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*Hinata pov*

I wish I was dead.


A spike in.

I want to disappear.

"Asahi, nice kill!!!"

No one will notice.

"OI BOKE!" A smack in the back of my head. "Pay attention to the ball will you??"

"Wha..?" I was startled, and confused as to why he smacked my head. We won, didn't we?

"Focus. On. The. Ball." Kageyama spelled out, emphasizing each word. "Are you okay?"

I smiled, even though I felt empty inside. "Yeah. Don't worry about it."

"Ah, Shoyo!" Nishinoya called out, eyes beaming. "That was an awesome recieve!! You've improved so much!"

Still keeping that smile, I thanked him. "Hehe.. thanks."

No one will notice if I'm gone.


*Kageyama's pov*

Hinata had left to get a refill but never came back after 5 minutes.

"Uhm.. Kageyama?" Yachi, our first-year manager, tugged at my shirt to get my attention. "Where's Hinata? I-it's been 5 minutes but he hasn't came back yet... I'm kinda worried."

You're not the only one. I sighed. "He's probably taking his time."

"But it's not like him to be this late," she pointed out, looking at her watch. "Shouldn't we at least look for him?"

Worried, I nodded. "Yeah... We probably should."

"I'll tell coach and bring him-"

"No!" Voice raised, the entire gym could hear me. "Ah.. I mean, no.. It'd be better if two of us searched for him. That way we can cover more ground."

Yachi seemed to agree with the idea and we both went to inform Coach about our search. Kiyoko-san had offered to help but we managed to convince her that we would be fine on our own.

We left the gym and went to look for Hinata. It was weird. We searched the school's courtyard, the field and the bathroom.

"Any sign of him?" Yachi looked anxious. "I didn't find him anywhere."

I shook my head. "No luck here.."

"Could he have... You know," she shifted her gaze. "Gone out of school?"

Why would he do that? "Maybe.. I'll go and look for him," I said while jogging out of the building. "Inform coach for me!!"

"Alright! Stay safe!!"

Where could he have gone? Hinata.. where did you go?


*Hinata pov*

Kageyama will probably beat me up for this..

I let the wind ruffle my hair, letting the smell of the ocean engulf me. I closed my eyes and listened to the waves. It was peaceful.

It's so quiet here. And it will probably be even quieter then. It would probably be better if I'm not around anyway.

I opened my eyes and let the view of the ocean below me fill my vision. The bright blue color, sparkling under the afternoon sun. I smiled, letting my tears fall. I wonder what it will be like once all of this is over... Maybe some peace. Some... Quiet.

I closed my eyes, making sure that view of the ocean is etched into my memory before it's over. I let my body go limp, letting everything go.


I opened my eyes and looked up to the hand that caught mine just before I plummeted onto the Earth. Kageyama's face filled my vision, his eyes teary and barely holding on.

"Hold... On.." he grunted. "Please..."

Seeing this made me forget about my surroundings and I let my guard down. Using whatever strength I had left, I grabbed onto his hand and held on, allowing him to pull me back up.

The moment my feet were back on flat surface, I let my mask down and hugged Kageyama, breaking down completely and burying my face into his shoulder.

"H-Hinata..?" His voice was soft, but it was good enough. I felt his hands go around my back and he returned the hug.

I held on, not letting go. "I'm sorry...."

Maybe.. Someone cares.. Even if it's not family.


Promise (KageHina) [✨Completed✨]Where stories live. Discover now