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*Third Person pov*

The match continued like how it always did, ending it off with the duo freak attack.

"Alright," Coach Ukai sounded after the last practice match. "That's it for today. Clean up and don't forget to stretch!"


Hinata quietly picked up the balls and jogged slowly towards the basket. Yachi helped him unload and once he was done, he went to drink some water.

"Oi, we're on cleaning duty today." Tsukishima sounded from behind him.

No response.


"I heard you the first time!!" Hinata's voice penetrated the silence.

"You didn't have to-"

"Tsukishima, I'll take over his duty for today," Kageyama cut in, taking the wiper from him. Then he stared at Hinata, daring him to argue back. The young orange-haired boy only kept silent. "Then don't."

Kageyama walked away and wiped the floor, stopping midway. "OI TSUKISHIMA, HURRY UP."

"I don't know what's up with you two, but you better do his duty tomorrow." 

"Yeah, whatever." Hinata mumbled before walking away. 


"Sugawara-san, don't you think Hinata is acting a little weird?" Tsukishima decides to voice out his concerns to the silver-haired third year the next day. "He even lashed out at me yesterday."

"OI BOKE, PAY ATTENTION TO THE BALL WILL YOU??" Kageyama's voice rang throughout the gym. After that, it was a hushed conversation between those two. Tsukishima couldn't seem to understand this at all.

"He must have his reasons, " Sugawara said after a minute of silence. He kept his eye on the duo. "Maybe... Kageyama knows about it. But it's best to keep out. Hinata will share if he wants to share."

"Nothing will happen, especially since Kageyama is there. Alright?" Daichi's voice sounded from behind them.

The two nodded and went to take the ball basket out.

Their practice match opponents, Nekoma High, had arrived.

"Shoyo!" Kenma called out to the orange-haired boy as he approached. His eyes seemed to light up a little. "How are you?"

Hinata gave a small smile. "I've been good. You?"

Kenma grinned. "Never been better. I also bought a new game for both of us to try out."

"Oi, Hinata!" Kageyama called out. "One more!"

"Coming!!" He replied and looked back to Kenma. "We can try it out after practice ends!" And off he went to get his final practice shot.

The match started shortly after.


*Kageyama's pov*

Hinata was more distant than usual. I know he doesn't like talking about his problems or whatever's bothering him but isn't better to tell somebody rather than hide it in like that?

Putting a fake smile like that. He thinks the others doesn't know? Well, everyone but Tsukishima anyway.

"Kageyama, nice serve!"

I shook my head, getting back in the game and served the ball. It went smoothly over the net, Yaku, Nekoma's libero, recieving it almost cleanly. Tch. Too much to the left.

The ball then goes to Kenma, Nekoma's setter, and it gets spiked by their captain, Kuroo. Thanks to his fast reflexes and Tsukishima's height, Hinata managed to get a one touch.

"Nice one-touch!!" I heard Tanaka's voice call out. "Noya-san!"

"Alright!!" Nishinoya's voice called out to the ball. I watched as the ball hit his forearms and sailed over to me.

"Nice recieve!" I called out as I aimed for Hinata's spike point. That freak attack. It was like Hinata could read my mind.


He smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his head embarrassingly. "T-thank you.." Even that sounded fake.

The game went on for about an hour.


The final whistle went off and we had beat Nekoma, fair and square. However, Hinata's usual energy didn't seem to be on overdrive today. It seemed like as if he was... Dead.

"Oi, Hinata." I poked his arm. That seemed to snap him out. "You okay?"

His eyes looked dull but brightened as he made eye contact with me. I saw him smile genuinely for the first time that day as he nodded. "Yeah, I am."

I was worried for him. He never really spoke to me after that. Not even a phonecall or our usual late-night meet-ups.

I was seriously worried.

That he might have decided to do something stupid.


A/N: Hewoo, sorry for the late update!! >~< I was super busy and I completely forgot about this for a bit. But fret not, it will always be at the back of my head. Yes it actually nags at me AHAHAHA. I have sold my soul to write this fanfic for you. It's my first time writing an angst fanfic since I'm not very good at it but since school has started, I have been able to find inspiration.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it~~


thinkteen <3

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