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Third Person p.o.v

*1 month after Hinata's passing*

The squeaking of shoes can be heard from Nekoma High's gym as the two volleyball teams faced off each other in the practice match.


The sound of the volleyball being spiked, cutting through the air and landing with a loud bang onto the opposite side of the court, filled the air.

"Yeaahhh!!" The Karasuno boys cheered to their hearts content as they scored the point.

Nekoma: 24, Karasuno: 24.

It was a deuce.

"Alright, we'll end it here and now!" Nekoma's captain, Tetsuro Kuroo, encouraged his team. "We're getting those points."

"Don't celebrate yet," Karasuno's captain, Sawamura Daichi, reminds the team. "We still need to beat this deuce to call it a win. Let's go!!"

"Yeah!!" Both teams, now encouraged by their captain's words, got ready for the next match.

Kageayama, however, wasn't in the game at all. He was slowly losing his focus as both teams got deuces.

"Man, they're suddenly tougher to beat!"

The movement and tempo of the game quickened and it ended quickly.

It was Karasuno's lost and Nekoma's win.

"Hey," Kuroo sounded as he walked up to Daichi. "What's up with you guys today? And where's Shrimpy?"

Daichi visibly flinched, obviously not wanting to answer his second question.

"We're just tired... It's been a while since we trained that hard."

"Huh?? Are you serious?"

He managed to dodge Kuroo's second question. Somehow. "Yeah... We had to prioritize exams over our club practices. That... Needs a little bit of work."

Kuroo chuckles. "You guys need to work on your time management."

Daichi chuckled along. "Priorities... Period."


Both captains turn to the gruff voice. It belonged to Karasuno's wing spiker, Tanaka Ryunosuke. Their official setter, Kageyama Tobio, was nowhere to be seen and Daichi followed Tanaka's gaze towards the gym doors.

He approached their third-year and Karasuno's previous setter, Sugawara Koshi.

"Suga! What happened?"

He could only sigh. "Tanaka must've said something that made Kageyama react like that... The next thing I knew, Kageyama said, "it should have been me and not him." and he walked off."




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