Chapter 18

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Virgil's POV

"Well, that worked out," I say awkwardly, not sure what to say. It's been forever since we've had an actual conversation and I sure as hell don't know how to start it.

"Agreed," He responds.

Roman drags me over to his bed, sitting down at the head like he used to when we talked late at night. He seems to be fighting sleep and if it weren't for my habits of pulling impromptu allnighters, I would be in the same boat.

"How was it up there?" He asks randomly. Well, it probably doesn't count as random since we were gonna be sitting in silence for a while if he didn't say anything.

"Up in Narrakah?" I ask, even though I don't know what else he could have meant.

He nods, "Wait so we're in Narrakah? Huh..." Oh right, I guess he never got the chance to figure out where we were taken.

"Yeah, it's not bad. I even made a couple friends. Their names are Patton and Logan, they took me in and have become like a family to me. Patton's basically my dad and he always makes puns to prove it, meanwhile Logan pretends to hate them because they're 'illogical,'" I tell him, laying down.

"They sound like great people," He yawns, laying down as well, "How's your back?" He asks, guilt written all over his face.

"Ro, it's fine," I tell him, "Just a bit sore but that could easily be from all the work. I'm not as used to it anymore."

"That's a good thing in my opinion," He says, "Just imagine being able to sit around all day, with real food and the freedom to burst into song at any given moment. Now that would be a good way to live."

I laugh quietly, "You have such strange life goals."

"At least I have life goals," He fires back, crossing his arms behind his head proudly.

"Screw you," I reply, "All I want is to be free of this place and have a stable life in Narrakah," I say, trying to imagine what my life would look like if I had never been brought here.

Sure, I technically wouldn't be in Narrakah, but it was nice to think of a nice life in the woods with Patton, Logan, and Roman. Well, I never would have met Roman either if I hadn't ever been here. And at least I never starved here, which I probably would've on the streets of Corinth. Maybe living here wasn't all bad.

"That sounds amazing," Roman replies solemnly, "If a little boring," He adds with a smirk. I should have known he couldn't remain serious for long.

"And a$$hole Roman makes his return," I declare, strangely upset by the insult. I knew he didn't mean it, but it still bothered me. At least he doesn't seem to notice my discomfort.

He laughs, "Darn, but seriously if you never came here what would you be doing right now? What do you want to do? Like, do you want to be a baker, bartender, you've gotta have some ambition."

"I don't know what I want to do. I never really thought about it up there and back when I was stuck here I didn't want to think about it, because I was convinced it would never happen," I say, and I can feel him turn his head towards me.

"That's really depressing," He replies with a pout, "But I can't blame you for that. This place is pretty depressing," He admits, staying silent for a minute, "Why did you come back?"

I look around the room, trying to find anyone that's still awake. You can usually tell by how tense they are, or their breathing. When trying to sleep it's pretty easy to think about breathing evenly, and then you can't stop thinking about your breathing and you have to breathe manually.

Even with my paranoia, I'm pretty confident no one else is awake, "I told Logan and Patton about this place, and they're gonna get some people to help arrest Castillo. So I came back to hopefully help because it's not that hard to figure out what the guards will do if people start poking around the area."

We both sit quietly as it becomes apparent what I meant. They'll panic, and us kids will suffer because of it, especially if they think we'll fight back. I know I won't be able to save everyone at once, but if I could at least try to help a few like Roman, Jacob, Will, and Reese then I'd be happy. Well no, I'd still feel incredibly guilty for anyone that gets hurt but at least I could try to keep my best friend safe.

"So that means we'll all be able to get out of here after all,," Roman comments, staring up at the metal framework with an unreadable expression.

I decide not to let my opinion show for the moment, "Yeah, that is the intention."

He chuckles, "Jesus. Frickin. Christ."

"Watch your profanity," I warn, a smile already making its way onto my face after seeing him laugh.

He pulls me into a tight hug, basically suffocating me as I'm unable to move my face away from his chest. My face heats up and I'm sure it's only the first symptom of suffocation so I tap his arm rapidly, causing him to loosen his grip.

"Heh, sorry. As evil as it sounds, I'm gonna love watching Castillo get taken away at swordpoint," Roman admits.

I laugh, "That's fair, it's hard to imagine that even the most pure souls here wouldn't want him brought to justice," But for most I'd imagine that 'justice' is quite painful for him.

"I always thought I'd be the one that saves us all, but right now I honestly don't care as long as whatever plan they have will work," He says wistfully.

I remembered the stories he'd make up as a kid where he was always a prince or someone's guard so I understand that dream better than anyone. It was yet another reason that Roman should have been the one to escape and not me. He has the ambition to be a hero, I don't.

"Well," I yawn heavily, the excitement of the night wearing off. I absentmindedly lay down next to him, "If it's any consolation you're my hero." 

A/N: I went back and had to add in more just so I could have this be the ending XD

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