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*Hinata's POV*

I couldn't get rid of the pain. The trauma. The horror of it all. It hurt my pride, my dignity.

I didn't deserve this life.

I had never cried in front of Kageyama before. In fact, I never cried in front of anyone.

We entered his home and he led me to his bedroom.

"Wait there," he gestured for me to sit on his bed. "I'll get the futon."

I nodded and sat, looking around his room. It felt safe. Safer than home at least. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, calming my nerves.

"Hinata," Kageyama's voice penetrated my thoughts. "You can sleep on the bed if you want. I'll--"

"I can sleep on the futon!" I immediately cut him off. "You're the owner, I'll just sleep on the floor."

"A-are you sure?" He seemed worried.

I nodded, arranging the extra pillows and snuggling into the futon. My body relaxed and felt heavy. "It's comfy enough." I felt a small smile spread on my face.

"Are you feeling better now?"

I nodded, shifting my gaze to him. "Better than earlier at least.."

Kageyama's tensed body relaxed and a soft smile spread on his face. "That's good to hear.."

He arranged his pillows and lied down. "I'm just glad you're okay." He was quiet for a while.

"Hey, Kageyama?"

"Hm?" His voice sounded drowsy with sleep.


A yawn. "For what?"

I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me slowly. "For being there when I really need it. For tonight.." A yawn escaped my lips as I heard Kageyama's steady breathing. "For helping out... Thank you.."



*Flashback: Hinata Year 2 Middle School*

"You scream," the man growls, hand over my mouth. "You won't leave here alive. Understood?"

I whimpered, nodding in fear.

His hands were everywhere. I held my tears, covering my mouth so I wouldn't scream out in pain.

I had thought we came into my room to have some quality time but now I've seen his true colors. No wonder Mom wanted to have a divorce.

"Five more minutes."

Someone save me.. Please.. I should just die here, shouldn't I? Help... Someone please!!


*End of Flashback*

Morning came around, and the sun came shining in. It was the weekend.

The worst time of the week. I hated it.


I grumbled, covering my face with the pillow.

"Wake up.."


The pillow got yanked away from my face which only made me bury my face into the futon.

"Wake. Up." A smack at the back of my head with a pillow.

"Leave me alone!!"


I jolted awake and turned around, only realizing I smacked Kageyama's face.

"Kageyama, I-"

He rubbed his cheek and chuckled a little. "It's okay. I've got some spare clothes for you. Hopefully it fits."

Embarrassed, I nodded. "I'll go and wash up."

As I was about to leave, he grabbed my hand and on instinct, I yanked it away. When I turned back, Kageyama's face was a mixture of both confusion and surprise.

"I was just going to ask if you were okay," he sounded, getting off the bed. "Because I heard you crying."

"I was.. Crying?"

He nodded. "Is there something you're not telling me or haven't told me?"

I was speechless. How was I supposed to tell him?


Promise (KageHina) [✨Completed✨]Where stories live. Discover now