Chapter 27

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Logan's POV

"We were trying to get inside right?" I don't know how this plan hasn't failed already.

Of course, we were planning how to get inside but simply knocking and letting them know we were here is possibly the most idiotic plan Remus could have employed. I facepalmed and stood up, planning to drag him back to cover and hope that Castillo's employees are just as stupid. Unfortunately, before I can get three steps out into the open, the door opens.

"Hi!" Remus greets cheerfully, wasting no time and promptly punches whoever opened the door.

He proceeds to step inside and a gunshot is heard, Patton steps up to go inside but I stop him. I don't want him to see whatever happened in there, especially since Remus was most likely the one to fire the gun. And, if he wasn't, I wouldn't want Patton to see one of his children while injured.

Janus though has no problem running past and holding the door open. Judging by the lack of horror in his expression, it's safe to say that my first assumption was correct.

"Janus! Is everything alright in there?" Thomas calls, using his hands as a funnel to make the sound louder.

"Define good," He answers, looking almost disappointed. Of course, I can't really see his face so I could be wrong.

We all share glances, silently deciding who should go first. The guards go inside and I reluctantly follow them with Patton, hoping that one of them has the decency to move the deceased out of sight for the sake of Patton's innocence.

Once inside we can hear poorly transmitted shouts, probably because of the gunfire. I would have preferred if we had been able to get inside without alerting them to our presence, but oh well. I should have taken Remus's strange nature into greater consideration when planning this out.

"Okay here's the plan babes," I'm tempted to intervene and take leadership, but it does make sense that a member of the royal guard would out-rank me. Though I'm not sure how I feel about Remy being in charge, "We're all gonna stick together since splitting up in this place without knowing how huge it is is just plain stupid. Remus you can go in the front, Emile and Patton should be in the back with Terrance. Logan I want you somewhere you can see everything since you're the smart one."

"Hey!" Joan complains, "I'm smart too!"

"And you also know how to use a gun," He argues, lowering his sunglasses as an alarm starts going off, "Anyone else wanna sit around and question my genius or are we gonna go kick some child trafficker a$$?" Ignoring his horrid grammar, Remy does have a point, much as it pains me to admit it. Surprisingly, no one protests, even the part about him being a so-called genius, "That's what I thought."

He starts walking, leaving the rest of us to get in formation behind him, minus Remus who is practically skipping. The hallways are bare and metallic, aside from the occasional door. Remy stops us in front of an open doorway, which upon further inspection seems to lead out onto a balcony and staircase.

"Hey Logan?" Patton asks from beside me, grabbing my hand as he speaks.

"Yes Patton?" I reply, noticing his concerned posture. At least I think it's concern, I don't think asking that directly would be polite though, "Are you adequate?"

He nods, but the gesture doesn't exactly match up with his body language, "I'm scared," He says quietly.

I squeeze his hand, having learnt that the action tends to reassure the other, "I'm sure everything will be alright Patton, would you prefer to wait outside?" I know the others wouldn't judge him for waiting outside, and even if they did, I would make sure he didn't feel pressured to stay.

"No," He shakes his head to further his decision, "I wanna help the kiddos there, and I don't want to wait up here while my kiddo could be hurt," He says determinedly.

He doesn't have to specify who he's talking about since he only knows one of the 'kiddos' down there. Virgil's smart, and he would know his way around. Despite the circumstances, I'm confident that he would have been able to safely sneak back inside.

No matter what I believe though, Patton will most likely not change his mind, "Alright."

"Okay lovebirds we've got a mine full of kids to liberate so if you're gonna make out or screw then you can either find a room or let me watch," Remus comments, drawing us back to the present.

Patton tilts his head to the side, obviously confused by his terminology. I cover his mouth before he can question Remus on the subject, "Let's go."

Assuming there isn't a line of criminals and or children waiting to fire on us, which seems highly unlikely considering how little time they would have to prepare, we should be able to safely descend. Our main concern should be that we have no optimal way of navigating this place, but it is safe to assume that going down would allow us to find people.

Unsurprisingly, Remy and Remus lead the charge downward with Jamahl and Valerie making sure they don't run right into a dangerous situation. Everyone raises their weapons in anticipation except Patton, Emile, and Terrance. It makes sense, seeing as the three prefer to do things peacefully. We stop abruptly, a couple of the guards going ahead to stand by Remy and Remus while the rest of us stay on the stairs.

"So," Remy calls out to the confused criminals, "Who can tell me where Ryan Castillo is?" 

A/N: These updates are either gonna come out a few hours early or late depending on how early I wake up, then again I might just stick to updating after school.

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