Chapter 19

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Roman's POV

Ugh, why does morning have to come so quickly? My body just decided to wake me up before everyone else, thanks for that. I definitely didn't mind avoiding the rude awakening that the guards so generously provide. At least for once I'm warm, usually it's freezing down here despite what the nickname would imply. I attempt to stretch, only to realize one of my arms is trapped. I open my eyes to find that it's trapped under Virgil.

I stop immediately, and slowly lower my other arm again when I see him stir. He calms down again while I try not to disturb the adorable creature. He's even holding onto my shirt like a little kid and my heart cannot handle this! Of course, he'll probably murder me as soon as he wakes up, but for now I can enjoy the sight. I brush back his bangs to get a better look at him, he definitely looks a lot more relaxed when he's asleep.

I'm not a hundred percent sure why, but I just really want to keep him safe from everything that might try to harm him. Even after everything I did in the past couple days alone, Virgil still helped me, and to me anyway, that means a lot. I don't want him to get hurt anymore, I never wanted to hurt him in the first place. He means too much to me.

Without thinking, I pull myself closer to him and set my head on top of his. I don't know much about friendship, since the only friend I've had since I was seven is Virgil but, this feeling doesn't seem normal. Sure, I could just be glad that he still considers me his best friend, but I don't think that's it exactly.

Whenever he's around I just get this urge to protect him like he's this precious gem, even though I know he can take care of himself. Even the thought of losing him hurts, so much so that I immediately steer my mind away from the possibility. I feel so proud whenever he smiles, knowing I caused it and my face gets warm. I know that I know what this feeling is, but I also don't know. Does that make sense? I know there's a word for this feeling but I can't quite remember it.

What are you doing to me Virge?

- - -

A guard showed up some time later to yell at us and by then I had carefully moved away from Virgil despite how much colder it was. He basically jumps awake and I feel my temper flare at the guard for startling him. I ignore it though in favor of getting up and stretching since I couldn't earlier. He groans and sits up, like basically everyone else that still manages to hate mornings despite doing this every day of the week.

We leave the room with everyone else and are brought to one of the older parts of the mine. Once inside Virgil taps my arm to get my attention and points to a certain area. I get the message and follow him back there covertly after getting my pickaxe. He slips into a small crevice that's barely visible in the dark environment because that's not suspicious at all.

I'm assuming it's bigger than I first thought since I can't see Virgil, but that might just be because of how close to pitch black it is in here, "Virge?" I whisper.

"I'm here, I just wanted to make sure no one else was in here," So other people know about this place? I can't blame them for not telling me but life would have been so much easier if I knew about it, "It seemed like a good place to talk."

"You're not wrong, but what did you want to talk about?" I thought we had covered pretty much everything important last night.

He sits down, the only indicator being the slight movement I can see, "I was still wondering...what did they do to you?"

"What do you mean?" I already had a good idea as to what he meant, but even the idea of answering that question terrified me for a reason I don't quite understand.

"How did you lose your memory in the first place? I would've thought that they would shoot you or something for trying to escape," He asks, obviously not able to notice my discomfort in the darkness.

Unwanted images flash through my mind. It was loud, and dark, and everything hurt. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't stop it, I just wanted it all to stop. There was this voice, they talked quietly like they were trying to calm a child but all it did was unsettle me. The voice wasn't kind or gentle, but smug and confident, like whoever was speaking already knew they were going to get what they wanted. What would they even want from me?

"I don't- I- Can we not talk about that?" I stutter out, trying to force the memories away.

He doesn't answer for a moment, obviously noticing how uncomfortable the topic made me, "Okay, we don't have to."

"Thanks," I mumble, embarrassed by my fear. I'm supposed to be the brave one of the two of us and I couldn't dwell on that long enough to figure out what it was, "Do you have any idea when your friends, Patton and Logan, are coming?" I ask, happily changing the subject.

"Depending on how long it takes for them to get the help of the royal guard, about a week?" He says.

I think for a minute, "I can live with that," A week of waiting for a lifetime of freedom? Sounds good to me, "The royal guards aren't like the adults here right?"

"No, well I don't think so. The way Logan and Patton made it sound they're nicer than them," He replies awkwardly, trying to reassure me even though it's obvious he doesn't know the answer, "I mean they're supposed to protect a king so they might be like them but we aren't trying to threaten the king so we'll probably be okay."

Probably. Virgil always says that when he's anxious about something, "I'm sure it'll be fine, especially if they're trying to save us then I doubt that they'd hurt us."

"'re probably right." 

A/N: This ending sounds so suspicious and foreboding XD Also for my next book, do you guys want the main ship to be Logicality or Intrulogical?

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