Chapter 21

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Patton's POV

"I guess it will have to wait... I'll go get the door," Logan says, clearing his throat and going to open the door.

I swear to bejeebus I might slap whoever's at the door. It could just be my imagination, but I swear Logan was about to ask a love question. The kind of love question that would either crush my heart or make it explode depending on the answer.

Logan walks back into the living room with Remy, Thomas, and Emile following behind, "Ooh cookies!" Tomas says, grabbing one quickly off the plate, "You have got to give me your recipe Pat."

"Never!" I declare, knowing that I shouldn't dwell on Logan's mysterious question and instead focus on the current conversation.

"So wait, why did you guys want us to come here? Em was being very vague about it all," Remy asks, drinking from yet another cup of his seemingly endless supply of coffee.

"I believe it would be best if we were to wait for Janus and Remus to arrive as well so we don't have to repeat ourselves," Logan decides.

"Wait, Janus and Remus are coming?" Thomas asks, "I thought you didn't want Remus around Patton anymore?" He whispers to Logan, albeit not very well since I could still hear them.

Emile shrugs, "That's what Janus is for, he has a way of subduing Remus in a way that should be illegal," He laughs. I remember he met Remus through therapy, it didn't really work, but the two became friends, "I can't be the only one glad that they found each other."

"If you guys are gonna talk about our love life you might as well say something more juicy than that!" Remus yells, having opened the window without any of us noticing.

He proceeds to climb in through said window when Janus comes in through the door, "I would've knocked, but it seemed kinda pointless since, y'know," He gestures vaguely at Remus.

"Don't worry about it," I tell him, "Come in, come in."

"That's what she-" Janus smacks the back of Remus's head, "Ow!" He whines, earning a glare from his boyfriend, "Fine, fine I'll shut up, but you owe me."

"Alright! Now that everyone's here, this is everyone right, we can start?" Thomas says, trying to figure out how to phrase that question.

Logan sits down, "That does make sense. As Emile has probably told you and Remy, we require the help of the royal guard, or at least several members of it."

"Okay but why?" Remy asks.

He frowns, and I feel bad knowing that Logan hates being interrupted, "Well...we learned about a pretty big criminal here in Narrakah so it makes sense that the royal guard would be able to help?"

"How did you learn about this 'criminal'?" Thomas asks.

"I already told you guys didn't I? Virgil was one of his victims," Emile reminds him.

Janus hums, "So that's why you wanted to get personally involved..." I would remind him that it's not the only reason since justice is still important, but I know that Janus naturally thinks the worst of people.

"Yes, Virgil trusted us with information about a man named Ryan Castillo. According to Virgil, he buys trafficked children to work in his mines," Logan explains, catching everyone off guard.

"Well...that would warrant an arrest," Thomas agrees awkwardly.

"That is what I figured," Logan states, "I was simply wondering whether or not you would all be willing to help?"

For a minute everyone looks around at each other, not saying anything. As expected, Remus is the first to speak up, "Is that even a question? Hell yeah we will that sounds like a good excuse to maim some a$$holes!"

"I don't think that's what it means but okay," Thomas agrees, "Remy and I can get some help from the royal guard, most of them haven't had any good field work in forever."

"Yeah except y'know, it's work," Remy complains.

"Now Remy, maybe some excitement in your job is just what you need to tire you out instead of just staying up all night and relying on coffee," Emile points out.

He groans, "You're the doctor not me."

"What exactly is this plan of yours Logan, I'm sure you'd have one," Janus asks.

"I was thinking we could-" He starts.

"I call being the meat shield!" Remus yells, drinking straight from the pitcher of lemonade. He also has assorted fruits sitting around the edge like a lemon slice usually does.

I smile supportively, "You have fun with that kiddo, just make sure you're being safe while doing it," I honestly have no idea to respond so I hope that works?

"Or you could not do that," Janus suggests.

"What? Why not?!" Remus complains, almost throwing the pitcher down.

Janus glares at him, "Because we both know that you're going to get yourself killed or arrested for committing several crimes against humanity in the process."

"How about this, Remus can attack the criminals there if the royal guards say it's okay. If not, then Jan you're responsible for making sure he doesn't do anything illegal," Emile suggests, bringing the argument to an end.

"Perfect!" Thomas agrees.

"Hey, wai-" Janus gets cut off by Logan.

And even though it's rude to interrupt others, I'm glad that he stopped the argument from continuing, "My plan is to use the location Virgil provided to find the mines. From there, we can decide when it would be best to strike and how to strike. Presumably the guards would go first, seeing as they have the most experience with weaponry-"

"I have plenty of experience!" Remus claims.

"The most professional weapons training," Logan corrects, not bothering to even call attention to Remus, "Patton and Emile would most likely deal with any children that are in the way or at risk."

"That's all well and good Logan, but the royal guard can handle this since it sounds like it'll be really dangerous for civilians," Thomas offers.

Logan adjusts his glasses menacingly, "And this situation will get even more dangerous if you try to keep Patton away from his 'dark strange son,'" Everyone glances at me with different levels of concern and disbelief.

"Patton the puffball?" Remy laughs, "No offense Pat, but you couldn't hurt a fly."

"You wanna test that theory?" I challenge darkly, getting surprised looks from everyone but Emile and Logan.

"I get the feeling that this is one of those things that I shouldn't comment on," Remus says slowly.

Janus nods, "Good call." 

A/N: Updates are probably gonna go from every day to every other day because, as predicted, my motivation and mental health has yeeted itself out the window. So sorry in advance, I just wanted to ensure that I would continue having fun writing this story

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