Chapter 31

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Virgil's POV

Patton, Thomas, and Jacob return soon enough with some bandages. Since they left, Roman's become a bit paler, but that could just be my imagination. He attempts to sit up when he sees them, but I push him back down.

Logan takes the bandages, "We're going to have to get him proper help after this since the bullet is still inside him," He reasons, cutting off the sleeve of Patton's cardigan. He balls up the sleeve and has me remove my hands which seems like one of his worse ideas, "We won't exactly have time to change out his bandages so using them to hold this," He holds up the cloth, "On the wound will be better at stopping the bleeding."

I reluctantly let go, and allow Logan to bandage him up. In the meantime, I wipe off as much blood as I can onto Patton's cardigan, seeing as it's already ruined. At least I have an idea as to what I could get him for Father's Day now, or his birthday. I immediately take his hand after.

"Remind me to never get shot again, this really sucks," Roman says, his grip practically crushing my hand. He sits up slightly so Logan can wrap the bandages around him so they'll actually stay in place.

"I would think so, guns have been designed to cause large amounts of pain, seeing as you wouldn't want your target to be able to shoot back quickly," Logan comments, tying off the loose bits of bandage.

"Not the time Logan," I say through gritted teeth.

Roman rolls over onto his back, "So you're Logan huh?" He says, "Great. What now? You better not say that I'll have to wait here or something."

"It's not exactly my call," Logan says, glancing at me, "If you're able to move without disturbing the wrapping too horribly then I guess it's fine."

He clasps his hands pleadingly and looks at me, "You act like I could actually stop you with or without the injury," He's stubborn enough to crawl into battle if he has to so it'd be easier to just take him with.

He smiles brightly and pushes himself up, maybe too quickly as he puts a hand to his side, "I'm good," He groans, "Let's go!"

"Wait can I go?" Jacob asks, and to be honest I kinda forgot he was here.

"No," I shoot him down instantly, "If anything I need you to go check on the other kids, a group should still be in section seven. Make sure you knock, they may be ready to attack first and ask questions later."

"I'll go with," Patton offers, and for the sake of his pure soul, I'm glad he did.

Jacob nods, seemingly happy to have an important-sounding job and takes off down the hall. In all honesty I'm just hoping he stays away from the gunfire because one person I care about has already gotten shot today.

"Well, do either of you happen to know where Castillo is?" Thomas asks.

"What do you mean by that exactly?" I ask, already imagining him jumping out from behind a corner and killing us all. Of course, that probably wouldn't happen but that's anxiety for you.

"Turns out criminals are actually pretty loyal, either that or they don't understand Kahi. None of them will reveal where Castillo is. Granted, we haven't captured and interrogated one of them so they could just be ignoring us," He explains.

Roman shakes his head, "Most of them know Kahi, it's how they boss us around all the time. And, by the way, Castillo would probably be hiding out in his office by now. He's kind of a coward."

I mean, he's not wrong...? Castillo isn't the type to sacrifice himself for the sake of his employees, no. He's the type to wait for the dust to settle and high tail it. The guy has less integrity than most merchants, which is saying something.

"Well, let's find out," Thomas says, gesturing for us to go first. My instincts tell me that he's just doing that to use us as meat shields, but it's probably just because we know where to go.

Roman drags me along determinedly down the halls, barely stopping to peek around the corners and make sure it's safe. I can tell that he's still hurt and as much as I want him to stop pushing himself, I know he'll play it off. Anything short of magic couldn't have completely gotten rid of his pain.

He stops suddenly at what I'm pretty sure is the last corner. He turns back to us, "I'm guessing you know them," He points to the side, and Thomas peeks out.

"Oh yeah, I guess they found his office already," He says, stepping out and walking over to assess the situation.

It seems like that standoff Patton mentioned has ended, but I kinda thought we would have heard it end. When it comes to a bunch of people and guns, the ending usually isn't very subtle. As it turns out, they were trying to figure out what to do since apparently telling Castillo to come out with his hands up wasn't enough. Shocker.

"Remy, have you formulated a plan yet?" It's like Logan got even more robotic since Patton left. Has it always been that way or did something happen between them?

"Huh?" He glances back without even flinching, like he somehow already knew we were here. Not gonna lie, it's kinda creepy, "Oh kinda, Dave is working on the lock. We saw Castillo lock himself in there only a minute or so ago."

Remus jumps in, "So from there they'll bust down the door and arrest his a$$, then I get to take all his sh!t."

"Weird, I don't remember agreeing to that," Remy says, and despite his cool nature I can tell he's not used to being this close to the trash rat.

"Not that it really matters right now, but this is Remy and Remus," I explain to Roman.

He looks about ready to say something when the guy working on the door, Dave, announces he's got it unlocked. I don't know what would stop Castillo from simply re-locking the door but maybe he didn't hear?

"Well, it's probably not safe to arm children but here," Remy hands us each a pistol, "Stay back though, Patton will literally kill me if I let his child get hurt."

Thomas takes the lead, with a couple people that I don't recognize flanking him, "Ryan Castillo I suggest you put your weapon down if you want to live!" He yells.

"Because we have plenty of ways to make your death as painful as possible!!" Remus adds excitedly.

We get no response, and Roman takes my hand again, sensing my fear. I mean any number of things could go wrong from here and I don't want to think about any of them. Of course, I can't exactly choose to not think about them but Roman does help.

Without further warning, Thomas kicks the door in. 

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