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*Kageyama's POV*

The line kept ringing but nobody answered. It had already been 3 days.

"Tobio-kun, dinner's ready!" My mother's voice cut through my thoughts. "Get down here!"

"Okay!!" I replied, tossing my phone onto my bed and letting out a heavy sigh. I grabbed it just in case and went to the dining room.

My sister seemed to have picked up on my agitation and decides to tease me about it. "Ooohh, was someone unable to reach his girlfriend?"

I frowned and poked her side. "Excuse me, it's nothing like that."

"Then... Boyfriend?" She wriggled her eyebrows.

I smacked her arm playfully. "Shut up. No. He's just a friend and I'm just worried for him."

She rolled her eyes. "Riiight."

I sticked my tongue out as a response and ate my dinner. Halfway through, my phone rang.

I picked it up.

"Hinata?" I heard shouting on the other side. My heart ached. "Are you okay?"

"Kageyama.." he whimpered. He seemed desperate to block out the noise. "Kageyama, I'm scared..."

Did he just... Cry? "Hinata, what's wrong? Do you need me to come over?" The shouting turned to screaming and from my guess, it seemed like he was hiding at the corner of his bedroom. What had gotten him so spooked?

"Kageyama..."  His voice was shaking.

"Where are you?"


I stood up and grabbed my jacket, opening the front door and grabbing my bike. "I'm heading over right now. Stay where you are."

I heard a soft okay before cutting the line off and getting on my bike, quickly cycling to his place.

Please.. please just hold on for a while more.

The ride to his place wasn't that long. When I reached his place, I saw a familiar bike.

A familiar figure came out with Hinata's sister, Natsu.

"Ah. Kageyama?"

"Sky?" I questioned. Then I remembered how scared Hinata sounded on the phone. "Hinata?"

"I think... He's in his room," she kneels down to reach the small girl's height. "Where's your brother?"

Natsu seemed to be shaken by whatever had happened, and from her voice, anyone could tell that she had cried.

"H-he's still.. Nii-chan's still inside his room," she hiccuped. "Near the window."

I got off my bike and let it drop to the ground as I sprinted to his room window. Sliding it open, I found him in the corner just as his sister had said.


The next thing I knew, he hugged me. He was relieved that I was there but I didn't know what happened that got him so spooked like that.

"C'mon, let's get you out of here."

I helped him climb out his window and the moment he was out, Hinata collapsed onto the ground and broke down. I immediately kneeled next to him, calming him down the best I can. He buried his face into my shoulder as I sat there, consoling him.

Then I heard him squeak, almost as if he didn't want anyone to hear.

"What?" I asked softly, pulling him away to look at him. "What is it?"

He was quiet for a while, his body still shaking. Then he took a deep breath. "Can I sleep over at your place for tonight? Please...?"

I nodded. "Yeah... Yeah sure."

"Natsu can stay with me for tonight," Sky sounded after a while, now carrying the sleeping girl. "You take Hinata back to your place, Kageyama."

I nodded and helped Hinata to his feet. We all walked back together, Sky making a short hike up a hill to reach her place while I pushed my bike with Hinata walking next to me.

It looks like I'll have to ask him another time.

Promise (KageHina) [✨Completed✨]Where stories live. Discover now