Chapter 9

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Patton's POV

Like usual, I get up early to make breakfast for Logan and Virgil. After yesterday's drama I decided to make French toast, since it's Virgil's favorite and he probably needs it. I can't believe anyone could hurt my dark strange son like that! I know not everyone in the world is...amazing, but the idea that someone could cause that much pain in children for their own benefit is horrifying. It's the kinda thing that makes you want to give up on humanity, but I won't, I can't.

Logan comes out of his room, book in hand like normal, "Good morning Patton," He greets, taking a seat without looking up.

"Hey Logie," I replied.

He looks up, probably to say something about the nickname when he pauses, "Is Virgil not awake yet?"

"I guess not, so I thought I'd let him sleep in. He hardly gets enough, and telling us about his past couldn't have been easy," I tell him. It doesn't completely explain why Virgil's sleeping in for once, but I'm not gonna be the one to ruin it, "Whatcha working on?" I ask, trying to start up a new conversation.

"First of all, it's 'what are you' and secondly, I managed to track down several of Castillo's known associates, as well as what I believe is trafficking ring leader. Of course, the name I found is probably a fake but it is certainly a start," He explains, holding up a full notepad.

"How did you- you only started searching yesterday!" When did he have time to do all of that?

"I simply asked an old merchant friend of mine about the man, and she was able to provide some answers," The only thing I gathered from that sentence was that Logan knows a merchant? And they're friends??

I decide not to question it further, especially since the French toast started burning. I finish up the food, surprised that Virgil still has not left his room. Usually he's up before me, so I wonder how late he got to sleep. Logan takes two pieces of the fancy bread and spreads some of his favorite jam on it before returning to his seat. I decided that Virge could use the extra sleep, and take my own plate, using at least a pound of syrup on them. It's the best topping for anything in the pancake family and no one can change my mind.

By the time we finish eating around fifteen minutes later, I'm left with a sticky plate and several questions. As much as I want to let Virgil sleep, I also want to make sure he's able to fall asleep tonight since it takes a while for him to actually get tired. I'd rather not find him sitting on the counter and death staring an onion again at four in the morning.

So I knock on his door, "Kiddo? It's time to wake up bud, I've got French toast if you're hungry," I offer, waiting for a response. He's a pretty light sleeper so usually I can just wait for him to walk out, but nothing happens, "Virgil?" I slowly open the door, not wanting to invade his privacy but also wanting to make sure he's okay. Only problem; it's empty, "Um...Logan?"

"What seems to be the problem Patton?" He asks. I gesture to Virgil's room which is severely lacking in the Virgil department, "Oh."

"'Oh' that's all you have to say about this?" I don't want to jump to any conclusions because you know what they say when you assume, but my child is missing!!

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's just outside. Think of that time when we found him asleep in the stables next to Mac," He reasons. Apparently not caring about the trust of our s- hold son, yeah 'my' that's what I said, he enters the room, "Well, it appears that he left a note," He says, holding up a folded paper. I snatched the paper away, wondering where he could be that he'd leave a note instead of just telling us.

Dear Patton and Logan,

This is probably, definitely, not the best way to say this but I decided to sneak back into Hell. It may not seem like it's that 'smart' of a decision but there's a really good chance that it's too late to stop me. I'm not the type to rush into things headfirst, with or without a plan, but three months ago I left my best friend there and I had to go get him before something bad happens. You two are going to make an amazing plan to save all the kids down there, but I couldn't risk Roman getting hurt somehow. As soon as the guards realize what's going on, they're going to try and 'get rid of the evidence' and I couldn't let him try and keep everyone but himself safe. I know that you guys are gonna freak out, Patton especially, but I'll be fine, you both know firsthand how cautious I am. And I'll find a way to pay you back someday in the event that Mac is stolen, sorry again.


"I for one can say that this is quite the unexpected development," Logan says slowly, apparently having read the note over my shoulder.

"That' way of putting it," I laugh awkwardly, not knowing how to feel.

My basically-but-not-actual son put himself in harm's way! Granted, it was so he could save his friend and I'm proud that he was willing to do something so brave, but I'm still so worried for him! For all I know he could be hurt, dead or- no! I've gotta trust Virge on this, he's smart and he knows a lot more about this place than we do. If anyone were to successfully sneak in there it's him, I just feel guilty that I wasn't there to help.

"Patton? Are you feeling well enough to continue the plan?" Logan asks, sounding surprisingly gentle and cautious.

"What do you mean?" I fire back, a bit distracted by his hand on my shoulder.

He adjusts his glasses, "Virgil has already expressed his desire to 'take down' Hell and the people who run it, so it only seems fitting that we ensure that happens while he rescues his friend."

"Oh right, yeah. We should, I'll get ready and talk to Emile, he'll tell Remy who will tell Thomas," I mumble, debating where to put the note before setting it back on Virgil's desk.

"Alright, I shall get to work on finding out the real identity of the trafficking ring's leader," Logan agrees, "And Patton?"

"Yeah?" I ask, turning back.

He hugs me, not awkwardly like yesterday but he's still hesitant so I hug back, "He'll be fine."

"I know." 

A/N: This probably isn't the chapter you want, but next chapter will be Virgil's POV

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