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A/N: Did I say no chapter? I was kidding. Here is today's chapter!! Enjoy! *MINOR TRIGGER WARNING*

Kageyama p.o.v

I walked back to his place with him. It was a miracle that we left the school unharmed. By the time we left the gym, Hinata's father wasn't there anymore.

"Are you sure about this, Hinata?"

He nodded, not looking at me. "I.. I'll call you tonight."

"Okay.. Be safe," I watched him stand in front of his door. "If it gets dirty in there, call me immediately."

"Okay." And he entered his house.

Please be safe, I beg you. Taking a deep breath, I turned and walked back home. I was worried something might happen to him.


Hinata p.o.v

I entered my house and went straight to my room, shutting my door. Exhaling, I changed out of my attire and made my bed.


I turned to my mother's soft voice by my door, looking worriedly at me.

"M-Mom..." I avoided eye contact with her as I packed my bags. "Is he.. home?"

"N-no.. Not yet."

I looked at her pitiful figure. "Natsu..?"

"Asleep. Have you had dinner?"

I nodded, fidgeting with my fingers. "I'm sorry if I came home slightly later than the intended timing.."

She smiled a little, relief written all over her face. "It's alright.. As long as you're fine."

After a while, she left me alone and I buried myself under my sheets. I don't know how much longer I'm going to last... I should just die already.

Grabbing my phone, I texted Kageyama.

[From: Hinata] Goodnight.

Just as I sent that, the front door slammed open. I froze in place, my phone slipping through my fingers. A second after that, I heard his drunkened voice demanding my mother to get him a glass of alcohol.

A minute later, they started shouting. I used my pillow to cover my ears as I heard glass shattering. I was lying when I said I already ate dinner. I wanted to, but if it meant avoiding my father, I'll do anything to not get involved, especially when he's drunk.

"AH, wouldn't it be better if one of the kids died in your place? Huh?! Like a sickening maggot they all are! Your son seems to like the idea of dying early. Where is he anyway? He home yet? It's late. WHERE IS HE?!" He slammed my room door open, and I kept still.

The next thing I knew, he pulled my sheets and dragged me to the floor. He unbuckled his belt and my mother begged him not to hit me.

"Fuçk off, bitçh!!"

"Don't hit him!! He didn't do anything wrong!!"

"I said GET LOST!!" He pushed my mother away and I couldn't move to help her as I felt the sting of the leather hitting my body. I wanted to scream but I couldn't.

It hurts... My legs started to sting as his belt hit my bare skin. I didn't know why or how long he hit me but he caused my legs to bleed.

"Stop it!!" I heard my mother's pleas between her sobs. "Stop..."

I glared at him through tears. "Y-you seem to be enjoying it.."

He grinned, as if proud of himself. But his tone wasn't nice. "You shouldn't have come home, you know that?" One strike. "You ran away," A second strike. "Like the coward you are." A third. "You come back here, and for what?" A fourth. My legs feel numb.. I can't... Feel my legs. "Is it just to cover for your mother? HUH?!!"

I didn't know how long it went on for but I couldn't take it anymore. I was tired from practice, tired from faking my smile, tired of pretending. Kageyama... I closed my eyes and let the darkness overtake me.


Kageyama p.o.v

Morning came around and I checked my phone.

Nothing.. I was worried. He was always the first to wake up and greet. Not long after, my phone vibrated and I checked to see a group chat notification.

[From: Hinata, Karasuno] Good morning.

Hinata's awake. A second text message.

[Hinata, Karasuno:] I won't be coming for practice this week.

A third.

[Hinata, Karasuno:] My mother's sick. So I have to take care of her and my sister. :)

Did something happen to him last night?


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