Chapter 12

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T.W: Remus and his less than child-friendly dialogue

Patton's POV

"Hey Emile, I won't be long, I was just wondering if you could pass a message along to Remy?" I ask, entering the therapist's office and closing the door behind me.

"Don't worry Patton, I don't have another patient for an hour. What's the message?" Emile asks, gesturing for me to sit.

I took a seat on the couch across from him, which was usually reserved for his patients, "Well, would you and Remy be up to taking down a really bad guy?" I refused to acknowledge this Ryan Castillo guy as evil when I hadn't even met him.

"Depends..." He takes a sip of his tea.

"On...?" I prompt, used to his games.

"Well, what makes you so sure that they're bad? Is it something that he, she, or they did to you or a friend?" He rambles, listing options as he thinks of them, "Or did a stranger come to you looking for help and refuge from this person?"

"The guy is Ryan Castillo, he runs this mine on the coast of Narrakah but the employees there aren't really there by choice? My friend and unofficial son was kidnapped and sold into the mines. Me and Logie want to help arrest this guy to help the kids down there. So we kinda sorta made a plan to take the entire mine down?" This sounds a lot crazier than I remember now that I say it out loud.

He stares at me for a long moment, "Interesting. And you want me to tell Remy and probably Thomas so they can get the royal guard involved. Would you mind if I talked to your 'unofficial son' about this?"

"That might be a problem since he snuck back into the place so he could save his friend?" I explain awkwardly.

"He must really care for this friend of his then, I at least hope he's safe," Emile says with a strangely comforting smile. This was why he's such a good therapist, and why he's an amazing person to have around in stressful situations.

"Me too," I agree solemnly, "So if you wouldn't mind telling Remy and Thomas that'd be great, I was thinking you could all come over in four days to work everything out?" I suggest, brightening again.

"Of course I will," He assures me, "And you don't need to put on that smile around me Pat, I know you, and that's how I know you're worried for this 'son' of yours."

"Sometimes you're too good at reading people Em," I tell him, shaking my head with a more genuine smile.

He shrugs, "I got this job for a reason, do you want to talk for a bit about Virgil?"

"Yeah, that'd probably help."

- - -

"Patton? What are you doing here? Actually I don't care, Logan'll kill me if he knows you're here with the only person to save you from Remus's...well everything, is me," Janus rambles, starting to close the door.

Against the advice of every reasonable adult ever, I stick my hand in between the door and its frame to stop him from closing it, "Logan knows I'm here and he won't kill you, so can we talk?"

He sighs and opens the door, "Fine, but I'm holding you to that in case he tries to," I follow him inside proudly, preparing myself mentally for whatever I might hear.

"Jan who was at the door??" Remus drawls from somewhere inside, "I'm trying to electrocute a pineapple with my boyfriend!" He complains.

I look at Janus smugly, he hadn't told me that Remus and him finally got together, "Not. A. Word."

"I wasn't gonna say anything," I assure him, but he clearly knows I'm lying, "Remus it's me!" I call out.

"Oh sh!t that means I have to be child friendly, doesn't it?" He asks, popping his head out from the kitchen, "Wait sh!t I can't say that can I?"

Janus facepalms, "It may be better if you leave for a bit Re," Aww, they even have nicknames for each other!!

Remus goes to protest before stopping, "Fair enough."

"Wait no, I need to talk to both of you," Technically I only needed to talk to one of them since they could tell each other, but I really liked seeing my kiddos in love!

As much as I love Emile and Remy, Janus and Remus are a surprisingly cute couple. When I first met Remus he was pretty...different, and Logan covered my ears for half the conversation. So seeing him find someone that actually cares for him and isn't scared off by his more...mature nature makes me really happy.

"That sounds like a trap, I don't know how but it does," Remus says slowly.

Are they really that scared of Logie? "It's not a trap, I just wanted to ask if you two would help me and Logan with something?"

"Well, what is it?" Janus asks, getting a cup of water.

"Oh! Is it-" Remus starts excitedly before Janus cuts him off.

"I can guarantee that because we're talking to Patton, he is not going to ask what the best sex position is," Janus assures him.

"What?" I ask, convinced I heard him wrong, before I remember who I'm talking to.

"It's nothing don't tell Logan," Janus says quickly.

"You know what? Nevermind. But you guys know Virgil," They nod, "Well he told us about his past the other day and it's not great. So...would you guys be willing to help take down a child enslaver?" I had to make it sound somewhat interesting for Remus, but I could have definitely said it a lot better.

"Hell yes! Finally something interesting is gonna happen!" Remus exclaims.

"Electrocuting a pineapple doesn't count as interesting?" Janus asks.

Remus turns to him, "It was interesting five minutes ago when I didn't know there was a criminal I could beat the sh!t out of," He explains, as if everyone should know that.

"So is that a yes from both of you??" I ask hopefully.

Remus gives Janus the puppy eyes and I join in, "Fine, but only because Remus will commit several crimes against humanity if I'm not there."

"I would say you have nothing to worry about, but you're right." 

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