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*Kageyama's pov, 2 years ago*

"Hinata," I met his gaze.

"You looking at me like that scares me."

That caught me off-guard. "I'm sorry what-"

We burst out laughing the next moment, enjoying ourselves. I cleared my throat, taking his hand.

"Hinata.. Promise me one thing." I looked at him, meeting his gaze once more.

"What is it?" He looked at me with the most genuine look in his eyes.

I took a deep breath in and exhaled. "Promise me that you'll tell me what's wrong. No matter what."

That day was the last day I ever saw him smile the most sweetest and genuine smile. "I promise."



I snapped out of my train of thoughts and met his gaze.

"Something wrong?"

I chuckled. "I should be asking you that."

Hinata chuckled softly. "I'm sorry.. For that day."

I sighed, looking out to the horizon. "That was 2 days ago.. No, I haven't forgiven you for it but it's not like you asked for it. Don't ever do that again..."

A small smile appeared on his face. "I won't.. but I can't promise it."

I nodded. Hinata never showed any signs of him being in pain. His smile can fool anyone and everyone, including me. But he had his habits that showed he wasn't feeling okay.

The silence between us was peaceful. I often wondered what Hinata would be thinking if he ever had late night walks alone. I let the breeze gently brush my hair and felt its cooling wind on my face.

"What is it that you're scared of?"  I looked at Hinata, hoping to get an answer.

His face dropped, and his jaw clenched. He was digging his nails into the fence, knuckles turning white.

"Many things," he sounded after a while. He shut his eyes, as if he didn't want to remember. "I'm scared of many things, Kageyama.. And some of those are better off left in the dark."

I shifted my gaze and decided to take his hand. I rubbed circles on it, an effort to calm him down. "I know you are. And I know you've been through a lot. I just want to remind you that I'm here for you. The team is here for you. Your friends are here for you. You're not alone Hinata."

He squeezed my hand in return. "And I appreciate that."

The silence between us was comfortable. We slowly walked back to his place, taking our time up the steep hill.

"See you tomorrow."

After seeing his room light turn off, I walked back home.

"I'm back.." I yawned as I opened the door. Man.. what a tiring week it has been.

Closing the door, I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a carton of milk before heading to my room. Hinata had never looked happier for the reassurance.

I shut my door and went to my study table, rearranging my books and tidying up everything that was on there. It was another day tomorrow, and he was coming over before his father appears by their doorstep.

I need to ask him about that day.

Finishing my milk, I tossed in the trash can and laid down in bed. I stared up at the ceiling before closing my eyes and letting sleep take over me.


I am so sorry for the late update again!! I've been busy with school and I was a little stuck on this chapter for a while. Hinata and Kageyama's interactions have always been unique to me and I've always admired their friendly rivalry. I'm honestly jealous that their able to have a strong bond despite competing and biting at each other's necks constantly.

Thank you for reading this far. There's more to come and I hope you will enjoy this ride. Let us all cry together.



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