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Kageyama p.o.v

I stood there, horrified at the sight. Why.. was he just lying down there? What happened? Not only was he bleeding but he was foaming.. Around the corners of his mouth. Judging from the dried blood, it must have happened since last night.



Kageyama p.o.v, earlier that morning

I jolted awake to my alarm. I groaned and laid back down before taking my phone.

It was 6 in the morning and I opened my phone to 25 missed calls and 30 text messages from Hinata.

Panicking, I sat up in bed and texted him back.

I scrolled up past the previous messages and saw the reply he sent me when he had reached home.

[Hinata, 9:30pm:] I'm sorry if I've been cold to you... I just... I don't know how long more I can take this... The fake smiles.. The pretending... The lies... I've... Tried... To stay positive... To convince myself that things... Can get better.... But I just... Can't see it.... I just.... I give up, okay? I'm done. I don't want to feel this anymore... I don't... Want to ever feel like this again... So I'm sorry..

I re-read that paragraph more than 5 times. I scrolled through the rest of the text messages. It was him mostly him trying to get me to answer him.

Then I came across another paragraph. That was sent at 3 am.

I hoped it wasn't his last. I didn't dare to read it.

I gripped my phone until my knuckles turned white. Hinata... What did you do?

I sat, staring at my phone screen. I couldn't read it.

I didn't know how long I stayed in that position until my phone vibrated continuously, notifying me of an incoming call.

I picked it up and was greeted with a, "Kageyama?" She sounded scared and panicked.


"Kageyama, come to Hinata's place. Now."

My heart sank. Did something happen to him? "O-okay.. I'm on my way."

Washing up as quickly as I could, I grabbed my jacket and put on my shoes. It was a weekday but Hinata was more important.

School can wait.

I ran to his house as fast as I could, excusing myself as I barged into his home and could only stand in horror by his bedroom door as I saw Hinata lying still on the floor with his crying mother cradling him in her arms.

"H...Hinata...?" I managed to mutter under my breath as I stared at his still body. He wasn't breathing.

I didn't see his chest rise and fall.

I saw no signs that he was alive.

I knew, yet I refused to accept the fact that he was no longer there. Sky placed a hand on my shoulder as she walked past, leaving the room.

My knees buckled and gave in. I fell to the floor, feeling hot tears rolling down my cheeks. I was speechless. I couldn't say anything. I wanted to scream but no sound came out. My chest and throat tightened.

He was gone.

He's gone... And my last text to him was "Fine. Don't talk to me. Ignore me. Just great. I'm really glad you're finally dropping the act. Really glad."

Was all of this.... My fault? Why.... Why did it have to happen to you...? Why....?

I heard a heart-wrenching scream, one that was filled with pain and agony. I didn't know whether it was mine, Hinata's mother or Sky's. I just felt nothing but pain, hurt, grief and... Regret.

Where was I when he needed me... Where was I when he went through all of this.... Why did you... Have to... Do this... Hinata.... Why... You promised.... You promised.... You promised we were always going to be by each other's side..!!! You said... You kept your... Promises.... So why... Did you break... This one...

I let myself cry, each part of me coming off piece by piece as I buried my face in my arms.



Kageyama, elementary school



I locked eyes with his bright, cheerful orange eyes. "Promise me one thing."

He nodded, waiting eagerly resting his chin on his palms.

"Promise that we'll always stay by each other's side, no matter what happens," I offered my pinky as I looked away from him, to the sea. "We'll always go through thick and thin together."

I felt him shift his position and his small pinky interlocked with mine, making me even redder than before.

*End Flashback*


That was probably the last time I ever heard those words out of his mouth.

Those words that carried meaning back then.

I muttered under my breath, with a trembling voice.

"I.... P....promise....."


Promise (KageHina) [✨Completed✨]Where stories live. Discover now