Chapter 11

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Virgil's POV

As of nighttime, the only information I have to go off of is that Roman disappeared for a couple days, probably right after I escaped, and when he came back he was this Castillo-loyal snitch. So they obviously did something to him, but the normal treatment for escapees obviously wasn't it. Assuming Ryan Castillo doesn't know the secret to mind control, there are only so many options for me to choose from. If I guess wrong, Roman could easily get angry and defensive, which wouldn't be good when I'm trying to keep this whole saving him thing under wraps.

I guess they could have threatened him? But that idea sounds pretty far fetched, what could a slave and orphan have to lose? We don't have families, we aren't even allowed to own anything except the clothes on our backs which the guards don't mind tearing up. That or he could have some memory loss? If that's the case then it would explain his strange reaction to seeing me, and why he sold me out so quickly. They could have convinced him that he was required to turn in people not following the rules or something. Why he'd agree to that, I have no idea.

I feel like I'm just grasping at straws here, but it doesn't make sense for Roman to turn on me like that. He's my best friend and loyal to a fault, he basically turned himself in so I could go free because he's just that selfless. Roman would do anything for the people he cares about, so reasonably I know that he's probably not holding a grudge against me. Problem is, I hardly ever listen to the reasonable part of me. The fact of the matter is I left him here because I didn't want to get caught, so if he's mad at me then I can't blame him. I gotta admit though, I really hope he isn't mad at me. In some ways, that's a lot harder to fix than amnesia or manipulation ever is...

- - -

After lunch, I'm feeling good enough to at least try to work so I abandon the crevice I hid in earlier. Someone found a vein of gold or something so we got a good two minutes of break time while some of us were sent with a guard to get a cart or something for it, I wasn't really paying attention. Soon enough we were sent back to work, a large group of us being focused around that area. I was 'lucky' enough to be in that group and put more effort into focusing on not hitting anyone than I put into working.

Other than that, I trudged back to the dorms with everyone else just like in the good old days. I could give Ro time to cool down or whatever in case he's just going to freak and call the guards as soon as he sees me, but logic is taking the day off apparently. I watch as everyone else goes to their own beds, and I'm amazed to see a few small groups of kids talking. Before, everyone basically ignored and or were scared of each other so this is definitely a surprise. For now I just have to hope that there's actually an empty bed, or that I can fix Roman and possibly share with him.

(Don't you guys dare I swear to god-)

At least this gives me a chance to talk to him without raising too much suspicion, aside from the part about him being a snitch that everyone avoids. I cautiously approach him, not wanting to set him off.

"Hey," I mumble, and he practically jumps when he sees me, "Before you freak out or something I just wanted to ask something. Do you know who I am?" That sounds borderline threatening, which is very helpful for the situation.

He looks at me cautiously, probably wondering if it's worth it to even answer, "Am I supposed to?" That confirms it, he doesn't remember me.

"Well, what do you remember?" If he even has the slightest memory of anything before the past three months, that'd be great.

"What kind of question is that?" He scoffs, looking slightly uncomfortable, "You act like there's something wrong with my memory."

"No offense, but there is. I know you already said that you don't know me, but I'm Virgil. We met on the day we were brought here," I show him my generation and number and he flinches, "I was having a panic attack because it was dark and cramped, you were the one to calm me down."

"I-I think you're mistaken," He's shaking visibly and looks down, apparently finding something more interesting there.

I take a step closer, "Roman, I don't know what they did to you but I miss my best friend," I tell him, hoping that the cheesy approach will help. Roman absolutely loved a good fairytale guilt trip so maybe that could help him regain his memories?

"Shut up," He mumbles, "Just shut up! I don't remember you okay? I don't want to- I c-can't remember okay?!" He barely keeps his voice under control, and I can see the tears in his eyes. He regains his composure quickly, "You should go."

Seeing no other option, I nod and step back. He lays down on his bed, facing away from me. Looks like I'm gonna have to find an empty bed after all, at least I can count on the bunks never being completely full because the residents are always mysteriously disappearing. That sounds a lot more morbid in my head, but for once it's at least the slightest bit positive. I take the third bunk on one stack, knowing I won't be able to sleep for a while even if I tried.

At least one good thing came from that talk, I had gotten close to fixing him. There was definitely something wrong with Roman, something about remembering that scared him but he's the bravest person I know. If anyone could overcome a trauma they don't even remember, it's Roman. Okay so that doesn't sound as convincing or reassuring as I first thought, but cheering people up is Patton's job not mine. I stare up at the metal framework of the bunk above me, wondering what they could have done to mess him up so bad. The answers definitely aren't something you would tell a child before bed, but why would they be? 

What the hell did they do to you, Roman?

A/N: Since deciding on a title, I've become hyper-aware of just how many times I use the word 'hell' when writing.

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