Chapter 24

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Patton's POV

"So that's it huh? We're really helping take down a criminal?" I ask rhetorically, and yes I know big words like that.

"Well yes, I don't know what else that conversation could have been for," Logan replies, taking the question literally as always.

I laugh lightly at his serious nature, "Well yeah, I'm just kinda shocked. I know we've been planning this since we learned about that mean guy from Virgil, but I can't believe that it's happening."

He sits down next to me, "I guess it is understandable. Under different circumstances, we would never have been in this situation, though I don't necessarily regret it."

"Hey, do you want to make a puzzle?" I ask randomly, not knowing what to add to the previous conversation. It would also give us something to do together, since I can actually do puzzles unlike the brain teasers I've seen him do.

"Alright, do you have a specific one in mind?" He asks, and I shrug in response.

I get up and go over to the bookshelf, looking through the boxes of puzzles we hadn't done yet. The finished ones were framed and set in a pile in the basement, and a few were hung up like paintings. I chose the one of a farm, partially because of how many animals there are. It didn't look too hard, the only really bad part was going to be the sky because of how simple it was. Sure, there were a couple clouds but that was it, I'd just have to trust Logan's ability to assemble the pieces at an unnaturally quick rate.

I hold it up for him to see, "How about this one?" I suggest.

"That sounds satisfactory," He agrees, at least I think he's agreeing with me. I may know some big words but that doesn't mean I can keep up with everything Logan says.

I sit down on the ground, using the couch as a backrest, which may or may not be a word I'm not sure. Logan moves off the couch to sit next to me, claiming it's better for his posture to not have to lean as far to see the puzzle. Of course, I have hope that it's more than that because of how stiff he is while saying it and I kinda sorta like him.

We open the box, setting the instruction/warning manual to the side because it's kinda useless. I dump the cardboard shapes out without an ounce of grace and spread them out around the table, beginning my search for the edge pieces. Everyone knows that the best way to start a puzzle is to frame it up, no offense to the few people that don't do that.

Logan, of course, finds the first edge piece and places it in the general area of it. We continue finding them, connecting them together and I move on to the main cow, seeing as I can use the edge to start it off.

"Hey Logan, what was your question? From earlier?" I ask while gathering the black and white pieces.

"Hmm? Oh I wanted to talk to you about something because you know much more about emotion than I do," He replies without looking up, "Emile tried to explain it but he suggested that I talk to you about it."

So that's why they disappeared for a bit, "Well, whatcha need?"

"First of all; it's 'what do you.' Second; I need some help to understand certain feelings I have been experiencing," Whoa whoa woah, Logan's actually admitting he's feeling something? I'm so proud!!!

"Well...what have you been feeling?" I ask, noticing how uncomfortable he seems to be.

"Both Emile and my friend Avery have come to conclusion that I have a 'crush,'" He says, clearing his throat awkwardly, "On you..."

"Oh," I squeak out, "Well, do you think you do?" And I have apparently forgotten every Kahi word in existence, great.

"To be honest, I'm not sure," That's not a good sign is it? "I do know that I tend to become flustered around you, and that I am glad that you're here," That's...better? "I guess it would help to know if you have feelings for me?"

Well, I have to tell the truth here, it wouldn't be fair to him if I didn't, "Yeah, I kinda have a crush on you. It's okay if you realize that you don't feel the same," I assure him, not wanting to lose him as a friend. 

"That's what I want to figure out. I'd feel guilty if I were to give you an answer before I was sure of my feelings or lack thereof," He says, but I'm more caught up on the part where he didn't correct my grammar.

" would you figure out if you like me in that way?" I ask.

"I thought you would know a way to test my theory," He admits.

I think about it for a minute, "There's at least one way that might help you," I say slowly, not sure how comfortable he'll be with it.

"What would that be?" He asks, not noticing my hesitance to say it.

How am I supposed to explain this without confusing him or messing up any chance I might have. But sometimes feelings don't need to be said out loud, that's what cuddling or hand holding is for. That's part of true love, two people that get along so well that nothing needs to be said, they can just be there, at least that's what I think.

In light of this, I decide to just go for it. I grab him by the tie and connect our lips awkwardly. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to this so it probably looks strange, but it feels amazing. Once he gets over the shock, Logan wraps his arms loosely around me and I keep my hands on his tie. After a few seconds, we pull away slightly. It wasn't the best kiss in history, but hopefully we'd get better, that sounds weird.

"Um...that was certainly...informative," He comments, "It seems that Emile and Avery were right."

"So does that mean after all of this is over you'd like to go on a date with me?" I ask hopefully.

"I'd like that very much Patton." 

A/N: Alright one confession out of the way! I am so tired

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