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*Kageyama's pov*

I finally caught sight of his orange hair.

Only to see him let go of the fence.

"Hinata!!" My body moved before I could think and I caught him just in time.

I couldn't lose him, not now and not ever. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

Having him in my arms again felt assuring. I hugged him back, afraid that if I let go, he'd disappear.


Back at the gym, Yachi came over to us the moment we stepped foot inside.

"Kageyama! Hinata! Are you okay?" She was genuinely worried.

Keeping his silence, Hinata nodded and walked over to the rest. Yachi and I stayed behind, her looking anxious.

"What happened?"

I sighed. Maybe I should tell someone. "Let's talk outside."

She nodded and we stepped outside of the gym, making sure no one listened in.

"Hinata..." I paused, trying to choose my words carefully. This is bad.. no one knows about his depression and insomnia. Should I even mention this to anybody?!

"It's okay if you don't want to say it on behalf of him," she sounded, her genuine smile somehow comforting me. "If he doesn't want to say anything, we don't have to force him to. You too. You can say it when you feel like it."

Hearing those words assured me even further. I could tell her something at least. "For starters.. Hinata tried to take his life."

Her eyes grew wide. "Is he okay?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't think he is.. There's something he isn't telling me but I don't want to force him into telling me."

"Then... The least we can do for him is to keep a lookout. We just need to be there for him when he needs it so he doesn't feel alone. Does that make you feel better? I can help if you want too."

I allowed myself to smile and relax. "Yes.. it helps. Thank you, Yachi-san."

Yachi smiled widely. "No problem."

Feeling better after talking to her, we headed back inside for another round of practice.



I faced him, square in the eyes. "What the hell were you thinking?! You not only made me worry, you made Yachi-san worried. Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei were worried. Kiyoko-san too!! Our senpais, the second and third years, were worried about you! What is it that you're not telling me?!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Hinata.." I sighed. "Please... Tell me, what's wrong?"

Before I knew it, he was crying. I offered a hug, and he took it. Hinata was always smiling. He smiled that you'd think there was nothing wrong.

"I don't know what to do..." He murmured, voice muffled in my clothes. "I'm scared Kageyama.."

"It's okay.. I'm here," I buried my face in his hair. "You didn't forget our promise did you?"

I felt him shake his head. "N-no.. I haven't."

I smiled a little, out of relief. "Good.. Then you can tell me anything, you know that right? So don't suffer on your own.. Please?"

"I won't.." Hinata mumbled. "I promise."

I can't lose you... I won't be able to live with the regret for the rest of my life.


Promise (KageHina) [✨Completed✨]Where stories live. Discover now