Chapter Seven

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"What is going on here exactly?" Professor Gord yelled. Harley and Lylia winced. "Barats here says he was eaten by a demon that you conjured!" Barats smirked proudly.

Lylia shifted uncomfortably. "That isn't entirely false..." she thought. But still, she denied the professor's statement. "What are you talking about? I didn't conjure any demons!"

Professor Gord's eyes narrowed. "Oh, really? Then what is that thing behind you that you are so desperately trying to hide?" Lylia attempted to further shield Gloom with her body.

"Uh, that's...that's no demon! It's..." she said desperately. Harley grunted in annoyance. Lylia was a horrible liar. In an instant, he knew what he had to do to protect her from any punishment.

Harley piped up, "Professor Gord, I'm sorry. I summoned that by myself, and I didn't know what to do with it. I guess it was hungry..." Lylia stared at him in shock. She knew Harley was telling a blatant falsehood. Yet Professor Gord seemed to believe him.

"Harley Vance. So it was you. Hmph, I should have known," the professor sniffed. "Burned down the lab at your old school, didn't you? Well, it's about time you learned your lesson. Let's go to the- wait, what?" In the blink of an eye, Harley, Lylia and Gloom had disappeared, leaving only a magician's top hat behind.

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