Chapter 30

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Virgil's POV

"Woah woah woah kiddo, slow down there," Patton says, "What's wrong?"

"P-Patton?" I ask, since I'm pretty sure any hallucinations I might be having don't speak, "I can't breathe, I can't, I-" I mutter, barely aware that I'm even saying it out loud.

It's all too loud, too bright, too much. I want it to stop, why won't it stop? I want it to go away, I don't even know what it is. I want Roman. He always helps. He makes me feel safe. Where is he, where is he, where is he?

"Kiddo?" Patton's voice is faint, is it Patton? Yeah, it's probably Patton no one else calls me kiddo, "Can I touch you?"

It takes way too long to process the question, but when I do, I nod quickly. It's not the same as one of Roman's hugs, those are more secure somehow. He also tends to trace shapes or letters into my back so I can try and focus on figuring out what he's making. Not to say that Patton doesn't give good hugs, they're just different.

He shushes me gently, "Can you do one of your breathing tricks?" He asks, "How about we do the star one?"

I nod again, and he moves one of my hands to the ground. He helps me trace the pattern of the star, quietly reminding me when to breathe in, out, and when to hold my breath. I mess up a few times, but Patton's patient with me. He continues leading me through the exercise until I can successfully do it myself, which thankfully doesn't take long.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asks, getting a nod in response.

I 'straighten' up and notice a couple other people are here, Logan and Thomas. At least I recognize them but that doesn't mean I'm happy about having an attack in front of them. And wait, Patton's here, Logan's here, Thomas is here, that means the royal guard is here!

They have to be, so why can I only see these four? Pat and Lo would've known to bring more people right? Or is everyone else dead and we're not gonna make it out of here?! Nope, I already had one panic attack today we are not having another! For now I've gotta focus on not weighing them down and finding Roman. Roman!

"Wait, have you guys seen Roman anywhere?" I ask desperately. They shake their heads. Then again, even if they all knew Roman's name, they don't know what he looks like.

"We can go look for him if you want, everyone else is in a standoff of sorts with the bad guys," Patton says.

"Yeah," I agree, glad for the company even if I feel bad for dragging them away from their friends.

Patton offers me a hand and I allow him to help pull me up. We start looking around, and now I can tell where we are. I haven't been this far back in a while, but the younger generations live and work here. With each turn, my panic slowly rises again because in the grand scheme of things, this place isn't that big. Having Pat and Lo here, along with Thomas I guess helps, but their presence doesn't cure my anxiety or anything. I don't even want to think about all the shouting and gunshots I've heard since Roman ran off.

"Wait," Logan holds up his hand for emphasis, looking off to the side.

"Wha-" Patton starts to ask, before being shushed by Logan.

We awkwardly wait and listen, and after a minute I hear it. It sounds like voices, so either it's a couple of Castillo-loyal cowards, random kids I don't know, or Roman. I cautiously approach the corner, not wanting to be spotted if it is the former. I peek my head out just enough to see Jacob there sitting next to someone on the ground.

"It's fine, I'm fine," The other person assures him, but I don't think either of us believe him because it's Roman. That idiot would do or say anything to make someone else feel better.

I run over, not bothering to apologize as Jacob jumps. Honestly, I didn't really know what I'd do as soon as I saw Roman again. I didn't exactly have a bunch of time to think about it. For now I'm just surprised that I didn't punch him or something, I tend to do that when he does something stupid. And him running off was very stupid.

What I didn't expect to do though, was pull him up by the shirt and kiss him. Sure, I didn't think this through and the kiss is by no means perfect but I don't care. I don't care that it's my first kiss, I don't care that my lips are probably as dry and chapped as a desert, I don't care that he's kissing back. Well no, I do care about that last part because I'd lose my nerve pretty quickly if he wasn't. And holy sh!t I'm kissing Roman! Stay calm, now is not the time to enter panic mode!!

I slowly pull back, seeing a slight blush on his face, a far cry from my tomato impression. He smiles, "If you had done that earlier this would be so much easier."

"And I already regret it," I reply, taking a moment to look him over. My eyes are specifically drawn to the patch of red he has a hand pressed to... "Logan!"

I look back to see the nerd surprised by my outburst, "Yes?"

I gesture frantically to the injury, "Fix him!!"

"Oh my gosh!" Patton exclaims, taking off his signature cardigan to use as a bandage and gives it to Logan. Thomas covered Pat's eyes since we didn't need him passing out from the sight of blood.

Roman cups my face and makes me face him, "Don't worry," He wipes away tears that I don't remember crying, "It's just a bullet wound, after everything this ain't gonna be the thing that kills me."

Logan has him turn on his side after wrapping the cardigan around his waist, and presses down on the wound, getting a groan from Roman. Before I can shout at him he speaks, "I'm simply attempting to stop the bleeding."

"Unless we plan on sitting here until this is all over though, then we should see if someone has any actual medical supplies," Thomas suggests.

"Why don't you and Patton go retrieve some then, Virgil do you know where Castillo would keep something like that?" Logan asks, sounding way to calm.

"I don't know, wouldn't one of your guard friends have something?" Surely they brought a doctor right? I mean why wouldn't they bring a doctor this place is dangerous and anyone could have figured that out.

"They might have some stuff in the guard's rooms. I can show you," Jacob offers, "I'm Jacob by the way," Patton and Thomas follow him out of sight.

It's not the best or most definite answer ever, but I'll have to take it, "Okay," I take Roman's hand, "Don't worry, you're gonna be okay," I reassure him just as much as myself.

"I sure hope so," He says with a smile, "I can't die without going on at least one date with you."

Logan glances at me like 'say the word and I'll let him bleed out' but I shake my head. Despite his corny nature, I love the idiot and seeing him die in a mine that he's spent practically his entire life in is just rude.

"Well I guess you have to live then," I tell him, trying not to worry because he looks mostly okay.

"I promise," He replies, "I've got to be around to get revenge on Castillo for the whole memory loss thing."

"The what?" Logan asks, looking between us.

"Long story."

A/N: Hope you guys liked the prinxiety 'confession' I wasn't 100% percent sure how I was gonna do it but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

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