Chapter 7

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Virgil's POV

By the time Logan and Patton fall asleep, all the stars are out and I'm still wide awake. Surprisingly, I hadn't psyched myself out of what can only be described as an insane plan. Seriously, what kind of idiot would actually plan to sneak back into a glorified labor camp that they were trapped in for years on end? Well, this idiot apparently. I do have the tattoo and there should still be kids from the same generation so it actually looks like I'm supposed to be there, but I still haven't quite worked out how to get in. It's not like I could just walk in, and the way I escaped from Hell would have been blocked up long ago. There's a chance that I could walk in with a new group of kids, but there's no way that'll work. Every six months or so a new kid's brought in and even if I remembered what month that should happen, it's probably not this month.

There's absolutely no way for me to get inside safely...unless I go during the day. Most of the guards will be more focused on the kids inside so I could get in much easier. Sure I might get caught 'abandoning' my post, but depending on how tired the guards are they might just drag me to a mining strip based on which generation I am and tell me to get back to work. Roman and I are both Omegas so I'd probably end up in the same tunnel as him, and we could find a way out!

I leave a note, knowing Patton and Logan would both hate this plan even though they, or at least Patton, would do the same thing. At least they'll know where I went right? I leave my room, grabbing a loaf of bread for the way, since I'm not gonna be eating much down there.

If they're gonna be working with the royal guard, I'm sure they'll have more than enough horses to get there so after much debate, I decide to ride Mac there. I can't really leave him tied up there safely unless I find some way to carry a couple week's worth of food, so I'll probably end up setting him loose if and when I get there. I grab a bag for some hay and feed, so there'll at least be a chance that I can find him depending on how long it takes to get back out.

Once I've got him all saddled up with the bag of food I lead him out of the mostly-empty stables on Logan and Patton's property. As soon as I snap the reins he takes off quickly, excited to get out. I lead him in what is probably about the right direction, and since I can travel a lot faster on horseback, I should hopefully be able to find it by morning. Hopefully. Soon enough I'm riding under the cover of the treetops which I take as a good sign, or a horrible one according to my anxiety. I pass by a lake, deciding to make a mental note of it in case I can't find anything closer for Mac. A couple hours and one bread loaf later, I find the ocean near Hell, or at least a very large body of water with sand surrounding it. If this is it then I can at least try to find the stretch of beach that I escaped onto and work from there. I ride around on the sand, turning around as soon as I spot the facility. Welp, I found it, this is what I wanted right?

"Let's get you somewhere safe," I whisper to Mac, backtracking to the small pond I found a few minutes ago.

I leave out the hay and feed for him with my bag, but leave him untied. I'll have to pay Logan and Patton back someday for losing their horse, but he could easily die while I'm gone so it's probably for the best. He grazes while I grab the loaf of bread to eat, waiting for dawn. The forest itself would normally scare the crap out of me with all of the strange sounds that could easily be from a psychopath slowly approaching, but I'm a bit more focused on what'll happen when I'm back in Hell.

Putting myself back into an environment where I'm constantly tired, sore, and threatened definitely doesn't sound particularly smart, but I've already made it this far I guess. I'm not gonna let my anxiety, and sensibility, talk me out of this, that would just cause more problems. Well, that's a lie. All I'd have to do is go home, throw out the note, and pretend I got enough sleep for the night. Simple, a lot more simple than this, but if Roman were in my position he would have already saved me a long time ago, I couldn't just leave now that I'm so close. So man the duck up and go to Hell already you coward!

I stand up as the sun starts to rise, hoping that it'll be easier to get in if I can watch the guards leave, "See ya soon bud, hopefully," I tell Mac, patting his snout before going back in the direction of the mines.

The walk takes a bit longer than my anxiety would like, to the point where I'm convinced this is the wrong way. But eventually, I spot the entrance building or whatever it's called and hide in the trees nearby. The guards take their sweet a$$ time before heading inside, probably enjoying the bit of sunshine while they get to see it. The sunrise is one of the most amazing sights aboveground has to offer so I can't exactly blame them.

As soon as they step inside I quickly realize the problem, the door will probably lock automatically when it shuts. I sprint to the door, grabbing the handle with the hope that they won't think to check whether or not the door shuts behind them. I count to thirty before slipping inside, beyond relieved to see no one's inside. I've never actually entered this way, so my anxiety is pretty heightened.

The metal flooring and doors are unfamiliar, so I try to find a hallway without them. And any hall where I hear footsteps is an instant nope, but I do find the cafeteria after a few minutes. From there I turn down a hall and slam into a guard, "Hey!" He shouts, "What are you doing out here?"

That depends, what excuse would make you hate me the least? "I was sent to translate a letter for master Castillo," Kids would often be asked to translate the business letters not written in Endrean or Kahi, so I only had to hope he believed the fact that I could read.

"Mhmm," He grunts, dragging me by the arm to a mining strip, pushing a pickaxe roughly into my hands, "Get back to work."

Holy sh!t that actually worked. 

A/N: Y'all have no idea how awkward it was to write 'master Castillo' XD I can just imagine Remus saying 'Kinky' in response

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