Chapter 26

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Patton's POV

After a couple days of waiting, which is still way too long in my opinion, Remy and Thomas have gotten some of their guard-friends to go out with us to find this place. Logan is in charge of the map since it's his and he's the best at reading them. Remus is riding on his horse backwards to talk with Janus and though it is kinda dangerous, it is cute. From what I understand, once we find the place we'll set up a camp nearby and take turns watching over it to determine the best time for us to attack.

I can tell that everyone is getting antsy, especially Remy with his short attention span. So naturally, I started playing I Spy with Joan, Talyn, and Valerie since I didn't know any of them very well. After a few rounds, Janus shushes us and gestures ahead. We all stop and listen closely, hearing a couple faint voices in the distance. Either some fishermen (or women) are out really late, or we're here.

Thomas takes charge and gestures for us to follow him. He leads us off to the left of the area, and once we can't hear them anymore we stop, "Okay, Janus and Valerie, I want you two to go on foot and get an idea of how far away these mines are, and what the entrance or entrances look like," He says.

Val salutes and Janus nods before they set off quietly in the direction we heard the voices, "Who's sleeping with who?" Joan asks.

"That's wh-" Remus can't even get halfway through what is basically his catchphrase before Logan interrupts.

"Patton and I probably will," He looks at me for confirmation, earning a nod, "I'm sure everyone else can handle deciding who they'll be sharing a tent with, but I would assume that the 'couples' would like to share a tent."

Everyone agrees and grabs their tents, Logan grabbing ours. I end up helping Remus, Jamahl, and Colton with their tents since apparently they've never gone camping. Once that's done we all sit around, talking quietly and waiting for Janus and Valerie to get back. They were supposed to figure out the 'baseline' number of guards and how we're gonna get in.

A few minutes after we've all gotten our tents set up, Janus and Valerie return, "What could you determine?" Logan asks.

"For now, it isn't well guarded," Valerie reports, "There are only two armed men keeping watch of the two entrances. One is a simple metal door that leads into a small building, the other is a large hatch of sorts that's built into the ground."

"I seriously doubt that we can get in that way," Janus adds.

"What makes you say that?" Another one of Thomas's guard friends, Terrence, asks. He seems pretty energetic and likable, I'd have to hang out with him after all of this is over.

He shoots Terrence a glare that says 'really?' "Right, because we can totally lift a four ton metal plate that may or may not be screwed down," He says sarcastically.

"So for the moment it seems that our best option would be to find a way in through the actual door," Logan concludes. It may seem like he's ignoring the argument, but I just think that he's stopping it by continuing on.

"Welp, that settles it, for now I suggest that we get some rest while Thomas and Jamahl take their shift," Emile suggests, ending the conversation except for our 'goodnights.'

- - -

In the morning we're all woken up by Remus running around and hitting our tents with a stick, "Rise and shine sh!tbirds, the day of revolution is upon us!" He yells.

"Who allowed Remus to wake us up?" I hear Remy complain.

I climbed out of our tent, deciding not to call out the fact that I had been koala hugging Logan in my sleep. Everyone else seems to be waking up, except for Remus and Terrance, who I'm guessing had the last shift.

"Not important," Remus says, continuing on before anyone can question it further, "What is important though, probably, is the fact that the guard guys went inside."

That certainly caught everyone's attention, "Why didn't you say that first?" Logan asks, getting his shoes on.

He just stares blankly at Logan, until Lo sighs and looks away. Everyone else springs into action and we rush out to the entrance of the mine, keeping hidden in the trees. And like Remus said, no one's standing guard at the door.

" we just go now and hope for the best?" Talyn asks.

"Of course not," Valerie replies, "Right? I could've sworn we would have a better plan than that."

"It's not, there are several factors we have yet to consider," Logan reasons, going into smart mode, "First of all the door is probably locked, and two the guards are probably only switching out for the day. It would be better if we waited until tomorrow, so we could get to the door as soon as they go inside."

Emile nods, "But that still doesn't guarantee that we'll be able to get inside," He points out.

"Yeah, wouldn't it just be best to wait for the new guys to walk out, attack them, and get in with their key?" Joan asks.

"Unless they scream and trigger an alarm, sure," Janus agrees, "I say we just threaten one of them into letting us in."

"That's certainly one option," I agree slowly, not wanting to condone manipulation but at the same time everyone's ideas are valid, "Can we decide if we're going now or if we're just going to plan? I don't think it's a very good idea to keep talking here."

"Fair enough," Remy says, looking towards the base, "Wait...Remus what the hell are you doing?!" He yells, standing up.

We look over and see Remus in front of the door, and from the looks of it he had knocked, "What do you mean? We were trying to get inside right??" 

A/N: School starts tomorrow for me and I'm not ready REEEEEEEE

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