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A/N: Fair warning, I haven't done third person in an actual book yet. The only real experience I have with it is from some oneshots XD Also make sure you read chapter 32 first since I'm posting these in the same day!

Third Person

It had been a month since Hell was shut down, and the sun was beginning its descent. Roman and Virgil were sitting under a tree, watching the scene in front of them unfold. Patton dragged Logan over to the two, a picnic basket in hand. He waves happily at them, probably messing up the contents of the basket, but he couldn't just let go of his boyfriend's hand so it seemed like the best option at the time. Patton sets up the picnic area, with Logan supervising in an attempt to keep as much food intact as possible.

Roman laughs quietly at the couple, while Virgil's attention was on the group of kids running around playing tag, "Our resident married-but-not-really couple is being cute like normal," Roman reports.

"Will's getting his a$$ kicked by Reese like normal," Virgil replies, watching the non-binary jump on their unsuspecting friend.

He quickly turns his attention towards the group, "Oh I gotta see that," He laughs at the sight, hiding it horribly by burying his face in the angsty boi's hair whom he could now call his boyfriend.

Even if he didn't say it out loud, it was pretty obvious that Roman still got all bubbly whenever he called or even thought of Virge like that. And Virgil was honestly pretty similar, but he was much better at hiding it. He did have a reputation to keep up after all. 'The Liberator' isn't the kind of title you want to lose.

A bunch of the others from Hell had started calling him that, and a part of him figured it was because they didn't know his name. Even so, he accepted the title despite the attention it might bring to him. He was pretty comfortable with most of the kids from Hell though so it wasn't too bad.

It's not like he saw most of them that often anyway, since they had been sent to different orphanages all around the kingdom. He had heard about some of them getting adopted from Patton, and some were even offered jobs at the castle.

Patton had also been able to convince Logan to take in Jacob, because the kid was just too adorable and he couldn't bear knowing that he might be stuck in an orphanage until he became a legal adult. Of course, he felt the same for everyone else but he knew Logan wouldn't let him take in another because they wouldn't be able to support themselves.

Virgil had gotten a job as soon as possible to help them since he and Roman were also living there. Roman on the other hand was banned from doing anything too strenuous from both Patton and Virgil while he healed, and he now only had a scar left. The bullet was still inside him, but it wouldn't be causing him any problems with how it was apparently stuck inside him.

Virgil leaned his head on Roman's shoulder, watching the scene in front of him wistfully. Only a few weeks ago, he fully believed that this could never have happened. Sometimes, he still wasn't entirely convinced that this was real, like one day he'd just wake up back in Hell with his best friend. But, the way his heart skipped a beat when Roman laced their fingers together, and he knew that was real. You couldn't fake something like that, he was sure of it.

Roman looked down to see his boyfriend crying silently, "Vee?" He was worried to say the least, not knowing what had upset the shorter, "What's wrong?"

He shook his head, laughing slightly, "I'm okay," That didn't stop Roman from cupping his face and looking him over though, "Roman," He grabs Roman's face, "I'm fine, I was just thinking about all of this," He gestures vaguely around them.

"Well now I'm upset because you had me worried," He pouts dramatically.

Virgil decides to play along, "Oh what can I do to make it up to you?" He says monotonously, watching Roman's smirk grow.

"True love's kiss?" He suggests, leaning towards the other with a bright smile.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend," Virgil replies, and Roman scoffs out an offended noise that Vee knows all too well.

"Now it looks like you have amnesia," Roman smiles again, and Virgil gets the feeling he knows where he's going with this, "And true love's kiss is the only way to save you!"

Virgil allows Roman to pull him into a light kiss, and he can feel him smile into it. Then again, Virge was smiling too because he had Roman with him, he had Patton and Logan. He had his family, his freedom, what more could he want?

"I love you," Roman mumbles, pressing his forehead to Virgil's.

"I love you too." 

A/N: Welp, here it is? This isn't my favorite epilogue ever, but I think it did its job of bringing the story to a close because in my opinion, that's what epilogues are for. I will never make an epilogue with a massive time skip that shows one of them proposing, or them adopting because, while some of those can be really good, I don't think it's a very satisfying end to the book. 

Anyway, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed Welcome to Hell. If you've made it this far you probably did, probably.

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