Chapter 28

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Virgil's POV

"I'm still mad at you for running off," I tell Roman as we dig, strangely off-put by his silence. Usually he would have said something by now and I kinda missed the cheesy stories he'd come up with on the spot.

"What? That was days ago, and I didn't 'run off,'" He argues.

"Then what did you do?" I ask for the fourth time since he ran off.

All he had said about the topic since is that he had to do something, but he won't tell me what. It's not like I need to know what he was doing, it just hurt that he didn't trust me enough to say. We've always trusted each other with everything, so I don't know what could be so bad about this that he wouldn't tell me.

He sighs, "I just don't want to worry you with it. There was something about this place that I knew, and if I did nothing about it then we'd all be in a lot more danger than normal," He explains vaguely.

I'm about to protest about how if we're in danger then I should know about it, but my concern shifts when a loud bang is heard. There are several whispers of 'what the hell was that' and a couple 'was that a gunshot?' Even the guards share a look, which only serves to worry me more. After a minute of silence, where everyone was sorta hoping that it was a misfire, shouting is heard outside.

One guard pokes his head outside, almost immediately closing the door again, "All of you drop your tools now," He takes his gun out of his holster for emphasis.

We all quickly comply, piling up the pickaxes on the ground. I see Roman hesitate, and I shake my head in the hope that he won't do whatever he's thinking. Reluctantly, he drops his own tool and comes over to stand next to me. The two guards start whispering harshly to each other, one eventually going out into the hall, gun drawn I might add.

" long has it been since I got down here?" I ask Roman, making sure to be quiet.The last thing I need is to draw the attention of the remaining, trigger-happy adult in the room.

"What?? I dunno a week?" Roman guesses, "Wait, do you think your friends are here?!"

I shrug, "I don't know, maybe? What else could it be?"

Naturally, all the other possibilities for the maybe-gunshot ran through my head, but none of them were as helpful. Granted, they also failed to explain why one of the guards left and why we were told to drop our stuff. That would mean they didn't want us to have potential weapons right? Why else would they have us drop them unless we learned there might be a chance to let someone important know what's going on down here?

For a split second the guard looks away, and in that moment Roman pulls me deeper into the mine and out of sight, "Okay, figured I'd warn you now but I'm about to do a couple stupid things but I have to tell you something first," He says urgently.

"Ok- wait what stupid things? Don't tell me you're gonna go out there," I warn, already against the idea even though I might be way off. But what other stupid idea could he get while we're on lockdown? The safest option would be to wait here as Logan and Patton, along with whoever else they brought with, handle it.

"That's not the point-" He starts defensively.

"You are!" I whisper-shout at him.

He sighs heavily, "I haven't decided anything yet, but if your friends are out there, who's to say they won't need help? I know this place like the back of my hand if I can help!" He insists.

"Or you could get yourself killed is that what you want? After all this time you could finally be free, you could live in Narrakah with me and Patton and Logan, don't you want that?" With all the thought he's put into his future, is he seriously going to throw it all away just to be a hero?

"Of course I want that," He says, "Virgil...I really like you and not in a friendly way. I really really like you, and I don't want to lose you."

He looks at me expectantly, and I can tell that I'm supposed to say something, but I don't know what. My face is warm and I feel terrified and happy at the same time, is that supposed to be a good thing? It doesn't feel good. And what does he mean by he really likes me? Is it the same way Logan and Patton clearly feel, because if so why do I feel like this?

Love is supposed to be this amazing thing and yet all I feel right now is anxious. Does that mean I don't like Roman that way? If so, how am I supposed to tell him that without hurting his feelings? Roman's my best friend, I can't lose him over something like this.

Apparently, I was silent for too long because he turns away and starts to walk off, "Roman, wait!"

"It's fine Vee, I'll be fine," He assures me, "I'm gonna go see what's going on out there, your friends are gonna need a guide."

He pulls out of my grip, which isn't too hard to do and walks back out into the open. If I try to call after him now then the remaining guard will definitely notice him and shoot. What the hell am I supposed to do here?! Clearly I should have done something but it's a little late for that now.

I should go after him, I know I should but he'd probably just leave again. If anything, he'll keep avoiding me until I can give him an answer but what is my answer? Of all the times to not have Patton around, this is the worst possible one...

A/N: >:) I've been planning this for a while, and I'm just waiting for the salty comments.

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