Chapter 25

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Roman's POV

Even though Virgil has his...doubts about my plans, there is one kinda dangerous thing I need to do. So on the way back to work from lunch I tell a guard one of the code words they taught me, specifically the one that meant I needed to talk to Castillo. The guard simply nods, and I walk off in the direction of his office. I've gotten used to the basic hallways and easily find one of the only doors in this entire place. As always, I knock because walking in on Castillo doing really anything remotely important will make him angry. And, for the moment anyway, that's not my goal.

"What?" He shouts, partially to scare the sh!t out of his 'employees' and partially to be heard through the door.

I've been here enough to know that he's allowing me to come in, "Sir?"

At some point, probably after they realized I didn't remember anything, they had me start referring to him like a guard would. To be fair, I'd rather do that then refer to him like a slave would, even though it reminded me of just how 'useful' I had been over the past couple months.

He looks up from his desk, where he had just put something away, "What is it omega fourteen?"

I'm glad that he still calls me by a number instead of my name, it makes it less personal, and a lot easier to lie to him, "An epsilon generation is planning to escape with at least one other," I report stiffly, looking back on every other time I talked to him, "They were stupid enough to talk about it during lunch."

"Did you happen to see their number?" He asks, barely hiding his anger at the thought of a slave betraying him.

"No sir," I lower my head slightly to further sell my act.

He sighs, "Alright, get back to work," He orders, getting up to leave and muttering quietly to himself.

I don't answer, mainly because I'm holding back a smile. I make sure the door closes quietly behind him, so hopefully he thinks I actually left. In the event that I don't have a lot of time to do this, I rush over to his desk and crouch down. There was some kind of false wall built into the desk so I started pressing random pieces of the wood until one came loose. I pull away the fake board and see what most would describe as a strange device but I know better; it's a detonator.

Castillo wasn't an idiot, well maybe he was for revealing so much information around me but, he had a contingency plan. In the event that an armed group of people attack the mines, one large enough that Castillo and his men couldn't defeat, he would escape and set off enough explosives to completely collapse the mine. All he'd have to do is push a button and get out in five minutes then all the incriminating evidence would be destroyed or at least very hard to recover.

Hoping for the best, I take the knife from his desk and cut the wire. I put the knife back in place along with the wooden board and hide the detonator in my waistband. If Virgil's friends really come, at least most of us will have a chance to get out alive.

I leave the office calmly, knowing that everyone here won't care what I'm doing as long as it doesn't look suspicious. So if I can keep up the act of the emotionless tattle-tail then I'll be fine. For now I just hope that Castillo leaves the epsilon kids alone since there should hopefully be no proof of an escape plan. Well, I have no idea if someone's planning an escape or not, but I can hope that he won't decide to make an 'example' of a random kid. I've already done enough damage here.

- - -

"Where were you?" Virgil whisper-shouts, "I haven't seen you since lunch!"

"Don't worry, I had to do something and ended up in a different part of the mine," I explained vaguely, sitting down carefully while I waited for everyone to go to sleep.

He sits down as well, "And what could be that important?" He asks, clearly frustrated with whatever he thinks I had done.

I don't want to worry him more than he already seems by telling him about the explosives this place is rigged with, but he'll probably keep pushing it, "It's not a big deal, really. I just knew some things about this place that I could use against Castillo."

He still doesn't look happy, "As long as you don't get killed because of it."

"Okay!" I can't exactly promise that because it can't be too hard for Castillo to figure out who took the detonator, but with any luck he won't check that it's still there.

Reluctantly, he lays down with his back to me. I lay down next to him silently, knowing I can't exactly take the detonator out now and put it in the safe. Well, I could but it would raise a lot more questions than I can answer.

I spend the next couple hours thinking about nothing in particular, heck I spend ten minutes just counting the seconds. Once I'm sure that he's asleep, I slowly sit up and swing my feet off the bed. The wall safe is easy enough to find, and I quickly stick the detonator inside, making sure to place it face-up in case it can still activate the dynamite. I close the safe and go to get back in bed, but stop short.

At some point in his sleep, Virgil had turned over and he just so looked so cute? That definitely doesn't seem like the opinion a friend should have, at least for a boy. My face heats up as I realize what exactly I was doing. I shouldn't be watching my best friend sleep, no matter how adorable he is. That's just not something friends do.

I get back into bed and stare at Virgil like he's a puzzle. I've heard about this indescribable feeling somewhere, but my memory of it is vague at best. God dammit amnesia. There's something about Virgil that makes him special, at least to me. I think he's adorable and needs to be protected, and anyone that disagrees shouldn't exist.

Is it possible that I like like him?

A/N: I phrased it like that because Roman wouldn't really have the chance to learn the word love, and because it's hilarious

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