Chapter 4

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Virgil's POV

"Virgil...? Viirrrggiiilllll?? Virgil!"

"What, what what I'd do?" I say, instantly anxious as I snap back to reality.

"Sorry for scarin' ya kiddo, but you started staring into space for a second there and I wanted to ask if you were ready to go home?" My honorary dad, Patton, asked.

Oh right Logan had to go pick up some books or something while I waited outside awkwardly, "Yeah."

We walk back to our shabby town home as I stare off into space, remembering my experiences in Hell. My journal is probably still hidden in that wall safe now that I think about it. I wonder if anyone found the safe besides me and Roman, would he have continued writing in my journal? And more importantly is he even alive after our escape attempt? Too often I found my thoughts drift to him, like what would he do if he was out here? To be honest he'd probably get help to go back for everyone still in Hell.

Since my escape I had heard nothing about a trafficking ring taking orphans in the middle of the night. Obviously, the group still worked, or the people running the Castillo Mines had started getting child slaves from another source. Well, the idea that there's more than one child trafficking group in Corinth isn't great, but I would have probably heard if either were shut down so that's not very reassuring either.

I look around the shops, keeping an eye out for a good sketchbook since my other one's getting full. Since they had unofficially adopted me, Patton and Logan had gotten me to try a bunch of new things so I could have a hobby. Horseback riding wasn't bad, but I never really wanted to go anywhere alone and we only have one horse. Cooking is something I'm better off leaving to Patton, same thing with Logan and chemistry. Sword fighting wasn't that bad but neither of them were very good teachers seeing as they've never fought anyone. Patton's basically a pacifist who everyone likes so he's got nothing to worry about, and everyone seems remotely scared of Logan for some reason even though he can barely hold a sword. Drawing seemed to be the only hobby to really stick, and I had gotten 'amazing' at it according to Patton. I don't see any sketchbooks, and even if I did I probably wouldn't have stopped to get it because I didn't want to inconvenience them.

We pass by a hardware stand and I visibly shudder when I see a pickaxe among the tools the shopkeeper has for sale, "Is everything alright kiddo?" He asks, apparently noticing my discomfort.

"I'll tell you when we get home," Why did I say that exactly? He and Logan were bound to find out about my past eventually, I guess my mind decided today was that day without telling me.

He nods, going back to dragging Logan and I around, stopping and pointing at pretty much all of the craft stands. I don't know what it is about crocheted tiny animals that amazes him so much, but who knows he has the attitude of a father and the mind of a child. I wouldn't admit it, but the first few times I went to the shops I was in just as much awe as Patton, just a lot more subtle about it because yay social anxiety. The culture here in Narrakah was much different then I remembered from Corinth, but not bad different, just different. I can just imagine Roman reacting the same way to all the little trinkets as Patton, and for the millionth time wish he was up here with me. If he was up here instead of me then the mines probably would have been shut down already. But instead, I'm the one that made it out and was too worried about surviving and being considered sane to tell anyone for literal months, what a hero I am. At least I found kind people to take me in, many wouldn't have done the same. I remember the day Patton found me, it was only a week or two after I escaped.

- - -

My stomach grumbles for what must be the hundredth time this day. I could try and steal some food but then I'd get in trouble, but if I don't eat now I'm just going to be more hungry and have to steal more later. I walk through the crowded market and grab a small loaf of bread as covertly as possible. Of course I immediately convinced myself that someone saw and started running which only brings more attention to me.

I duck into an alley and end up pinned against the wall, "You know stealing's a crime, right?" I think the real crime is how bad this guy's breath smells, do they not have mints here?

Of course I can't say that unless I want this guy to be even more mad, but what do I say? If I say yes then I'm gonna sound rude which wouldn't help, but if I say no then I sound stupid and or patronizing.

"There's no need for violence, I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding," We both turn to look at the approaching man, "What seems to be the problem?" He asks sweetly.

"The problem is this boy stole from my shop," The shopkeeper growls, tightening his grip on my shirt unnecessarily.

"Well here," The new guy hands him some money, "Problem solved," He declares, gently grabbing my arm to lead me away. The shopkeeper reluctantly lets go in favor of counting the coins he was given.

I look at the stranger, "Why did you-?"

"You were clearly hungry, and I didn't want him hurting you because of it," He explains, "By the way my name is Patton, what's yours?"

"V-Virgil," What the heck does this guy want from me? I can't pay him back for the bread so am I gonna have to work for him?

"Where's your family Virgil?" Patton asks, clearly confused as to why I had to steal food in the first place.

I shrug in response, not really wanting to talk about it. It was hard to remember anything from before Hell but I did know that my parents were both gone, whether that be because they're dead or just missing.

He just nods in understanding, letting go of my hand, "Well, how about you stay the night at my house? I live with my friend Logan who is super smart, I'm sure he'd agree to let you stay."

"Why are you helping me?" I ask, nervously following him through the shops, having forgotten my hunger temporarily.

Patton looks back at me, "Because it's the right thing to do? I dunno, I can support myself so I can try and help support others," Even though he could easily be lying, I decided to take him up on the offer and walk with him back to this cottage of sorts, "Home sweet home."

A/N: And we're officially in present day, well actually it's like pirate/medieval times so not really but you get the point. From now it's going to be forwarding the whole 'taking down Hell and saving Roman' part.

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