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*Sugawara's pov*

"Ah, Kageyama!" I called out to him as I spotted him by the net. "Did.. Something happen to Hinata.. That made him so scared like that?"

Kageyama shook his head. "Not that I know of.. I was planning to ask him."

I nodded, genuinely worried for them both. "Be careful okay? Ah, and don't ask anything that might make him... Worse than before."

Kageyama nodded and took down the net, carefully folding it with Daichi on the other end.

I really hope they're both okay.. I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. Hinata came in looking scared and coach excused him from practice. Yachi and Kiyoko made sure to keep an eye on him, just in case.

I spotted him coming out from the storage room after keeping the ball basket and despite my brain telling me not to approach him, my body still moved toward him.

"Hinata!" I called out, giving my best smile. "Good work, as always! How are you?"

He put up a smile before answering, "I'm okay.. I guess.." Hinata's eyes seem to say different. He looked tired.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded, looking away. "Yeah.."

I didn't really know what to say to make him better, but I had to say something. "Hinata... If you ever feel like you need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to be there, you can text any of us, okay? It doesn't matter what time it is. The moment you need someone to just hear you out, just text or call us. Okay?"

That seemed to make him want to cry his heart out. I took a deep breath in and without a second thought, I hugged him. I knew he needed it, and I knew how much small gestures like these will mean to him.

"S-Sugawara-san.." I heard his voice crack sightly. I felt his hands wrap around my back in response, him returning the hug. "...Thank you.. It means the world to me that you guys are willing to listen to someone like me." I heard his soft sobs. "T-thank you..."

I felt a surge of relief but also a slight sense of guilt. I shouldn't be the one saying this. I shouldn't be the one--

"Thank you, Sugawara-san." I heard Kageyama whisper the softest whisper, only allowing me to hear his thanks. "For saying the things I couldn't say." I saw him smile for the first time and his eyes soften. "I appreciate it."

I nodded. "Anytime."


Kageyama's p.o.v

I yawned, ready to leave the gym after grabbing my stuff from the bench. I was about to step out when I felt a familiar hand grab my shirt.

"Hinata?" I turned around in confusion. The sun was still out so there was no reason for him to be scared. "What's wrong?"

He mumbled something without looking at me so I had to stand closer to him to hear what he was saying. "What?"

"I don't... I don't wanna go home," Hinata muttered. "I don't want to go anywhere..."

He was fine a minute ago.. Wasn't he? "Hinata... It's fine. You're going to stay at my place this weekend."

"I-it's not... I don't-- Forget it," he let go of my shirt and wiped his tears. "Just... Forget it.."

I sighed, exasperated. "Hinata... What is it? Please, tell me."

He looked at me, tears in his eyes. "I said forget it."

I gently placed my hands on his shoulder. "Is it about your dad?"

Hinata cleared his throat and nodded. "Yeah.. He.. He's outside... Waiting for me to get out."



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