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Kageyama p.o.v

After a light breakfast, I went out for my usual morning run to try and forget my worries.

But this is Hinata you're talking about.

Sighing, I decided to check up on him at his place. Jogging over, I took in the view. It looked peaceful. Just up ahead, I saw someone leaving his house. I stopped in my tracks and as I looked closer, I realized it was Hinats's father.

I continued jogging, bowing slightly when I passed him and jogged straight pass Hinata's house. Turning a corner, I hid and stayed there. I swore my heart nearly leaped out of my mouth.

I peeked slightly and saw that he was gone. He smelled of alcohol, though. He seemed to have drunk last night. I walked over to his place and knocked on the door.

The door opened and I was greeted by his mother.

"Kageyama-kun! Please, come in."

"Ah.. T-thank you." I opened my shoes and got in, "Is.. Hinata in?"

His mother seemed surprised by my question and she avoided my gaze. "He is.. But I don't think you want to disturb him right now.."

My heart sank. Something did happen last night. "What happened?"

She seemed to hesitate at first before showing me to his room. "Shoyo-kun... Kageyama's here."

There was a pause before he answered, voice muffled behind the door. "....Okay."

I heard rustling and a thud before he cracked open his door, peeking through.

"H-hey.. Kageyama," he greeted, avoiding my gaze.

I tried to look inside but his small body was blocking my view to his room. "Morning... How are you?"

"The usual."

Genuinely confused and worried, I tried to do a full body scan but to no avail.

"Did something happen to you?"

He smiled, though his eyes said different. "I'm fine." He looked as if he hadn't slept last night.

I didn't know what to say. Hinata seemed to be hurt somewhere but he wouldn't show.

Until I caught a glimpse of bandages on his arms and legs.

He attempted to close the door but I pushed it open, glaring at him.


He looked at me, startled by my sudden aggression. Of course I was agitated. He hid something important from me. Again!

I looked at him, straight in the eye while gripping the door. "What happened?"

"I-I.. N-nothing, alright!" He attempted to push me out but I gripped firmly to the door.

"The bandages on your arms and legs don't scream nothing to me! What happened?!"

He kept his mouth shut. He looked like he was begging for someone to get rid of the pain, to help him get away from all of this. He also looked scared.

"Kageyama, please... Just, leave me alone for today.."

I sighed, dropping my hand to the side. "Okay... Take care of yourself.. I'll see you later?"

Hinata finally looked at me, a blank expression on his face. "Maybe."

He shut his door and his mother came, looking tired and worried.

"Is he okay?"

I nodded, not meeting her gaze. "Yeah... He doesn't seem to want to talk about it. Well, I'll be off then.

I got out of the house, put on my shoes and went off. Practice starts in less than an hour so I went to grab my stuff back home and slow-jogged my way to school.

I hope Hinata's going to be okay...


I didn't see him at school the day after I visited him.

And the day after that too.

I didn't see him at school for three days until he decided to text everyone about his reasons.

I was walking to the club room when I felt my phone vibrate. I quickly whipped it out to see who had texted.

[Tangerine:] Sorry.. I know I should have told you but.. I won't be coming to school for a week. (sent at 2:05 pm)

I exhaled slowly, relief washing over me. He was okay.


*Kageyama's phone* (A/N: yeah, Tangerine is Hinata's contact name on the his phone. Hehe)

[Kageyama:] Do you want me to come over?

[Tangerine:] No.. It's fine... But if you want, come over. Tell Daichi-san for me.

[Kageyama:] About practice? Yeah, I will.

[Tangerine:] :)


I smiled. As long as he was okay, my heart felt more at ease.

"Did something happen to you Kageyama?" Daichi's familiar voice filled the room. "It's rare to see you smiling like that."

I looked up from my phone realizing what I had walked into. "Uh...."

"How's Hinata? He didn't text about not coming, did he?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "About that... He... Isn't well so... He won't be coming to school this entire week."

The whole room went silent. I could only hear my breathing, nothing else.

"But he's okay right?" Sugawara spoke up, breaking the silence. "Did he get a very bad flu or something..?"

I wasn't sure myself but I nodded either way. The club members seem to take it in slowly before the chattering began again in the room.

I bet it has something to do with his injuries.


A/N: I actually forgot that it's a Monday. Shit happened tonight... I thought I'd end my day on a good note but oh well... Anyway, there might not be an update next week but it depends on my mood :)

Stay safe, stay masked, stay home.


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