Chapter 10

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Virgil's POV

Hell on Earth is a really accurate name for this place. That was the first cohesive thought I had after waking up, since silently screaming in agony probably doesn't count. Same thing goes for repeating 'ow' and several curses that Patton would disown me for. My wrists were beyond sore as they dangled above me, being held up by metal chains. My back was the source of a completely new kind of pain, and I seriously wonder how the hell Roman managed to deal with this. Any of the whippings he had endured surely weren't this bad at least so that's probably part of it. If I had a mirror it would probably be impossible to count the number of scars they left. Seriously, how angry was the guy responsible for my whipping? I don't think I could even move without the handcuffs, not unless I want to pass out from the effort so I remain sitting awkwardly on my knees.

This is pretty much what I expected when I was trying to sneak in here, but having Roman sell me out? That was definitely not what I was hoping for, was he really that mad at me? He didn't look mad, just confused and cautious which is usually my thing not his. There was also the whole thing about him knowing Endrean? That's new. He's from Corinth like me, and he's always looked as confused as me when the guards start speaking in it. So either he's an amazing actor that for some reason hid his ability to understand the guards, or he learned some while I was gone?? But why wouldn't he say something if he could understand them? Or, maybe whatever they did to him when he was caught trying to escape really messed him up. He didn't even seem to recognize me-

"Rise and shine omega thirty-seven, it's time for you to get back to work," An adult shouts harshly, opening the door to the glorified prison cell that I'm currently in.

He unlocks the chains, causing my arms to immediately drop to my sides. The guard pulls me to my feet, apparently knowing that I won't be able to stand up on my own and 'generously' helps me by dragging me down the corridor. I'm sent into the same strip as yesterday, but decide it's safer to avoid Roman until I know what's going on with him. I definitely don't need any more lashings for the week. Actually, I'd prefer to never see a whip again for as long as I live. My back makes it almost impossible to do any work, so I sit and rest in this dark crevice that's out of sight from the guards and most of the kids.

Once inside, I realize that I'm not the only one to ever find this place, "Hey!" Someone whispers harshly. A hand covers my mouth before I can say anything, or scream who knows.

"Hold up," A different person says, also whispering. What I'm guessing is their hand ghosts down my back, causing me to flinch, "He's hurt, bad."

"So? That doesn't mean he won't snitch on us if he thinks he can get a day off from it," The first voice complains, their grip tightening slightly on my face.

"Just move for a second," The other whispers, lightly pushing the first person away from me, "I know you, you're the one Roman turned in yesterday, aren't you?"

So that was only yesterday, huh? My body certainly agrees, "Uh, yeah," I have no idea who these two are or how easily they trust, but maybe these two can explain why Roman sold me out in the first place? Well, how am I supposed to ask that? I seriously doubt that 'hey, I kinda escaped this place a couple months ago, what the heck happened to him in that time?' would work, "I used to know him, but he's obviously changed quite a bit..."

"I'll say, he kinda disappeared for a couple days a little while ago, but when he came back he was just...different. He became a complete snitch so we tend to avoid him," The kid explains, sounding like someone who's telling a ghost story, "I'm Will," He holds out his hand.

The second kid smack his hand down, "Don't tell him your name! For all we know he could be a snitch like Roman."

"He got sold out by Roman, why would he help 'em?!" Will argues, "Sorry about them. Since they won't introduce themselves I'll do it. This is my friend, Reese."

"Will!" The non-binary complains, punching the other.

"Ow!" Will whines, rubbing his now extra sore arm, "In my defense, if he was gonna snitch, he would have done it already, and do you really think the guards know our names? Or care?!"

"How am I supposed to know, they all speak Endrean!" Reese argues, surprisingly still whispering despite their obvious anger.

"Even in another language, people's names stay the same, they would just add an accent!" Will fires back, and I'm starting to feel like a very unwilling spectator to all of this. If my back didn't hurt like hell, then I would have probably left by now, even if it meant having to do more work.

Instead of going back out though, I try and end the argument, "I'm not gonna sell either of you out, especially since that would probably get me in trouble as well, but shouldn't we quiet down a bit?"

They both turn to me, Reese glaring warily while Will's expression is unreadable, "He's right, wait you do identify as a 'he' right?"

"Yeah, my name is Virgil," That'll hopefully make them trust me a bit more, maybe.

Will takes my hand and shakes it, "Welcome to our little hidey hole Virgil, this is where we go when we're too tired or injured to work since we aren't allowed to take a break."

"But that doesn't mean you can come here all the time, and you can't tell anyone else about this, got it?" Reese threatens.

"Got it," I confirm, not wanting to get on the negative end of their vague threat.

The two of them might not be able to help me fix Roman because they obviously don't trust him but at least for now, I've got somewhere to go if or when I need it. 

A/N: Round of applause for the married (not actually) couple, Will and Reese! 

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