Chapter 20

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Logan's POV

"Okay let's see we've got the fruit platter, the cookies- wait they're still in the oven!!" Patton, figuratively, races around the kitchen to get everything prepared for our 'guests.'

I don't quite understand why he insists on calling them that when we're friends with all of them but he knows more about social conventions than I do. He grabs a steaming tray of cookies out of the oven, and they may be slightly burnt because of their increased exposure to heat. He panics and sets them down on the counter, going to check on the lemonade. I take an oven mitt and move the cookies onto a cooling tray since I'd prefer not to burn our counters.

"Lo can you see them yet?" Patton asks over his shoulder.

I go over to the door, opening it and looking around, "No. Even if I did that would make them half an hour early," I point out, smiling despite the lack of logic in his worry.

Perhaps Avery was right about my 'feelings' for Patton. I had been examining my physical reactions during several of our interactions of the past few days and my behavior certainly is different around him. Different in a way that could be explained away by a romantic interest in him. Of course, I have no idea how to handle such a situation, I could ask Patton but that would ruin the point of admitting my feelings to him.

He sighs in relief, "True, but you never know when Remus might show up," That I can agree with. Remus has made a point to be unpredictable, even though that makes him even more predictable in some ways.

"While Remus is a very...interesting person," That's probably the nicest way I can put it, "Janus most likely would have prevented him from showing up here without him."

Perhaps I can ask one of the others about feelings. Emile is the most logical choice by far seeing as he can read people very well and is in a relationship himself. That and he should be able to help me understand my feelings and confess them in a way that Patton would be more likely to accept and reciprocate. I'd likely have to wait until our 'meeting' with them comes to an end before seeking the therapist's advice, but I have hope that it will be well worth the wait.

"Ow ow ow! Hot stove, hot stove!" Patton shouts, drawing my attention back to the bubbly man. He's shaking one hand, presumably the injured one if he did in fact burn his hand.

"Here," I run his hand under warm water, letting it soothe the burn. The injury isn't bad enough to warrant cream and bandages, but that doesn't mean it's painless, "Is that any better?"

He flexes his hand, "Yeah, thanks Logie!" Oh that darn nickname.

I adjust my tie, trying to clear the newfound 'lump' in my throat, "It's no problem Patton, just be more careful next time."

"I will," He assures me.

"Why don't you take a break while I lay out the rest of the food?" I suggest, strongly against the idea of Patton possibly getting hurt again.

"But-" He starts.

I walk him over to the couch, "I can handle it Patton, you're obviously stressed so you should take a moment to calm down."

He sighs, "Okay, you're probably right."

He relaxes and I go back into the kitchen, cleaning up some flour and cookie dough off the counter. Despite his expertise in making the dessert, he still manages to make a mess every time. I set out the cookies on a plate and brought them out to the living room. I leave them on the coffee table before going back for the fruit platter and setting it down next to the plate of pastries. Next I take the lemonade and seven cups out, leaving the cups in a stack to conserve table space. I pour myself a cup, along with one for Patton as we wait for everyone to arrive.

"What all do you think we should tell them?" I inquire, unsure as to how to handle the situation. I have never accused someone of a crime before, even as a joke.

"Well, we could tell them what Virgil tol us but I'm not sure if he'd want us to or not," Patton explains.

"Either way we'll have to explain how we came about this knowledge, and Virgil's priority seems to be shutting down 'Hell' so I doubt that he would be upset," He never specified whether or not he wanted any of the information he revealed to be kept secret so I intend to reveal anything helpful.

He nods, "Yeah... Are you gonna show Remy and Thomas your notes?"

"Assuming you mean my research centered around Ryan Castillo, yes. It would be beneficial to give them any information they may need to aid their investigation," If there is an investigation. Most of the time people are simply jailed or executed, no one bothers to search for other people possibly involved in the crime.

"Logan?" He asks, looking down solemnly at his lemonade.

"Yes?" Please don't let this be an emotional problem, I am not equipped in the slightest to handle those.

"Do you think this will work? So many kids could get hurt," That might be the first time I had ever heard him say 'kids' instead of 'kiddos.'

I place a hand on his shoulder, knowing that contact tends to calm and reassure the emotional man, "There will always be the risk of a plan failing and people getting hurt, I cannot lie to you on that. However, I think the possibility of some casualties will be well worth the number of lives saved, now and in the future. If we stop Castillo now then he won't be able to kidnap and hurt anymore kids like Virgil, isn't that worth it?"

He looks up at me, "I guess so...yeah it would be. Thanks Logan, you're getting pretty good at this," He smiles, effectively flustering me.

Though I'm sure my face is turning red with blush, I push forward, "At comforting you?"

"Yeah," He confirms, "Has Virgil been teaching you or something?"

"Not really, though I suppose he has helped me learn, you both have," I admit, "Patton? Would you mind answering a question I have regarding emotion?"

"I can try, what's the question?"

Knock knock knock.

Oh thank god for the distraction, I was not ready for that.

A/N: CONFESS ALREADY YOU WIMP!!! I know it's my fault that happened but I can still be frustrated

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