still on.

"Oh! Here? Or-"

Jisung huffed, taking a napkin and wiping off for the Australian. Both boys blushed as they realized how close they were.

"Cute..." Seungmin and Hyunjin mumbled. The two laughed quietly when they realized they said it at the same time.

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